


DNS server unable to interpret format.

DNS server failure.

DNS name does not exist.

DNS request not supported by name server.

DNS operation refused.

DNS name that ought not exist, does exist.

DNS RR set that ought not exist, does exist.

DNS RR set that ought to exist, does not exist.

DNS server not authoritative for zone.

DNS name in update or prereq is not in zone.

DNS signature failed to verify.

DNS bad key.

DNS signature validity expired.

No records found for given DNS query.

Bad DNS packet.

No DNS packet.

DNS error, check rcode.

Unsecured DNS packet.

Invalid DNS type.

Invalid IP address.

Invalid property.

Try DNS operation again later.

Record for given name and type is not unique.

DNS name does not comply with RFC specifications.

DNS name is a fully-qualified DNS name.

DNS name is dotted (multi-label).

DNS name is a single-part name.

DSN name contains an invalid character.

DNS name is entirely numeric.

DNS zone does not exist.

DNS zone information not available.

Invalid operation for DNS zone.

Invalid DNS zone configuration.

DNS zone has no start of authority (SOA) record.

DNS zone has no name server (NS) record.

DNS zone is locked.

DNS zone creation failed.

DNS zone already exists.

DNS automatic zone already exists.

Invalid DNS zone type.

Secondary DNS zone requires master IP address.

DNS zone not secondary.

Need secondary IP address.

WINS initialization failed.

Need WINS servers.

NBTSTAT initialization call failed.

Invalid delete of start of authority (SOA)

A conditional forwarding zone already exists for that name.

Primary DNS zone requires datafile.

Invalid datafile name for DNS zone.

Failed to open datafile for DNS zone.

Failed to write datafile for DNS zone.

Failure while reading datafile for DNS zone.

DNS record does not exist.

DNS record format error.

Node creation failure in DNS.

Unknown DNS record type.

DNS record timed out.

Name not in DNS zone.

CNAME loop detected.

Node is a CNAME DNS record.

A CNAME record already exists for given name.

Record only at DNS zone root.

DNS record already exists.

Secondary DNS zone data error.

Could not create DNS cache data.

DNS name does not exist.

Could not create pointer (PTR) record.

DNS domain was undeleted.

The directory service is unavailable.

DNS zone already exists in the directory service.

DNS server not creating or reading the boot file for the directory service integrated DNS zone.

DNS AXFR (zone transfer) complete.

DNS zone transfer failed.

Added local WINS server.

Secure update call needs to continue update request.

TCP/IP network protocol not installed.

No DNS servers configured for local system.

The specified directory partition does not exist.

The specified directory partition already exists.

The DS is not enlisted in the specified directory partition.

The DS is already enlisted in the specified directory partition.

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