


​春节:the Spring Festival

时间:the first day of the first lunar month


★腊八粥:laba porridge

★小年夜:Preliminary Eve

★贴剪纸:paste paper-cuts

★贴春联:paste/stick on the Spring Festival couplets

★除夕夜:the Spring Festival Eve

★春节联欢晚会:the Spring Festival Gala

★拜年: pay New Year visits

★放鞭炮:burn firecrackers

★放烟花:light fireworks

★压岁钱:lucky money for the Spring Festival


There was a monster called nian in Chinese ancient time. He stayed at the bottom of the sea all year round and climed up to the shore on New Year's Eve to devoure domestic animals and people. So on that day, people from all villages would flee to the remote mountains to avoid being killed. 

One New Year's Eve, people in the Blossom Village flew to the moutains to avoid the monster nian. And a beggar came to the village. One grandmother gave him some food and told him to leave the village but the beggar refused and guaranteed the grandmother nothing would happen if she would let him stay in her house for a night. Thereupon, the grandmother left him and flew away.

Around midnight the monster nian came and found that it was strange because the house of the grandmother was illuminated and some bright red paper stuck on the doors. Being shocked, the monster nian rushed to that house angrily. When he was about to make a ponuce on that house, there came all of a sudden the exploding sounds of bang-bong. The monster nian was scared and flew away.

They were so happy, so they put on their new clothes and went to the relatives and friends to send regards and congratulations.

元宵节:the Lantern Festival

时间:the fifteenth day of the first lunar month


★灯笼展:grand display of beautiful lanterns

★做冰灯:make ice lanterns

★吃汤圆/元宵:eat tangyuan/yuanxiao/rice dumplings

★猜灯谜:guess riddles on the lanterns

清明节:Qingming Festival/Tomb-Sweeping Day

时间:the fourth to sixth day in April


★扫墓:sweep tomb

uproot weeds in the gravesites, wipe tombstones, decorate the tombstone with fresh flowers, set out the food and paper gifts(including paper money, house, furniture, household electric appliances,etc)

★放风筝:fly kites

★荡秋千:play on the swing

★吃寒食:eat cold food(now vanished)

端午节:the Dragon Boat Festival

时间:the fifth day of the fifth lunar month


★吃粽子:eat zongzi

★赛龙舟:dragon boat racing

★喝雄黄酒:drink realgar wine

★挂艾蒿:hang wormwood

★带香袋:carry fragrant pouches


Quyuan lived in the Warring States period in ancient China, at that time, seven states fight against each other. And Quyuan was a minister and a poet in the State of Chu, which is claimed to be a more powerful state among the seven states. In face of the great pressure from the powerful state of Qin, Quyuan advocated riching the country and strenthening the military forces. But this policy shook the interests of the aristocrats, so they opposed that. And thus Quyuan was deposed and exiled by the King Huai. In exile, Quyuan still cared much about his country.

When he heard that the Qin troops had finally conqured Chu states, he finished his last poem and jumped into Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. On hearing the news, people went to Miluo River to pay their respect to the great poet. The fisherman sailed their boats up and down to look for his body. And in order to divert fishes and shrimpes from attacking Quyuan's body, people threw zongzi into the river.

七夕节: the Double Seventh Day

时间:the seventh day of the seventh lunar month


The Double Seventh Day is also called Chinese Valentines' Day. It is said that in Chinese ancient time, there were a cowboy called Niulang and a weaver maid named Zhinv. While Niulang had a kind heart but lived a miserable life. He had no companion but an old ox.  And Zhinv was served for the Empress of Heaven. One day, Zhinv came down to the earth and met Niulang. They falled in love with each other and got married. Then Zhinv gave birth to a boy and a girl. 

But this was discovered by the Empress of Heaven. She got angry. So she ordered the troops in heaven to bring Zhinv back. With the help of the old ox, Niulang could fly to the sky with his two children. And when he was about to catch up with Zhinv, the Empress of Heaven took one of her hairpins and draw a line in the sky. Immediately it became a celestrial. Niulang and Zhinv could just looked at each other. Their love story moved the magpines. Tens of thousands of magpines flew there to make a bridge for them to go across the river. Finally, the Empress of Heaven was touched and allowed them to meet each other one day in a year. It was the Double-Seventh Day. 

重阳节:the Double Ninth Day

时间:the ninth day of the ninth lunar month


★赏美景:go out and enjoy the scene

★登高爬山:climb mountains

★赏菊:appreciate chrysanthemum

★吃重阳糕点:eat chongyang pastry

★喝菊花茶:drink chrysanthemun wine

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