

人文湖南 | 慢品社区老房子 · 瞿维、寄明旧居 复兴西路34号


瞿维、寄明旧居位于复兴西路34号卫乐公寓,原名卫乐精舍,建于1934年,赉安洋行设计,占地面积1720平方米,建筑面积3797平方米,汽车间附屋802平方米, 属现代点式建筑风格的公寓住宅。建筑为十三层钢筋混凝土结构,两翼跌落一层,立面对称,竖三段布置,中间凸出,设一串挑出的半圆阳台为构图中心,两边为卧入式阳台形成竖向线条。水泥砂浆外墙,立面中部竖线条及突出的半圆阳台为暗红色粉刷,其余部分为浅黄色粉刷,山墙顶部及南侧有重复线条装饰,楼前有小花园。









中华人民共和国成立后从事电影音乐创作。1955年调任上海电影制片厂,先后为《李时珍》、《凤凰之歌》、《春满人间》、《金沙江畔》、《燕归来》等20余部影片作曲。由她作曲的还有电影《英雄小八路》主题歌《我们是共产主义接班人》( 后定为《中国少年先锋队队歌》) 以及《给解放军叔叔洗衣裳》、《少年,少年, 祖国的春天》等少儿歌曲。









瞿维、寄明 (钱定华画)▲ 

QU Wei and JI Ming

QU Wei (1917-2002), music composer, has his ancestral family from Changzhou in Jiangsu province and had a former name of QU Shixiong. In 1933, he studied at the Department of Teachers of New China Art College in Shanghai. In 1938, he joined theCPC. In October in the next year, he went to the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region.

In 1940, he worked as a teacher at the Music Department of LU Xun Art Academy at Yan’an. After the victory of the War against Japanese Invasion he went to liberated areas in the Northeast. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, he served in succession as music composer of Northeast Film Studio and Central News Documentary Film Studio, composer of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, vice chairman of Chinese Musicians Association, and chairman of Shanghai Musicians Association. His first major work is the opera with title of The White- haired Girl, completed in collaboration with others. His other representative works include a piano music Flower Drum, a symphonic poem Monument of the People’s Heroes, a song The Working Class Have Hard Bones, film music A Revolutionary Family, and dance drama music The White-haired Girl.

JI Ming (1917-1997), music composer, has her ancestral family from Huaian in Jiangsu province and she was formerly knownas WU Yazhen. In the early years, she graduated from Shanghai National Academy of Music. In 1939, she went to Yan’an. In 1942, she joined the CPC. Once she worked as teacher in both LU Xun Art Academy at Yan’an and Northeast LU Xun Art Academy as well as deputy head of Mudan River LU Xun Art Group. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, she engaged herself in the creation of film music.

In 1955, she was transferred to Shanghai Film Studio and composed music in succession for over 20 films such as LI Shizhen, Song of the Phoenix, Spring Reigns Everywhere, Along the Jinsha River and Swallow Coming Back. She is also the composer of the theme song We Are the Successors of Communism (later identified as China Youth Vanguard Team Song) of the film A Little Hero of the Eighth Route Army, as well as Washing Clothes for the PLA Uncles and Youth as the Spring of the Nation. All these songs are for children.

The Origin of the

“China Youth Vanguard Team Song”

In 1955, JI Ming was transferred from Beijing to Shanghai Film Studio and served in succession as deputy director of the music creation office and team leader of music composer. During this period, she created theme songs for many films, including LI Shizhen, Ordinary Cause, Song of the Phoenix, Story of Luban and Along the Jinsha River.

In 1958, artillery battles took place between Xiamen and Jinmen, which allowed people to know the story that 13 pupils from Hecuo Primary School in Xiamen ran through the fire to support the front.

A year later, WANG Tiancheng, a teacher of Chinese language in the Third High School of Xiamen, wrote the drama A Little Hero of  the Eighth Route Army according to their stories. This attracted the attention of the ZHOU Yuhui, a drama writer, in Shanghai. He adapted the drama into the script of a film with the same title. Shanghai Tianma Film Studio decided to produce this film out of it and gave the task of composing the theme song to JI Ming.

One day, she and her husband, another music composer talked together about the theme song at home at No. 34 on the West Fuxing Road. In order to create one which can truly reflect the facts on which the film was based on and the ideological and emotional changes of the characters, the music composer suggested she should go to collect materials on the spot to enrich materials. She adopted the suggestion and made a special trip to Xiamen so that she found those “little heroes supporting the front”who had been studying in junior high schools, listening to their heroic stories at that time when they braved gunfire to go to the battlefields and send food and boiled water to the PLA. She was moved from time to time by the children for their selflessness and the courage to march forward. While listening, she was looking for the melody which best embodies the theme of the film.

Towards the end of material collection, a passionate, rhythmic and highly undulating tune lingered in her ears, so she picked up pen to write quickly and the theme song We Are the Successors of Communism was accomplished in a breath. Bring the music back home, she immediately hummed it to her children. While they were learning to sing, they also commented that it was nice.

In 1961, the film A Little Hero of the Eighth Route Army was officially released. The theme song, with its distinctive and vibrant music image, was favored by children. In 1978, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League officially identified this song as China Youth Pioneer Team Song after seeking the views of the masses and experts. In 1980, this song won the second national award of children’s literature and art creation award.

信息来源:《200031 — 一个历史街区的文化记忆》

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