


I'm 24 years old living in India. I had a nice job, nice car, nice hair.Still no girlfriend like Neha. Every relationship started with great expectations and ended in great depression. Have you had problems in your relationships? How did you fix it?


Contest Chair, Ladies and gentleman: When I was 24, I still waiting for Cupid to shoot the arrow and find me the perfect partner. Guess what? It seems Cupid doesn't live in India. So I went to the one woman I trust: my mama.There she was, sitting on the floor doing yoga. "Mama, I want a wife!" She said,"No proplem. We can fix it." Ladies and gentleman, did you hear what my mama said? She said we can fix it.That's right, my mother was offering to find a bride for me. She immediately picked up the phone and started calling all her friends looking for potential brides.


Soon arrangements were made for my meeting with the first prospect. There she was. Wow! She looked like a movie star from Bollywood. She looked at me like I was George Clooney.


Didn't they say I have nice hair? I imagined spending the rest of my life holding her hand, listening to music and doing yoga. Cupid has shot the arrow and we fall in love. Four weeks later, on July  the 4th, we got married. On American's Independence Day, I lost my independence. Only after our marriage I realized she was not only smart. She was also very hot-tempered. Just like me.  We had problems.


She liked outdoors, I liked indoors. She loved swimming, I feard drowning. She liked cooking, I like to tell her how I missed my Mama"s cooking. We had problems of the problems.


I used logic, I used emotion, I even showed her a role model. Why. Can't you just be perfect like me?


Within six months we grew apart. There was no holding of hands. No music. No Yoga. Looking for solutions, I read the top 20 books on relationships. Guess what? They don't work. Then I asked my friend Jay. He just had his divorce. Jay said,"Man, life is short. Don't suffer, separate." "No, Jay, I just want to fix it." "Exactly!My lawyer will fix it."

6个月之后我们分了。不再牵手,没有音乐,没有瑜伽。为了找到解决方式,我读了最佳图书20,关于本人际关系的。你猜怎么着?没用。然后我就问我好友,杰,他刚离婚。杰说:“哥们,人生短暂,不要痛苦了,分吧。” “不,杰,我只想搞定它。” “对呀,我的律师能搞定!”

I called my Mama. Guess what she said? We can fix it! Next day she spoke to both of us. Here is what she said," You will never find a partner who is 100 percent perfect. It doesn't matter whether you pick your partner or someone else fix for you. Most people think that they fall in love because of Cupid's arrow, but in reality, what keeps you in love is Cupid's bow and the string. You see the bow and the string have a great partnership: The more the string pulls back, the more the bow bends. Ego is what pulls the string, still the might bow bends because it cares for the partner. If she pulls, you bend. If you pull, she bends. If both of you decide to pull less and bend more, the partnership survives. That the only way you can fix any relationship. " When I look back to my strained relationships and lost friendships, I understood Mama's wisdom. The core problem was my unwillingness to bend more, to adjust, to attempt to accept, to pull less. Since that day I changed my ways.

我给我妈打电话。你猜她怎么说?我们能搞定!第二天,她和我俩谈话。这是她说的:“你们都永远不能找到百分之百完美的伴侣,不管是你去找,还是皮恶人给你介绍。大多数人认为他们相爱是中了丘比特之箭,但是现实生活中,让你们持续相爱的是弓和绳。你看到弓和绳有很好的合作关系:绳子越往后拉,弓越弯曲。” 拉那个绳的是自我,那个有力量的弓仍会弯曲,因为它在乎对方。如果她拉,你就弯。如果你拉,她就弯。如果你们两个都少些强硬,多些忍让,关系就好了。这是能搞定所有关系的唯一方法。当我回顾紧张的婚姻关系和失去的友谊时,我明白了妈妈的智慧。核心问题是我在去多些低头,去调整,去尝试接受,去少些执拗方面的不情愿。那天之后,我改变了我的方式。

When she wanted to go out, I joined her. When she wanted to swim, I joined her at the shallow end. When I became nice, she became nicer. Soon, she started cooking better than Mama. last month my wife, Sindhu and I celebrated our aniversary for the 17th time with our two children. Yes, that's the same wife. My dear friends, what do you think? Are we now perfect partners? No. Do we still fight? Yes. The difference is that now even we fight, we are holding hands. My dear friends, if you have any problem in any relationships, try to pull less and bend more. If you do. I'm sure we can fix it.



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