

World Economic Forum - Financing for Development
Further to the Monterrey Consensus, the World Economic Forum in partnership with the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), organized a series of multistakeholder expert consultations during 2004-05. The focus was to take a closer look at two dimensions:

1) Harnessing public private partnerships (PPPs) as vehicles to extend the reach and effectiveness of development assistance
2) Adapting multilateral development banks (MDBs) and bilateral aid agencies to the challenge of catalysing greater domestic and foreign private investment in developing countries

For a full and printable project overview please follow this link: Project overview (PDF; 2 pgs; 43k)

The multilateral development banks (MDBs) segment of this project looked at the untapped potential of development finance insititutions to catalyse private investment. It addressed the role of development finance institutions such as the multilateral development banks (MDBs) and bilateral aid agencies to unlock the potential for development-oriented investments by expanding regulatory and contractual risk mitigation activity and supporting development of domestic capital markets including securitization products.

Executive Summary Report (23 pgs; 900k) : Final Report (89 pgs, 1465 KB) : Press Release

Media coverage from The Times

The public-private partnerships (PPPs) segment of this project looked at how PPPs have contributed to poverty reduction and what the key success factors and obstacles for PPPs are with a special focus on water, health and education. Recommendations involved questions of improving the climate for private investment in poor countries and expanding and improving development assistance.

The public-private partnerships (PPPs) segment released its report in September 2005 on the
occasion of the United Nations 2005 World Summit in New York:
Executive summary (20 pages; 263k) I Final report (125 pages; 1617k) I Press release

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)

- Thoroughly analyse existing public-private partnerships in developing countries.
- Create a database for efficient data management.
- Organize a series of 6 structured workshops in three areas (health, education and water) within one year inviting experts from official and private sectors as well as academia and civil society.
- Publish and launch a report detailing guidance and public-private success factors that will be of practical use to governments, businesses, NGO’s and philanthropic foundations.

Risk Mitigation (Global Information Clearinghouse)
Assess and enhance the adequacy and efficacy of multilateral development banks and aid agencies to cofinance, guarantee, and provide trade financing or other risk mitigation tools to improve the climate for private investments in poor countries and to bring financial capacity building to scale.

For more information on the Financing for Development initiative please contact ppp@weforum.org

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