





l  1.cover

l  河南人→

l  盖子→覆盖;

l  脚盖路→行走;

l  采访付覆包含;关于占用看完;


l   We needed to cover another 30 miles before it got dark.


l  All the furniture was covered with dust.


l  Be cover...with... 用……盖住…… 强调状态

l  be covered by…  被覆盖  强调动作

l  [针对训练] 写出下列句子中黑体部分的汉语意思

l  (1)Her lectures covered the subject thoroughly.


l  (2)The exhibition covers an area of 1, 000 square metres.


l  (3)Those figures might not even cover the cost of damage.

l  (4)He did cartoons and covers for the New Yorker magazine.


l  (5)Much of the country is covered by forest.


l  (6)We will send the best journalist to cover the whole game.

l   2. admit v.承认; 准许进入; 接纳;


l  You should have the courage to admit making/having made mistakes.


l  The exams are likely to work out as expected and my dream to be admitted to/into my favorite university will come true.

l   承认做了某事→ Admit doing sth

l   [针对训练] 单句语法填空

l  (1)Joe is proud and stubborn, never ____(admit) he is wrong and always looking for someone else to blame.

l  (2)He admitted ______(cheat) in the exam.

l  (3)We all admit him _____(be) foolish.

l  (4)Do they charge for _______(admit)?

l  3.  take off


l   (脱离地面)起飞;

l  (超脱)开始成功;

l  (脱衣)迅速流行;

l       (脱缰)匆匆离开;

l        (脱产)休假

l   [针对训练] 写出下列句子中黑体部分的汉语意思

l  (1)The plane took off on time.


l  (2)She asked to take two days off the following week.


l  (3)He took off his coat as soon as he entered his room.


l  (4)Her singing career took off after her TV appearance.

l   4.  take + 介词类词组总结(取决于介词)

l   take in

l  Take away

l  Take back

l  Take down

l  Take over

l  Take on

l  Take up

l  Take in  吸收,理解,收容,欺骗

l  In 啥意思? Take 拿

l  拿进去

l  1.  知识进去→吸收理解

l  2.   流浪汉进去→ 收容

l  3.  啥都信进去→ 欺骗

l  Take away  拿走,夺走

l  Away 啥意思→ 走,离开

l   take away 文明拿→ 拿走

l  Take away 野蛮拿→ 夺走

l  Take back

l  Back 啥意思?回

l  拿回→收回,带回

l  记忆拿回→回忆起

l  Take down

l  写下

l  卸下

l  Take on

l  具有

l  呈现

l  承担

l   take up

l  举起

l  从事

l  占据

l   take over

l  接管

l  接任


(1)They prepared to take_down what he would say in shorthand.

(2)I had better take_along  some cash.They don't accept cards.

(3)He took_off  at once and headed back to the motel.

(4)Take_back  what you said about Jeremy!

5. approach  vt.接近, 靠近; 找(某人)商量; 着手处理n.接近; 通路; 方法; 步骤

l  approached him about/on filling the manager's job.


l  At the approach of the final exam, most of us stay up late to study.


l  The approach to dealing with the problem has been changed since last year.

l  [针对训练] 按题目要求改写,同义表达填空

l  (1)With the time for graduation approaching, we are busy with our papers.

l  ①With_the_time_for_graduation_just_____the_corner,_we_are_busy_with_our_papers.

l  (用corner短语改写)

l  ②As_the_time_for_graduation_is_approaching/_______near,we_are_busy_with_our_papers.

l  (用as引导的时间状语从句改写)

l  (2)When we approached the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height.(用现在分词短语作时间状语改写,填空)

l  _______(Approach)_the_city_center,_we_saw_a_stone_statue_of_about_10_meters_in_height.

l  单句改错

l  (3)The job market has changed and our approach to find work must change as well.

l  短语:

l  An approach to (doing) sth  做某事的一种方式=a way/means of ding sth

l  6.重点短语

l  get away from摆脱; 离开; 逃脱

l  I don't know how they manage to get away with paying such low wages.

l  Get 类短语

l  Get over 克服

l  Get through

l  接通,通过,完成

l  Get down to do sth 脚踏实地做某事

l  Get around=go around=walk around 到处走

l  Get across=understand=clarify   理解 和 解释清楚

l   [针对训练] 短语填空

l  get away from, get across, get over, get around, get down to

l  (1)She gets_around with the help of a stick.


l  (2)Have you got_over the scare you had yesterday?


l  (3)He sometimes has trouble getting his meaning across in English.


l  (4)She got_away_from the dog but she had bite marks on her leg.


l  (5)Anyway, we're here now, so let's get_down_to some serious work.

l  7. put 类词组

l  put up

l  修建;

l  举起;

l  架起;

l  张贴;

l  (为……)提供膳宿;

l  提高(价钱) 

l  put away  储存(钱); 把……收拾起来

l  put forward  提出(意见、建议)

l  put down  记下; 写下

l  put...in/into  把……放进……

l  put on  穿上; 戴上; 表演

l  put off  推迟, 拖延

l  put out  扑灭(火); 放出, 摆出; 生产; 出版

l  put up with  忍受; 忍耐; 受苦

l  [针对训练] 写出下列句子中黑体部分的汉语意思

l  (1)She put up a notice about the school trip to Italy.


l  (2)Several of the banks have decided to put up their interest rates.


l  (3)I was wet before I could put my umbrella up.


l  (4)Would you be able to put me up for the night when I come to London?


l  (5)It was Clare who first put up the idea of a concert to raise money for the school.


l  (6)John was in the garden putting a fence up.

l  翻译

l  (7)He has put_forward/put_up new peace proposals.

l  (8)On Christmas Eve, we put_up some balloons to add to the festival atmosphere.

l  (9)Hong Kong residents say they can no longer put_up_with  the ongoing occupy central protests which greatly influenced their daily life and local business, and ask the protestors to withdraw from the streets.

l  (10)When the others had gone, Mary remained and put_back  the furniture.

l  8. aim类

l   take aim at...

l  with the aim/purpose/target of...

l  aim at/be aimed at (doing) sth. 

l  aim to do sth. 

l  aimless adj. 

l  aimlessly adv. 

l  [针对训练] 单句语法填空

l  (1)This activity is aimed at _____(improve) the students'  ability of listening and speaking.

l  (2)I don‘t know __ (介词) whom the Minister's remarks were aimed, but he ought not to say such things.

l  (3)His brother aims _____(be) a policeman.

l  (4)Never do anything without aim, or you'll gain nothing.

l  完成句子

l  (5)格林先生拜访中国的目的是参观长城。

l  Mr.Green visited China with_the_aim_of_seeing he Great Wall.

l  单句改错

l  (6)When shooting an arrow, one must aim the target.

l  aim后加at

l  (7)Now we have to take the aim at the problem and try to get it solved.

l  去掉第一个the

l  9. used =想当年,用过,习惯了

l  想当年我也是一个大帅哥,如今习惯了被岁月摧残。 我总是被人利用。

l  用 be used to be和

l  Be used to doing 造句

l  I used to be a handsome boy, but now I get used to being cursed by time.

l  Someone I used to know.

l  [针对训练] 单句语法填空


l  (1)She used ____(wash) dishes in a restaurant.


l  (2)You'll soon get used to ____(speak) in public.

l  (3)The information is used to_develop(develop) games and quizzes for the site.

l  10. contain v.s include


l    [针对训练] 

l  选词填空- include or contains

l  (1)Our six­city tour includes a visit to London.


l  (2)This book ____all the information you need.

l  单句语法填空

l   (3)He was so sad that he could hardly contain _____(he) on hearing the news of death of his son.

l  (4)The cats were fed a normal diet, ______(contain) 20% protein.

l  11. come 类

l  Come up 走近; 上来;

l  被提出, 被提及(无被动形式)

l  Come up with a brilliant idea

l   come about 发生; 产生

l   come across (偶然)遇到或发现; 被理解

l   come out 出来; 出版

l   come to 来到(某地); 加起来总共;

l   When it comes to... 当涉及/谈到……

l   [针对训练] 选短语填空

l  (1)The sky was dark blue when the moon ___.

l  (2)I _____ an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning.

  (3)Several of the members have ____ suggestions of their own.

l  (4)There's a barbecue tonight and you're very welcome ____.

l  (5)That _____ when we went to New York last year.

l  12. access 进入,使用

l  Access to

l  Be accessible to

l   [针对训练] 一句多译

l  (1)药品不应放在孩子们拿得到的地方。

l  ①Medicine_should_not_be_kept_where_it_is_accessible_


l  ②Medicine_should_be_kept_where_it_is_out_of_children's_range.(range)

l  ③Medicine_should_be_kept_where_it_is_out_of_children's_reach.(reach)

l  以下为必修2


  [针对训练] 单句语法填空

l  (1)He is the right person fit for the job.

l  (2)The books are fit for children to_read(read).

l   (3)Your behavior wasn't suited(suit) to that occasion.

l  (4)Production of the goods must fit in with the needs of the society.




l   [针对训练] 用injure的正确形式填空

l  (1)The driver of the car received serious injuries to the legs and arms.

l  (2)The young woman entered the pool where an injured dolphin was swimming.

l   (3)She injured herself while skating last week.

l  (4)A bottle of acid flew into the streets, injuring 24 people.

l  (5)The injured were being taken good care of.

15. As

l   as引导的状语从句类型:

l  方式  “按照, 如同”。

l  时间 “当……时候; 一边……一边……; 随着”。

l  原因 “因为; 既然”。

l  让步 “尽管”。

l  因既按,如尽管。

l   [针对训练] 翻译


l  (1)Young_as_he_is(__________), he has travelled to many countries.

l  (2)They sang songs as_they_were_doing_farm_work(____________).

l   (3)When in Rome, do_as_the_Romans_do(_______________).

l  (4)As_is_known_to_us_all/As_we_all_know(_________________), the earth goes around the sun.

16. addict

l   3.addict n.对(药物等)上瘾的人; 瘾君子 vt.使上瘾

l  Teenagers who are addicted to the Internet are more likely to suffer from depression.


l  Some students are now fighting their addiction to computer games.

l   [针对训练] 用addict的正确形式填空


l  (1)The boy became ________to computer games and didn't want to study.


l  (2)She helped him fight his drug _______.

l  (3)I took up skiing a couple of years ago and I found it quite addictive.


l  (4)They are rock music addicts.

17. Break 类动介词组

l  break in 插入,闯入


l  Break out 爆发,突发


l  Break through 突破

l  Break down 垮掉,崩溃,分解


l  Break up 破碎,分手(散),


l  Break off  折断,


l  Break away from   从… 摆脱,


18. Give 类动介词组

l  Give in 屈服    Give out 用尽,分布   Give up  放弃 Give off 发出,发散

l  Give away 泄露,给出

19. 组成类


l   [针对训练] 单句语法填空

l  (1)His daughter was admitted by that university _______________

l  (compose) of five colleges and one graduate school, which made him proud.

l  (2)The teacher singled out one __________(compose) for class discussion.

l  (3)Business processes can be composed _____services and other business processes.

20. Stand 类动介词组

l  Stand up

l  Stand aside

l  Stand by

l   stand out

l  Stand doing sth

l  Stand for


21. 表示原因的词

l   because



l  记住他们干嘛用?

l  做啥题?

 22.come类 动介词组

l   come on 别介,加油,得了吧,拜托。


l  Come along 一起,出现,参加,进展


l  Come about=happen=occur 发生=take place

l  Come across 偶遇,说清楚

l  Come out of 从.. 中出来

l  Come out  出现,出版,出花,出丑

l  [针对训练] 写出下列句子中黑体部分的汉语意思

l  The book written by Mo Yan comes out this week.

l  It is a long time before the truth of the matter came out.

l  (3)So what makes a good marriage? Faithfulness comes out top of the list.

l   (4)The sun came out.

l  (5)The flowers which are coming out look so beautiful in the sun.

l  用come短语的正确形式填空

l  (6)Can you tell me how the accident came____ ?

l  (7)Come_off_it!We all know that's not true.

l  (8)Come___,_darling, we'll be late.

l  (9)She came_______some old photographs in a drawer.

23. 绝对词-最高级表达



l   [针对训练] 一句多译

l  汤姆是他班上最聪明的学生。

l  (1)Tom is more intelligent than any_other student in his class.

l  (2)Tom is more intelligent than any_of the other students in his class.

l  (3)Tom is more intelligent than all the_other students in his class.

 (4)Tom is more intelligent than anyone else in his class.

l  (5)No_one is as intelligent as Tom in his class.

l  (6)No one is more intelligent than Tom in his class.

l  (7)Tom is the_most intelligent student in his class.




l  Range

l  n.山脉; 排; (知识等的)范围; 射程;

l  变化, 变动

l  Range from a to b


l  [针对训练] 写出下列句子中黑体部分的词性及汉语意思

l  (1)The food prices will have an increase in the range of 7 to 10 percent.   n.

l   (2)The land has high mountain ranges and deep valleys.   n.

l  (3)Estimates of the damage range between $1 million and $5 million.    vt.

l  单句语法填空

l  (4)Costs range from 50 to several hundred pounds.

l  (5)If the target was farther than fifty metres, then it was out of range.

l  (6)We have a range of men's shirts on special offer.

l  完成句子

l  (7)该物体进入了我的视野。

l  It came in/within_the_range_of my vision.


l  Sign

l  签字

l  手势

l  符号

l  迹象


l  辨析

l  Sign

l  Signal

l  Mark  马克,到此一游

l  Symbol 象征-文化

l   [针对训练] 选词填空

(1)He made a mark on the box with a pencil so that he could find it again easily.

(2)A green light on a traffic signal means you can continue on your way.

 (3)She shows no sign of being interested.

(4)White has always been a symbol of purity in Western cultures.

Sign up, sign in, sign out

l  用sign短语的正确形式填空

l  (5)MIT President Susan Hockfield said more than 120,000 people signed__for the first MITx course.


l  (6)When attending class, you must sign___ when entering the classroom, and sign____ when leaving the classroom.


l  Figure

l  飞鸽儿

l  数字

l  图形

l  人物

l  身材


l  认为

l   [针对训练] 写出下列句子中黑体部分的汉语意思

l  (1)She has a good figure.

l  (2)By 2014, this figure had risen to 14 million.

l  (3)Chairman Mao is an important political figure.

l  (4)It is a waxwork figure.

l  单句语法填空

l  (5)This doesn't mean trying to figure out what's wrong with the other person.

l  (6)Every woman wants a slim figure these days, especially here in the cities.


l   close

l  Close down 歇菜

l  Close up

l  靠近,特写

l   close in

l  包围

l   [针对训练] 翻译

l  (1)We are close friends.

l  (2)The boy followed his mother closely.

l  (3)Don't stand so _close___to her.

l  (4)I got close enough to_hear(hear) them speaking Chinese, and I said “Ni Hao” just as I might do in China.

l  (5)When I saw her closeup,_I realised she wasn't Jane.


l  Strike

l  Struck

l  Striken

l  (雷电、暴风雨等)袭击; 突然想到;

l   敲钟; 擦燃(火柴); 打动 n.

l  V.  罢工

l   [针对训练] 写出下列句子中黑体部分的汉语意思

l  (1)The clock has just struck 10.

l  (2)He hit me, so I struck him back.

l  (3)The girl struck a match and lit a candle.

l   (4)She was struck by his kindness.

l  (5)They have been on strike for several days.

l  (6)A big earthquake struck the area last week.


l   pick

l  Pick up

l  卷起; 掀起; 捡起;

l  接收(信号);

l  偶学会;

l  收拾;

l  开车接(人);

l  (健康、生意等)好转, 恢复; 买到


l  Pick out

l   [针对训练] 写出下列句子中黑体部分的汉语意思

l  (1)Ridley picked up a pencil and fiddled(不停摆弄) with it.拿起

l  (2)His old father is beginning to pick up now.恢复精神/健康

l   (3)Where did you pick up your English?学会

l  (4)They've picked up a really severe infection from something they've eaten.染上

l   (5)We can pick up Italian television.收看到

l  (6)Chinese officials hope that trade will pick up when the two countries switch to hard currency.好转

l  短语填空 

l  (7)Her British accent was_picked_up on her visit to London.

l  (8)Although he had not seen his sister for twenty years, he picked her out as soon as she got off the plane.



l   [针对训练] 选词填空

l  (1)The solar cell can turn the energy of sunlight into electric energy.

l  (2)If you drop something, the force of gravity will pull it to the floor.

l   (3)He lifted the stone with all his strength.

l  (4)The party came to power at the last election.


l  Cut in  插话

l  Cut off  切断,隔绝

l  Cup down 切下,削减

l  Cut up  切稀碎

l   [针对训练] 写出下列句子中黑体部分的汉语意思

l  (1)He tried to cut down on smoking but failed.


l  (2)Cut down the article so as to make it fit the space available on the paper.

l  (3)He cut down the tree and cut it up for firewood.


l  (4)How can you cut_down the risk of cancer?

l  (5)He also supplied the north when America cut_off energy aid.

l  (6)He had_cut_up the meat before his mother came back.

l  (7)Billy showed me the article he had_cut_out of the magazine.

32. Take 类动介词组

l   take in

l  吸收;

l  收留;

l  理解;

l  上当

l   [针对训练] 写出下列句子中黑体部分的汉语意思

(1)He certainly took us in with his stories about his experiences in Mexico.

(2)Gazing up into his eyes, she seemed to take in all he said.

(3)He persuaded Joe to take him in.

(4)They will certainly need to take in plenty of liquid.

(5)I was wondering if you might want to take in a movie with me this evening.

l   take down

l  记下,取下

l  Take up

l  占据,从事

l   take away

l  拿走

l  Take off

l  脱,火

l  Take on

l  雇佣,呈现

l  take over

l  接管

l  Take back 取回,收回

l  短语填空

l  (6)There is a shortage of teachers in Western China, and it will fall on the 80s and 90s generations to_take_on this responsibility.


l  (7)If I had more time, I would take_up golf as a hobby.

l  (8)It is reported that a foreign company will take_over the company.


l  (9)He didn't take_in what I read because his mind was on something else.

l   take up

l  [针对训练] 写出下列句子中黑体部分的汉语意思

l  (1)She took up the story where Tim had left off the night before.

l  (2)She took up the receiver and began to dial the number.

l  (3)You should take up my suggestion and start saving money.

l  (4)A good deal of my time is taken up by driving the children to school.

l   (5)The runners took up their positions on the starting line.

l  (6)Can you tell me when he took up playing football?

33. Look 类动介词组

l   look forward

l  Look back

l   look up

l  Look down

l  Look into 看进去→ 调查,研究

l  Look out 当心,注意

l  Look around                 

l   [针对训练] 翻译

l   look through, look down upon, look into, look out for, look up to, look up

l  (1)You're a popular girl,   Grace,   and a lot of the younger ones look_up_to you.

l  (2)He happened to be_looking_through the medical book Gray's Anatomy at the time.

l  (3)Look_out_for thieves when you stay there.

l   (4)A working party has been set up to_look_into the problem.


l  (5)Terry, please look_up from your cell phone when Grandma is talking to you.


l  (6)I wasn't successful, so they looked_down_upon me.

34. Bing 类动介词组

l   bring  up 提出,养育

l  Bring down

l  使…倒下

l   bring about

l  引起,导致

l  Bring back

l  带回,回忆

l  Bring  in

l  Bring out

l   [针对训练] 写出下列句子中黑体部分的汉语意思

l  (1)Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt.养育;抚养

l  (2)Why did you have to bring up the subject of money?提出

l  短语填空

l  (3)The prices have_been_brought_down so far.

l  (4)The economic reform brought_about great changes in the lives of the common people.

l   (5)The discussion came alive when an interesting topic was_brought_in.


l  (6)Immediately after the book was_brought_out,_it became a best­seller.

l  以下为必修4

35. Run类

l  Run into 邂逅

l  Run out of =use up

l   run after 追逐

l  Run over 碾压

l   [针对训练] 短语填空

l  (1)—How dangerous it was!

l  —Yes, but for the young man's quick action, he could_have_been_run_____ by the car.

l  (2)I was walking along the beach when I ran_______ John.

l  (3)The boy ran______the goats, but he could not get them out.


l  (4)All the money I had had_run______ by the time I arrived home.

l  按题目要求改写

l  (5)He ran out of his ink.

l  His_ink_was_run_out_of/ran_out/gave_out/was_used_up.

l  (用his ink作主语改写)


36. Get 类

l   get away from 避免,离开

l  Get down to doing sth 开始着手做某事

l  Get through通过,完成

l  Get over 克服

l  Get along with 与…相处

l   [针对训练] 单句语法填空


l  (1)Why couldn't he rid _______(he) of those thoughts and worries?

l  (2)Why couldn't he get rid ___those thoughts and worries?

l  (3)The problem is _______(get) rid of nuclear waste.

l   [针对训练] 短语填空-翻译

l  (1)The news that he was fired got_around.


l  (2)No matter how I explain, I just can't get it across to her.

l   (3)They got______many difficulties in their English study.


l  (4)—How are you ______along_with your study?

l  —Quite well. I got an “A” in a maths exam.


37. Go类

l  Go up ↑

l  Go down ↓

l   go by 流逝

l  Go after  追求

l   go over  仔细检查,复习

l  Go out 出去,熄灭,

l   [针对训练] 写出下列句中黑体部分的汉语意思

l  (1)We went through a period in which communications were very difficult in the rural areas.

l  (2)The bill might have gone through if the economy was growing.

l   (3)Dave went through his pockets looking for the keys.


l  (4)Australia was so expensive—we went through all our money in one week.

38. 静静静静

l   [针对训练] 选词填空

l  (1)Try to keep _____and just tell me what happened.

l  (2)He spoke no English and was completely ______during the visit.

l   (3)Children find it difficult to sit ____for very long.

l  (4)The airlines have invested enormous sums in ____, more efficient engines.


l  以下为必修5   

l  present vt.陈述, 赠送, 颁发, 介绍

l  adj.出席的,当前的

l  n.礼物; 目前

l   present

l  be present at  出席……

l  at present=at the present time  目前, 现在

l  for the present  目前; 暂时


l   [针对训练] 翻译

l  (1)The boy was punished in the presence of all his classmates.

l  (2)We were present at the concert while Tom was absent from it.

l   (3)The mayor presented him with a gold medal at an official city reception.

l  (4)I will leave the matter as it stands for the present.

l  (5)What he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.


l  (6)They are optimistic about the present situation.

1. 自创F.P词汇记忆体系,词汇分类口诀为FJD, LJZ, XCL, FSP分别对应否定词,绝对词,相对词;逻辑词,结论词,前后缀;谐音词,猜测词,词义类记,符号词,熟词生义,固定搭配;语法口诀;

2. 原创阅读理解破题大法,适用于国内外输入类考试(高考,四级,六级,雅思,托福,GRE)的阅读部分;每个视频都有配套讲义及强化练习题;适用于国内外考试的长难句大法反转省略;

3. 油管大型悬疑伦理动画讲解,英美文化分享;托福雅思之阅读听力口语教学;

4. 答疑微信Wechat account:        qq51761135

5. B站网课录播课:UID:352675598

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