


来源War Movies - Top 10 Best War Movies of All Time

10. Platoon


Crazy that the list STARTS with Oliver Stone’s Platoon. This began the whole practice of training actors to toughen them up for roles as soldiers. Stone’s Vietnam story brought realism to the screen and touched millions of Vietnam veterans in ways that no other movie had at that time.

  这个列表以Oliver Stone的《野战排》开始是不是很疯狂?这部电影也开创了对扮演士兵的演员进行军事化训练的先河。Stone的越南故事将越战的真实事件搬上荧屏,没有一部其他电影能像这样感动了不计其数的越战老兵。

9. Braveheart


Though not as thought provoking as Platoon- Braveheart still stands as a cinematic masterpiece and could be considered one of the best “period” movies of all time. Mel Gibson might or might not be a whack-job (hell, I like him) but he can make a movie.

  尽管没有《野战排》那样发人深省——但是《勇敢的心》仍然是电影史上最为杰出的电影之一,也可以说是史上最好的历史类电影之一。Mel Gibson精神是不是又问题都不重要,重要的是他能拍出好电影。

8. Tora! Tora! Tora!


This Japanese-American movie made in the 1970′s has an air of authenticity that few war movies can match. Interviews were painstakingly collected and written down then used as the foundation of a book. Later the book was converted to a screenplay which was made into a film. This is how we do it Tarantino… making up history is just stupid. While the term “Epic Film” is often overused, when referring to Tora! Tora! Tora! the title is wholly deserved.


7. Full Metal Jacket


This is a real guy’s movie if there ever was one. The put downs by R. Lee Ermey as Gny. Sgt. Hartman, the action and the “Me love you long time” will forever be remembered in the minds of us macho types. I have no idea if it helped recruit any Marines, but I do know Hollywood recruited Ermey and for that we at TT10 are thankful.

  这绝对是一部给男人们看的片子。Lee Ermey 饰演的Gny. Sgt. Hartman的羞辱,“我将永远爱你”的语句和行动都将永远被我们这些具有男子气概的人记住。我不知道这部片子有没有帮助海军招募士兵,但是我知道是好莱坞选择了Ermey,就对这个我们表示感激。

6. Inglorious Basterds


I am posting this one under protest. While entertaining and “period accurate” let’s be honest… the history was way off… they freakin’ KILLED HITLER! I have a long standing, one-sided argument with Quintin Tarantino (he won’t return my calls) as to how he wastes my $8.95 repeatedly. Still, it met the criteria for this countdown… marginally.

  其实我很不情愿将这部电影加到这个列表中来。这部娱乐历史的电影,老实说吧,跟历史其实没多大关系。那该死的“杀掉希特勒”。很长一段时间里,我都尝试和Quintin Tarantino争论他是怎样一次有一次的浪费我的8.95美元的(当然他没理我)。虽然如此,这部电影还是最低限度的满足了这个标题的要求。

5. The Bridge Over the River Kwai


This movie starring William Holden and Obi Wan Ken-obi… cough cough.. I mean Alec Guinness is nearly 60 years old and still holds up as entertaining and a little informative. One of the greatest movies of all time, this movie is an icon of the genre unto itself.

  这部电影让William Holden和Obi Wan Ken-obi一夜成名。我的意思是,Alec Guinness都快60岁了,却仍然具有如此多的娱乐元素和教育意义。这是历史上最伟大的电影之一。这部电影也是这个流派的一个标志。

4. Das Boot


This international blockbuster dispelled the idea of the clean cut, mechanical German u-boat captain meticulously and ruthlessly torpedoing crying babies in the water. This movie gave a much more realistic view of WW2 sea battle. Under the uniform soldiers are soldiers and sailors are sailors despite creed and doctrine. Das Boot put a face to the faceless and gave us all a peek into a unique and terrifying world.


3. Saving Private Ryan


Steven Spielberg directed an all-star cast in this 1998 World War 2 movie starring Tom Hanks. The opening sequence is enough to make anyone blanch at the prospect of ever reliving something as fraught with peril as the Normandy invasion. Until this time a majority of all WW2 movies ran like propaganda with brass bands playing John Philip Sousa in the background and the heroes barely getting flesh wounds (unless they started talking about their “girl”- then they’re toast). Ryan put us all firmly into the knowledge that war IS hell and all the men who wage it deserve our respect.

  这部由Tom Hanks主演,Steven Spielberg执导的关于第二次世界大战的电影与1998年拍摄。开头的几个画面就预示着之后大家期待诺曼底登陆将会让你不寒而栗。在这部电影之前,关于二战的电影都是要军乐队演奏John Phillip Sousa的乐曲作为背景音乐,而其中的战争英雄几乎都没收什么皮外伤(一旦他们开始谈论女人了,他们估计就要被炸没了)。Ryan坚定的告诉我们战争就是人间地狱,所有参与的人都值得我们的尊敬。

2. Lawrence of Arabia


What does this movie have that the others are generally lacking? Thomas Edward Lawrence- or as close to him as anyone could portray. This was Peter O’Toole’s first starring role and he would forever be associated with Lawrence, one of British military history’s most enigmatic figures. Yes, the movie is long, but you can’t accurately call yourself a “war movie buff” until you have seen it.

  什么是这部电影所独有的而其他电影所匮乏的?答案就是Thomas Edward Lawrence——或者任何一个刻画的接近他的人。这也是Peter O‘s Toole的第一部成名作,他也会永远的于Lawrence——这个英国军事历史上最神秘的形象关联起来。是的,这部电影很长,但是如果你没有看过的话,你是没有资格称自己是战争电影粉丝的。

1. Apocalypse Now


This movie kind of freaks me out in a whole lot of different directions… and at times confused the hell out of me. Still, if that is what Francis Ford Coppola was going for when he directed this film with Marin Sheen and Marlon Brando, it works. This is one dark, dark movie that really sums up a lot of feelings that most Vietnam vets were coping with long after coming home from the war. Some of the “facts” and practices in the movie were outlandish making this more of a “feeling I get” kind of movie than anything else, but that’s the point; it caused intended emotion. The helicopter scenes were great too!

  这部电影从几个不同的方面让我崩溃。有一段时间完全让我云里雾里。但是,如果这就是Francis Ford Coppola和 Marin Sheen, Marlon Brando一起拍摄这部影片时想达到的效果的话,他们真的很成功。这部黑暗之极的电影聚合了从越南归来的医生离开战场之后难以释怀的痛楚。这部电影中的一些“现实”和行为让它其他的作为更加让人产生同感。这就是这部电影的精髓;它让人产生预期的情感。那个直升机的片当也是相当精彩。

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