

俄罗斯方块凭什么火了30年? 第2页

    英国谢菲尔德大学(Sheffield University)认知发展和心理学教授汤姆·斯塔福德表示,俄罗斯方块长盛不衰的原因是,这款游戏能够把玩家带入一个完全不同的领域。他说:“这是一个永远产生未完成任务的世界。”

    他过去也曾经说过:“俄罗斯方块是《糖果粉碎传奇》(Candy Crush Saga)这类益智游戏的鼻祖。这些游戏让我们连续几个小时,几天、甚至几个星期沉迷其中,不能自拔。”


    纽鲍尔甚至出现在2011年发行的纪录片《秩序的狂喜:俄罗斯方块大师》(Ecstasy of Order: The Tetris Masters)之中。在他看来,尽管俄罗斯方块是单人游戏,但它的社交属性也是一大吸引力。从小到大,他一直在游戏论坛上查看其他人发布的高分。这提升了玩游戏的利害关系,并激励他做得更好。现在,Facebook和其他社交媒体使得这种分数比较变得更加容易。



    罗杰斯在展望这个品牌的未来时仍然致力于俄罗斯方块的“核心玩法”,并打算服务于或许还没有玩过Game Boy1989版的年轻受众。根据吉尼斯世界纪录玩家版 (Guinness World Records Gamer’s Edition),这款风靡一时的游戏位列史上最畅销视频游戏排行榜的第六名。



    Tom Stafford, a professor of cognitive development and psychology at Sheffield University in the U.K., says that Tetris has been around so long because it transports gamers into a different realm when they play. “It’s a world of perpetually generating uncompleted tasks,” he said.

    As he’s said in the past, too, “Tetris is the granddaddy of puzzle games like Candy Crush saga – the things that keep us puzzling away for hours, days and weeks.”

    “Tetris is pure game: there is no benefit to it, nothing to learn, no social or physical consequence,” he added. “It is almost completely pointless, but keeps us coming back for more.”

    Neuberger, who even appeared in a 2011 documentary, “Ecstasy of Order: The Tetris Masters,” considers the social component of Tetris, although its played individually, a big draw. Growing up, he’d check out forums where people posted their high scores. That raised the stakes and inspired him to do even better. Now, Facebook and other social media allow that score comparison to happen even more easily.

    With the chance to kick off a game of Tetris on a Nintendo DS, an Android, an iPad, a PC or countless other devices, a community of players has emerged in full force. “The fact that now anyone can access Tetris and play the same game has exponentially grown our community,” said Rogers. “It has no language, and no cultural barriers.”

    For Neubauer, there’s also the benefit of being a four-time world champion and talking about his achievements with others. “It’s a fun thing to bring up at parties,” he said.

    Going forward for the brand, Rogers remains committed to Tetris’ “core gameplay” and serving a younger audience who may not have played the highly popular 1989 Game Boy version (which the Guinness World Records Gamer’s Edition lists as number six on the top selling video games of all time).

    While Tetris has reached its third decade this year, Rogers says plans are in place for it to continue thriving “way beyond” even the next 30 years.

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