



If education is all about getting a job, the humanities are left just to the rich


"Books to me became symbols of social revolution," observed James Clunie, a house painter who became the Labour MP for Dunfermline in the 1950s. "The miner was no longer the 'hewer of wood and the drawer of water' but became… a leader in his own right, advocate, writer, the equal of men." In 2001, that tradition had largely ebbed away. And, in the two decades since, so has the sense of education as a means of expanding one's mind.

詹姆斯·克鲁尼(James Clunie)说:“对我来说,书籍成了社会革命的象征,”他是一位房屋油漆工,在20世纪50年代成为邓弗姆林(Dunfermline)的工党议员。“矿工不再是'苦工’,而是成为......一个有自己权利的领导者、倡导者、作家,与人平等。” 2001年,这一传统在很大程度上已经消失了。而且,在此后的20年里,教育作为拓展个人思想的一种手段的意识也在消失。

Recently, Roehampton University confirmed that it is going to fire and rehire half its academic workforce and sack at least 65. Nineteen courses, including classics and anthropology, are likely to be closed. It wants to concentrate more on "career-focused" learning.

最近,罗汉普顿大学证实,它将解雇和重新雇用一半的学术人员,并解雇至少65人。包括古典学和人类学在内的19个专业可能会被关闭。它希望更加集中于 “以职业为重点 ”的学习。

It is the latest in a series of cuts to the humanities made by British universities. These cuts mark a transformation in the role of universities that is rooted in three trends: the introduction of the market into higher education; a view of students as consumers; and an instrumental attitude to knowledge.


The 1963 Robbins report into British higher education argued for expansion of universities on the grounds that learning was a good in itself. "The search for truth is an essential function of the institutions of higher education," it observed.


The 2010 Browne report on the funding of higher education took a very different approach, viewing the significance of universities as primarily economic. "Higher education matters," it insisted, because it allows students to find employment with "higher wages and better job satisfaction" and "helps produce economic growth".

2010年的《布朗报告》关于高等教育经费采取了非常不同的方法,它将经济视为大学的首要意义。报告坚称,“高等教育很重要”,因为它使学生能够找到 “工资更高、工作满意度更好 ”的工作,并 “有助于产生经济增长”。

The utilitarian view of education is often presented as a means of advancing working-class students by training them for the job market. What it actually does is tell working-class students to study whatever best fits them for their station in life. So, philosophy, history and literature increasingly become the playthings of the rich and privileged.


At the same time, education has become a marker of social difference in a novel way. As western societies have become more technocratic, so there has developed, in the words of the political scientist David Runciman, "a new class of experts, for whom education is a prerequisite of entry into the elite" - bankers, lawyers, doctors, civil servants, pundits, academics. The real educational divide is not "between knowledge and ignorance" but "a clash between one world view and another". So, education has become a marker of the Brexit divide.

同时,教育已经以一种新的方式成为社会差异的标志。随着西方社会变得更加技术官僚化,用政治学家David Runciman的话说,“一个新的专家阶层出现了,对他们来说,教育是进入银行家、律师、医生、公务员、专家、学者这些精英阶层的先决条件”。真正的教育鸿沟不是在“知识与无知”之间,而是 “一种世界观与另一种世界观之间的冲突”。所以,教育已经成为英国脱欧分歧的一个标志。

All this has led some to claim education, not class, is Britain's real political divide. It isn't. Education is, rather, both one of the most significant expressions of the class divide and a means of obscuring it.


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