



Part I  Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: In this section,you will hear 8 short conservations and 2 long conversations. At the end ofeach conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After eachquestion there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the fourchoices marked A, B, C, and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then markthe corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.


Long Conservations

Questions 9 to 12 are based on the first conversation.

9.     A)Tow sports fans.                           B) Tow old friends.

      C) Customers and shop assistant.         D)Foreign tourist and his local guide.

10.   A)He plays ball games only.

B) He goes toplaces where major sports games are held.

C) He never playsany sports.

D) He talks a lotabout sports and watches sports games on TV at home.

11.   A)He has never missed watching any important tennis games.

B) He has nevermissed watching any tennis games held at Wimbledon.

C) He goes to Wimbledon every year when theinternational tennis championships are held.

D) He isn’t reallyinterested in the sport and has never learned to play it.

12.   A)The man doesn’t seem to play any sports.

B) The man used tobe an active sports player when he was young.

C) The woman hasno interest in playing sports.

D) The woman isquite angry with the man for wasting so much of her time.

Question 13 to 14 is based on the second conversation.

13.   A)She is shy when speaking in front of people.        B) She forgot toprepare the class.

C) She made aserious mistake in front of people.  D) She forgot togive a presentation.

14.   A)He looks like children.            B) He feels verynervous when somebody is waiting for him.

C) He likeshistory very much.   D) He blushesfrequently.

15.   A)A common habit.       B) A common behavior.     C) A learnedbehavior.         D) A learned habit.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you’ll hear apassage three times .When the passage is read for the first time, you shouldlisten carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the secondtime, you are required to fill in the blanks. Finally, when the passage is readfor the third time, you should check what you have written.

    Hello! I am a 20-years-old college studentlooking to find two 16 to share a new 3-bedroom plus 2-bath apartment.Twenty-something college students 17 . Looking for 18 ,  clean, outgoing and respectfulindividuals .The apartment is new, close to the north entrance of the school,and within walking 19  to thesubway station. Equipped with private bedroom, close, high-speed Internet,parking yard, $20 per month utilities notincluded.

Part Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: There are thirty incomplete sentencesbelow. For each one there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You shouldchoose the one that best fits into the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letteron the Answer Sheet.

31. When the interval came, everyone_____________ the bar.

   A)made out              B) made into           C) made for            D)made up

32. The wide use of computers is ____________of the Information age.

   A)urgent                 B) characteristic  C)remarkable              D) feature

33. If either of you had been able to_____________ your anger, the fight would have been avoided. 

   A)hold up               B)hold out             C) hold back           D) hold onto

34. By lip reading or watching the movementsof the speaker’s lips, a deaf person can actually see _________ the person atthe other telephone is saying.

A) that                   B)how                C) what             D) where

35. The story of the homeless orphan has_________ sympathy from the public.

   A)aroused         B) attracted    C)defended           D) adopted

36. She will tell us why she feels sostrongly that each of us has a role ________in making the earth a better placeto live on.

   A)to have played   B) to play            C)to be played         D) to be playing

37. The place ________ the bridge is supposedto be built should be _________the cross-river traffic is the heaviest.

   A)which; where          B)at which; which      C)at which; where        D) which; in which

38. The cost of living in Glasgow is amongthe lowest in Britain, __________the quality of life is probably one of thehighest.

   A)since                 B) when               C) as                 D)while

39. Thank you for all your hard work. I don’tthink we _________it without you.

   A)can manage                                               B) could have managed

   C) couldmanage                                           D)can have managed

40. According to the air traffic rules, you_______ switch off your mobile phone before boarding.

   A)may                   B) can          C) would             D)should

41. Had he worked harder, he ________theexams.

A) must have gotthrough             B) would have got through

C) would getthough                      D) could get through

42. The reason why he didn’t come to schoolwas ________ ill.

A) due to              B)that he fell    C) because he fell       D) because of falling

43. ------ I can’t find my purseanywhere.  ------You _______have lost itwhile shopping.

A) may                      B)can            C)should               D) would

44. We should learn from those _________arealways ready to help others.

A) who           B)whom         C) they             D)that

45. Mr. Herpin is one of the foreign expertswho __________ in China.

A) works         B)is working     C) are working              D)has been working

46. Tom is the only one of the students who_____________to Shanghai.

A) have gone      B)have been     C) has been                 D)had gone

47. I, ________ your good friend, will try mybest to help you out.

A) who is        B)who am       C) that is                     D)which am

48. The old man has two sons, _________arelawyers.

A) both ofthem            B)both of who    C) both of whom             D)both of they

49. He is a man of great knowledge,________much can be learned.

A) in whom               B)about whom    C) from whom                D)of whom

50. Do you know the man ________just now?

A) to who Inodded                      B) whom I nodded to

C) whom Inodded                      D) Whom I nodded to him.

Part III  Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage isfollowed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there arefour choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice andmark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line throughthe centre.

Passage One

There is so muchmore meaning to a message than what exists in the spoken or written words. Forexample, if a person says, “you know, Barbara, I really like you,” it hasdifferent meanings depending on whether it is said by a man or a woman, in anoffice or a bar context, the tone of voice, the stress put on certain words, aswell as the eye contact, physical distance, and the relationship between thesparker and the listener are all factors which give meaning to what’s beingsaid. Sometimes, these factors can generate much more meaning than the wordsthemselves. If a friend say to me, Gee, I can’t wait to see the result of theupcoming election.” my interpretation of that message will be based upon myknowledge of my friend’s political views, the situation with the currentcampaign, and my ability to understand the meaning behind the tone of voice.

Our ability tounderstand such cue is developed without us being aware of it through ourprocess of socialization. Our interpretation of these cues just comesnaturally. Every culture has its own set of culture cues that each member ofthat culture understands. It’s common how a person from culture A and a personfrom culture B interpret the very same words in totally different ways. Hereare some examples:

When “Sarcasm”MeansSincerity”

    Marsha thought things were going well with her new French friends,particularly Bertrand. He often invited her to interesting and fun events, buthe was often making fun of her. One day at an art exhibition, while looking ata particularly abstract piece, Marsha said that she couldn’t understand whatthe artist was trying to express. Bertrand smiled and responded,” Yes, I’mafraid French art is far too advanced for Americans to understand.” Marsha wasupset; she really liked him and couldn’t figure out what caused him tofrequently make fun of her. So, she asked her host mother about it. “My dear,”the host mother told her, “ This means that he really likes you. In France,when someone feels comfortable enough to make fun of you, that means that you havebeen welcomed as a very close friend.”

When “Now” Doesn’tMean “Now”’

    Joshua, an American student in Heredia, Costa Rican invited his partnerto meet for coffee. When he asked what time they should meet, the response was“Nos encontramos ahora en elparquet”. “Ahora” literally means now. So, hegrabbed his jacket and headed straight to the park where they agreed to meet.Half an hour later, his friend arrived without the least sign of regret forbeing late. After discussing the matter with his Spanish teacher, Joshualearned that in Costa Rica, Ahora” meanssometime within the hour. And, if people decide to meet some place like park,it is no problem for one or the other to wait for a while because they willspend some nice time in the park, probably running into some other friends, ormeeting someone friendly.

When “Yes”Doesn’t MeanYes

      Many business people might have experiencedthis frustrating situation in Japan. Sarah, a young businesswoman from NewYork, was sent to Japan to close a big deal for her company. While giving herpresentation, she became more and more certain of sale because her Japanesebusiness partners continually nodded their heads as she spoke. When shefinished she thought the deal was made and asked when they would like to signthe agreement. She was shocked when she was told that they were not yet sure ifthey wanted to make the deal or not. What Sarah did not know is that in Japan,nodding head does not necessarily mean “yes” as it does in the US. It can alsomean “yes, I am listening and understanding what you are saying.”

Passage Two

The automobile hasgiven people incredible freedom of movement. It enables them to decide wherethey want to go and when. The automobile influences where people live and workand how they spend their leisure time. The striking changes in people’s livescreated by the automobile began in the United States and have since spreadacross much of the globe, especially in developed countries. But even indeveloping nations, the automobile is increasingly reshaping patterns ofliving.

When the firstautomobiles were produced, only the well-to-docould afford them. Soon, however, prices declined as production increased inresponse to the growing demand. The lower prices put the automobile withinreach of more and more Americans. Well-off urban residents found car ownershipcheaper than keeping a horse and carriage. The growth in car ownership led tothe building of more and better roads, which further increased travelthroughout the nation. Before the development of automobiles, urban workerswalked, bicycled, or rode horse-drawn vehicles to their jobs. But as roadsimproved and car ownership expanded, workers no longer had to live near theirjobs.

During the 1920s, peoplein U.S. cities increasingly moved to the suburbs because of the freedomprovided to the workers by automobile ownership. By the mid-1950s, even factories hadbegun to relocate in the suburbs. Wherever people have easy access toautomobiles, cars play a major role in social life and the choice ofrecreational activities. People find it fun to hop in the car and visit friendsand relatives, whether the drive takes a few minutes, hours, or days. Trips byautomobile help make it easy to organize picnics, family reunions, and otherget-togethers. Trips by automobile to such places as theme parks, nationalparks, and mountain and seashore resorts are a favorite type of vacation formany people. 

Passage Three

To become asuccess in high-tech Silicon Valley, Alan Aerts used low-tech skills and hardwork. He carried boxes of produce for a grocery store and sold bread torestaurants while launching a vending machine business that sells soft drinksand snack foods to workaholic computer engineers.

In 1980, on hisroute as a bread salesman for a bakery, Aerts ran into the owner of a Pac Mangame control panel who was servicing his equipment at a restaurant in Oakland,California. Aerts, who always wore a shirt and tie on sales calls, wasimpressed by the other fellow’s jeans and T shirt and resolved to branch out onhis own.

But capitalism requires capital, and Aertshad little money to spare. Living paycheck to paycheck with his wife andnewborn son, he worked days at the bakery and nights at a grocery store to paythe mortgage. During downtime between jobs, he developed his business strategy.“I’m sure I did every wrong thing you can possibly do,” says Aerts. “But I knewthat with enough hard work, it would all make sense.”

To get hisbusiness off the ground, he relied on a second mortgage and credit cards,sometimes paying rates as high as 19%, to buy video game and vending machines.After purchasing several machines at retail price, he realized he could buythem directly from the manufacturers for less. And he learned that vendingmachines were more profitable than video games, which needed to be replacedfrequently to keep up with the fickletastes of gamers. Aerts used the contacts he made through his bakery job toprospect for new business. To hedge his bets, he put in ten years at thegrocery store to earn a modest pension.

Today, Aerts’scompany, Custom Vending Systems, is the largest privately owned vendor in theregion. He says business is booming as the Valley’s economy blossoms after its2000 bust. In 2005, Aerts and his wife donated $ 2.5 million to fundscholarships at the local community college. He’s still busy around theclock, but now he dedicates evenings and weekends to charity work and localpolitics instead of a second job. 

Section B 

Directions: Matchthe Chinese sentences with their English Equivalents.

Part 1

 Part 2

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