

要生了还不知道自己已经怀孕的妈妈 A Mom unaware of pregnancy
A Middle Tennessee couple (一对夫妇) is calling their days-old (只有几天大的) daughter a "miracle baby," and part of that miracle (奇迹) is that the new mother never even knew she was pregnant (怀孕).

Amanda Prentice and her husband, Billy, have been trying to get pregnant for years (多年来一直想怀上孕).

So imagine the excitement (可以想象他们的兴奋) last month when doctors told the Lawrenceburg, TN, family she was pregnant.

And imagine the surprise (惊讶/惊喜), just five hours later, when Amanda became a mom.

"This is Allie McKinley Rose," Amanda Prentice said. "She's a miracle."

Little Allie's birthday story will turn heads (夺人眼球/引人注意) for the rest of her life (有生之年).

April 23, 2012, began with her mother suffering mysterious seizures (<疾病>发作). Her husband quickly took her to the hospital in Lawrenceburg, where doctors said

Amanda's life was in danger (有生命危险).

"So they LifeFlighted me to Vanderbilt Hospital," Amanda Prentice said.

The diagnosis (诊断): complications from pregnancy (妊娠并发症).

It was shocking news to the Prentice family (对于Prentice一家来说这是令人震惊的消息), and news Amanda first heard two days later after falling unconscious (晕迷).

"The doctor came in and said, 'I've got good news and bad news (有好消息也有坏消息),'" Amanda Prentice said. "He said, 'your blood pressure (血压) has skyrocketed (猛升) here in the last few days, but you've got a baby.'"

The arrival (新生儿) was Allie Prentice, weighing (重量为) in at 5 pounds and 5 ounces, who came as a surprise to the mother who never knew she was pregnant.

"I never felt her move," Amanda Prentice said. "I wore the same clothes that I had worn for two years."

"The only signs she had was her feet and ankles (脚踝) had swollen up (肿起来), and that was it," Billy Prentice said.

Now, cards of congratulations and birthday wishes (表示祝贺和生日祝福的卡片) are pouring in (大量到达/涌来) from across Lawrence County.

"We had been trying for four years and didn't think this was gonna happen," Amanda Prentice said.

"We had talked about adopting (收养), and now we've got our miracle baby (奇迹宝宝)," Bill Prentice said.

And it's quite the miracle story.

"Five hours after they first told me she was pregnant, I was a dad. Where most people have eight or nine months, I had five hours," Billy Prentice said.

Both mother and baby are doing great (母子平安).

The family also wanted to thank the staff (工作人员) at Vanderbilt Medical Center for all their fine work in turning what had the beginnings of a tragic (悲惨的/不幸的) April 23, into such a joyous (快乐的/欢乐的/高兴的) one.
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