

Development of innovation-driven future Changhong expect more value
And technological progress combine to become one of the representatives of innovative companies; by consolidating the "black + white" traditional consumer electronics industry, to develop IT, telecommunications and other emerging strategic industries, Changhong has taken with the triple play of the industrial base and technology basis, to provide products for the digital age and service integrated solutions.
After a series of industrial change and change management, Changhong has embarked on a sustainable path of healthy development, the future is more exciting to look forward to.
To ensure the sound development of strategic clarity
"The whole industry chain" mode to optimize the layout
In recent years, Changhong established industry "coordinate strategies" along the industry value chain, industry to industry and business models three dimensions of enterprise reform and development, extend the industrial value chain is seen as from traditional manufacturing to high-end manufacturing upgrade the core and key.
In 2009, Changhong started towards the next 50 years, the "second pioneering" has thus begun. Based on the "coordinate strategy," Chang proposed a new strategy for future development ideas: from traditional manufacturing to high-end manufacturing extension; manufacturing base, to expand services; vigorously promote international. Among them, from traditional manufacturing to high-end manufacturer Changhong industrial development of the extension is to focus its core is to develop key parts industries, such as new flat panel display.
October 2009, Chang started the "Industry Focus, the revitalization of TV" as the core of the Dragon program, through the integration of the internal market, research and development, manufacturing, services and other resources to raise the overall competitiveness of color TV. Among them, the technology system emphasis on "insight and speed", that technology capability into cost advantages and differentiation advantages; manufacturing system emphasizes Seiko quality, ensure product quality and quality; service system emphasizes user access experience, import value-added services.
In 2009, Changhong to overcome the global financial crisis and the "5.12" earthquake, and other difficulties, "slip increase, climbing up" to form a good development situation, the Group achieved total sales of 47.6 billion, an increase of 25% . Achieved substantial sales growth in the domestic market, of which sales of home appliances color TV first in the country, the industry ranked second refrigerator sales.
Traditional machine manufacturing platform for the industry to key parts of traction platform to support the core technology platform, Changhong has to innovate technology platform and industry platform, the joint development of major industries and traditional manufacturing industries has been formed, "the whole industry chain "business model, as in the TV area, Changhong is the only simultaneous development of plasma, LCD and OLED business to form a" panel + machine "vertical integration of industrial layout; Changhong white business also has a" compressor + machine "The vertical integration of industrial layout.
At the same time, the future development of Changhong several key projects critical to the smooth progress: January 2010, COC plasma panel project to achieve full production, the product yield on integrated more than 80%, the highest single-day comprehensive product yield rate of 91.21%, an end to the industry "lack of screen small core" of history; Changhong, a joint venture with Taiwan's AU Optronics Chi optical long-established R & D production of LCD modules, the first phase of construction of four glass substrate and backlight module assembly lines, production of 26 - 55-inch LCD TFT module, an annual capacity of 3.6 million; Changhong plans to invest 390 million yuan to expand the implementation of flat-panel TV can transform and elevate the process to meet the growing market demand; Huayi Compressor "600 Project" in November 2009 formally put into production, 20 million with an annual output capacity of various types of compressors.
Strengthen the independent innovation ability
Has a complete product definition
Changhong in the new flat panel display, digital TV, white goods, mobile digital and other areas targeted innovation, have from the requirements, design, chip, software, system integration of the key parts to a complete product definition, and to four core technical skills and competency-based development of critical parts, defined by the free product to meet consumer demand quickly.
Changhong has a core technical capacity is the right to support product definition, refers to the four core technical capabilities integrated circuit design capabilities, embedded software design capabilities, industrial design capability, engineering and technical ability. In addition, Changhong ability in the development of key components is also very strong, so that Changhong also enter the plasma, serial LCD and OLED flat panel display industry has become a new possibility. It is understood that Changhong in the Internet-based digital television technology applications in the forefront of the industry, with end to end digital TV system integration capabilities through the integration of network entertainment, 3D imaging, digital home, mobile TV and other applications, Changhong to build a successful "end Product + Content + platform + network operator business model, "the digital TV industry chain business model, so that consumers from the" watch TV "to" use the TV "change.
In 2009, Changhong achieved a major breakthrough in independent technological innovation. Changhong driver chip flat-panel TVs, digital home platform for embedded software, SoC chip three projects selected countries "nuclear high base" major science and technology. Chang won the National Technology Center, "State Enterprise Technology Center Achievement Award", the company has more than 380 patents, ranking the country first home appliance business.
In the standard R & D, participation in the digital TV National Engineering Center, State Key Laboratory of IGRS and other major projects, major technological innovation activities in the country play an increasingly important role. January 2010, led by Changhong, including Changhong, China Electronics Standardization Institute, including 15 enterprises and research institutes took five years to develop a "digital content protection system, the interface specification" (the UCPS standard) from the industrial and information issued by the Ministry, and was officially implemented on March 1.
Changhong to maintain and enhance integration in the field of 3C industry advantage and leadership at the same time, Changhong Group, the military industry has made rapid progress.
In 2007, the formation of Sichuan Changhong Electronics Group, military, defense industry, Changhong become a strategic platform for the development of the existing research and production bases are concentrated in Chengdu, Sichuan, Mianyang, Guangyuan, Yibin, mainly engaged in the military machine, accessory equipment, components and other research , development, production, sales and service. On the one hand, Changhong can use sophisticated technology and advanced production of military resources for civilian industry; the other hand, civilian industry, Changhong available human resources, capital, market and other resources to serve the military issue pre-research, model development and industrialization. Today, Changhong Electronics products are widely used in military aerospace, aviation and integrated electronic equipment, and other fields. Changhong has completed a new detection system engineering prototype test, the performance indicators in the domestic and international advanced level; Changhong aerospace power system applications to "Jian Shi Aircraft Engineering", awarded by the State Council issued the "National Scientific Grand Prize"; Changhong Electric connector applied to the Shenzhou series of spacecraft, all satellites, "Flying No." extravehicular spacesuit and wiring harness connector developed exclusively by Changhong, fill the gaps, these "critical parts", the astronauts to achieve "world phone" . National Day military parade in 60 years, and 11 by the reading unit square in both Changhong products for military equipment display.

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