

Pomegranates Potential Health Benefits
Pomegranates are growing in popularity more and more every day. Once consumers hear about the potential health benefits of pomegranates they become intrigued and have to try out this tasty fruit all for themselves. Whether they opt for real pomegranates or pomegranate juice, many are hooked the first time they try these tasty treats.
Pomegranates have actually been around since Ancient times. Many cultures have eaten them for generations, but North Americans have just recently caught onto this terrific treat. They are now realizing all of the potential health benefits of pomegranates and are intrigued by their possibilities.
Both in clinical trials and in laboratory testing, some studies have shown that pomegranates can be effective in reducing some symptoms of coronary heart disease. They have also showed promise in the treatment of high blood pressure. The antioxidant benefits of pomegranates are also intriguing. Further studies are definitely needed, but the potential is definitely there for this yummy fruit to not only taste great but to help consumers feel great too.
It is the seeds inside the pomegranates that are the part of the fruit that consumers enjoy. The seeds can be eaten raw in their natural state. Some fruits can be a little bit more on the tart side while others are quite sweet. It is easy to separate the seeds from the pulp of the pomegranate by swirling an opened pomegranate in chilled water. The seeds drop to the bottom while the pulp floats to the top. Simply strain off the pulp and you have a tasty treat just waiting for you.
The seeds are used in cooking in a variety of ways. Depending upon which country you live in, the pomegranate is used in different ways. In some cultures a pomegranate is treasured for its seeds because the seeds are made into dry spices. Other cultures use the pomegranate as flavoring in their soups, gravies, and salad dressings. The seeds are even used in the making of Grenadine. This one tiny fruit is adored and loved by many cultures all over the world.
Depending upon the culture, the pomegranate fruit is a symbol of many different things. To some cultures it is a symbol of fertility. In other cultures, it symbolizes summer and is enjoyed by many throughout the summer season. Other cultures regard the fruit as a symbol of paradise and abundance. Each culture has their reasoning for their particular view of the fruit; it has been around for so many generations that it has come to mean so much to many cultures.
If you have not tried the might pomegranate for yourself it is definitely a treat that you should try. After trying it just a few times, you too will likely be hooked.
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The History of Pomegranates
The rich history of pomegranates can be traced back to Persia, although the fruit was originally thought to have come from China. The Persians brought the pomegranate to China in 100 BC. Some scholars claim that the apple in the Garden of Eden was actually a pomegranate. Greek mythology features the fruit in the story of Hades and Persephone. She was the daughter of Demeter who was the harvest goddess. According to the myth Persephone was kidnapped by Hades and after she was rescued was forced to spend several months every year in the underworld. This is because she ate pomegranate seeds before her rescue. According to the myth this is why we have winter. Over time the fruit eventually made its way around the world. King Henry the VIII planted the first pomegranate tree in Britain sometime in the 16th century. The Spanish conquistadors brought the fruit to the United States in the late 15th century.
Pomegranates grow wild throughout Iran and Northern India and are cultivated all over the world. Considered a staple in the mid-east, Europe and the far-east they have never been very popular in the US, but this is beginning to change. Pomegranate beverages and pomegranate jams and jelly have seen a renewed interest into the fruit.
There have been many scientific studies conducted and scientists are concluding that pomegranates are very healthy. The fruit is loaded with Vitamin C, B5, Beta Carotene and anti-oxidants which prevent damage to the cells in the body. Pomegranates can also thin the blood and reduce clotting. Researchers are also exploring the use of pomegranates to slow cancer growth.
Pomegranates are filled with edible seeds and have a tart sweet flavor. They are delicious when made into a sauce to use over meats and vegetables. Jams, jellies and preserves are one of the many ways you can enjoy the health benefits of pomegranates. Within the last couple of years Pomegranate beverages have become a top seller and are mixed in juices and soft drinks. Pomegranate martinis have become one of the most popular adult beverages in bars and restaurants. With so many ways to enjoy this delicious fruit it is a wonder that we are not eating them every day.
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