



Question:Which is the most important traditional festival in your country?

Answer:The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in our country.

Question:How do you celebrate it?

Answer:We usually visit friends and relatives at that time.

Topic 2.你家离学校大约5公里远,所以你通常乘公交车去上学

Question:How far is it from your home to your school?

Answer:It's about five kilometers from my home to my school。

Question:How do you usually go to school?

Answer:I usually go to school by bus.

Topic 3.你姓布朗,你的电话号码是80047526

Question:What's your family name?

Answer:My family name is Brown.

Question:What's your telephone number?

Answer:My telephone number is 80047526.

Topic 4.你的奶奶80岁了,她的身体依然健康

Question:What's the age of your grandmother?

Answer:She is eighty years old

Question:How is she doing?

Answer:She is still healthy.

Topic 5.城市的空气污染越来越严重,你们出行应该经常坐公交车

Question:What do you think of the air in our city?

Answer:Air pollution is more and more serious in our city.

Question:What suggestion can you offer?

Answer:We as well as our government should take some measures.

Topic 6.你更喜欢旅游,旅游能让你放松身心。

Question:Which do you prefer, staying at home or going on a trip?

Answer:I prefer going on a trip.

Question:How do you feel when traveling?

Answer:I feel relaxed when traveling.

Topic 7.你喜欢听流行音乐,周杰伦是你最喜欢的歌手。

Question:Which music style do you like?

Answer:I like popular music.

Question:Who is your favorite singer?

Answer:Liu huan is my favorite singer.

Topic 8.你爸爸送你一台ipad,作为你的生日礼物,它很方便有用。

Question:What present have you got on your birthday?

Answer:My father gave me an ipad.

Question:How do you find the present?

Answer:I find it convenient and useful.

Topic 9.你的圣诞礼物是一张明信片,上面有一只可爱的大熊猫。

Question:What's your Christmas gift?

Answer:It' a post card.

Question:What does it look like?

Answer:There is a lovely panda on that card.

Topic 10.你的电脑出故障了,你明天会请人修一下。

Question:What has happened to you?

Answer:Something is wrong with my computer.

Question:How will you deal with the problem?

Answer:I will ask someone to repair it tomorrow.

Topic 11.现在你的手表显示时间是10点30分,火车10点45开

Question:What's the time now by your watch?

Answer:It's ten thirty by my watch at the moment.

Question:When does the train leave?

Answer:The train leaves at ten forty-five.

Topic 12.今天是9月9日,明天是教师节。

Question:What's the date today?

Answer:It's September the ninth.

Question:What festival is it tomorrow?

Answer:It's Teachers' Day.

Topic 13.你是三年级二班的学生,家住在学校附近的第九条街。

Question:Which class and which grade are you in?

Answer:I'm in Class Two, Grade Three.

Question:Where do you live?

Answer:I live in the ninth street near the school.

Topic 14.单词panda的意思是 中国四川一种吃竹子的动物

Question:How many letters are there in the word 'panda'?

Answer:There are five letters in the word 'panda'.

Question:What does the word mean?

Answer:It means 'a kind of animal eating bamboo living in Sichuan province, China.'

Topic 15.你国的面积是960万平方公里,有55个少数民族

Question:What's the area of China?

Answer:Its area is nine million, six hundred thousand square kilometers.

Question:How many minorities are there in china?

Answer:There are fifty five minorities in china.

Topic 16.去医院应该沿着街走,在第一个拐角处左转。从这里大约要走10分钟。

Question:Can you tell me the way to the hospital?

Answer:Yes,go down the street ,and turn left at the first corner.

Question:How far is it from here?

Answer:It's about 10 minutes' walk from here.

Topic 17.你们班有49个学生,其中有22个男生。

Question:How many students are there in your class?

Answer:There are forty-nine students in my class.

Question:How many girl students?

Answer:There are twenty-seven students in my class.

Topic 18.你一般早上六点起床,早饭吃面包、喝牛奶。

Question:What time do you get up?

Answer:I usually get up at 6 o'clock in the morning.

Question:What do you have for breakfast?

Answer:I usually eat some bread and drink some milk for breakfast.

Topic 19.你喜欢阅读,尤其是中国的历史的书籍。

Question:What's your hobby?

Answer:My hobby is reading.

Question:What kind of book do you prefer?

Answer:I prefer books on Chinese history.

Topic 20.美国的首都是华盛顿,最大的城市是纽约。

Question:Which city is the capital of America?

Answer:Washington D.C is the capital of America.

Question:Which city the biggest in America?

Answer:New York City is the biggest in America.

Topic 21.你最喜欢的季节是冬天,可以堆雪人。

Question:What's your favourite season?

Answer:My favourite season is winter.

Question:What can you do in winter?

Answer:I can heap up a snowman.

Topic 22.你的宠物狗很聪明,它认识回家的路。

Question:How do you like your dog?

Answer:I think my dog is clever.

Question:Why do you think so?

Answer:Cause it can find its way back home.

Topic 23.你经常饭后散步,它有利于健康。

Question:What do you usually do after supper?

Answer:I usually go out for a walk after supper.

Question:What benefits can it bring for you?

Answer:It's good for my health.

Topic 24.你最喜欢的花是玫瑰,它代表了爱。

Question:Which flower do you like best?

Answer:I like rose best.

Question:What does it stand for?

Answer:It stands for love.

Topic 25.你喜欢看电影,每个月去看一次电影。

Question:What hobby do you have?

Answer:I like watching movies.

Question:How often do you go to the cinema?

Answer:Once a month.

Topic 26.昨天你去市中心逛街,你买了一本字典。

Question:Where did you go shopping yesterday?

Answer:I went shopping in the city centre yesterday.

Question:What did you buy?

Answer:I bought a dictionary.

Topic 27.你最喜欢打篮球,经常在星期六打篮球。

Question:What's your favourite sport?

Answer:My favourite sport is playing basketball.

Question:When do you usually play it?

Answer:I usually play it on Saturdays.

Topic 28.你家有一台电脑,通常用于学英语。

Question:Do you have a computer in your house?

Answer:Yes, I do.

Question:What do you usually use your computer for?

Answer:I usually use it to learn English.

Topic 29.你喜欢学习生物,因为研究各种各样的生物很有趣。

Question:Which subject do you like best?

Answer:I like biology best.

Question:Why do you like it so much?

Answer:Cause it is very interesting to study all kinds of animals.

Topic 30.你家有3口人:爸爸、妈妈,还有你。

Question:How many people are there in your family?

Answer:There are three people in my family.

Question:Who are they?

Answer:They are my father, my mother and I.

Topic 31.你星期天去买花,送给英语老师。

Question:What are you going to do on Sunday?

Answer:I'm going to buy some flowers.

Question:Who will you buy them for?

Answer:I will buy them for my English teacher.

Topic 32.你想去海南旅游,那里的海滩很美。

Question:What's your plan for this holiday?

Answer:I am planning to travel to Hainan.

Question:Can you tell me the reason?

Answer:Of course, I can. I think the beach there is very beautiful.

Topic 33. 这瓶牛奶变质了,你上周六买的。

Question:What's wrong with this bottle of milk?

Answer:It has gone bad.

Question:When did you buy it?

Answer:I bought it last Saturday.

Topic 34、轮到你打扫房间了,你要先去擦窗户。

Question:Whose turn is it to clean the room?

Answer:It's my turn.

Question:What will you do first?

Answer:I'll clean the window first.

Topic 35、你明天去图书馆借书,你想借一本有关电脑的杂志。

Question:What are you going to do tomorrow?

Answer:I'm going to borrow a book from the library.

Question:Which kind of book do you want to borrow?

Answer:I want to borrow a magazine about computers.

Topic 36、你暑期将去香港旅游,要在那呆一周。

Question:What are you going to do for summer holidays?

Answer:I am going to visit Hong Kong for summer holidays.

Question:How long will you stay there?

Answer:I'll stay there for a week.

Topic 37、你今天必须完成家庭作业,明天将要去北京旅行。

Question:Can you play basketball with me now?

Answer:Sorry, but I have to finish my homework today.

Question:Why can't you finish it tomorrow?

Answer:I am going to travel to Beijing tomorrow.

Topic 38、你昨天晚上看了《变形金刚》这部电影,觉得他很感人。

Question:When did you watch the movie Transformers?

Answer:I watched it yesterday evening.

Question:What do you think of the movie?

Answer:It's really moving and I'm deeply touched.

Topic 39、你在南京工作,坐飞机到北京需两小时。

Question:Where do you work?

Answer:I work in Nanjing.

Question:How far is it from Beijing?

Answer:It takes two hours to fly to Beijing.

Topic 40、这台新电脑是Tom的,价格是8,600元。

Question:Who does this new computer belong to?

Answer:It's Tom's

Question:How much is it?

Answer:It costs eight thousand, six hundred Yuan.

Topic 41、你来自中国,中国有13亿人口。

Question:Where do you come from?

Answer:I come from China.

Question:What's the population in China?

Answer:China has a population of one point three billion.

Topic 42、你的父亲是老师,他教书20年了。

Question:What's your father?

Answer:He is a school teacher.

Question:How long has he been teaching?

Answer:He has been teaching for twenty years.

Topic 43、你想买一双鞋,穿6码的。

Question:Welcome! Can I help you?

Answer:Yes, I want to buy a pair of shoes.

Question:Which size do you want?

Answer:I am size 6.

Topic 44、Tom身体不舒服,他感冒了。

Question:Why is Tom absent from class?

Answer:He is not quite well.

Question:What is the matter with him?

Answer:He has got a cold.

Topic 45、你在听天气预报,明天有雪。

Question:What are you listening to?

Answer:I am listening to the weather report.

Question:How is the weather tomorrow?

Answer:It is going to snow tomorrow.

Topic 46、近的旅馆离这儿约两公里,20路或35路公共汽车到那儿。

Question:Excuse me, How far is the nearest hotel near here?

Answer:The nearest hotel is about 2kilometres away from here.

Question:How can I get there?

Answer:You can take a bus there .

Which bus should I take?

Answer:You can take the No. 20 or No. 35 bus there .

Topic 47、下周五你校将举行运动会,你准备参加跳高。

Question:What will be held in your school?

Answer:The sports meeting will be held in our school.

Question:When will the sports meeting be held in your school?

Answer:The sports meeting will be held next Friday.

Question:Where will the sports meeting be held?

The sports meeting will be held in our school ground.

Which sport will you be in?

Answer:I will be in the jump high.

Topic 48、自上周四以来你一直感到头痛,你服用了一些药,仍然感到不舒服。

Question:What's your trouble?

Answer:I have got a headache.

Question:How long have you been like this?

Answer:I have been like this since last Thursday.

Question:How are you feeling now after taking any medicine?

Answer:I'm still feeling uncomfortable.

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