

Tipps for DIY trip and long-time residence in Europe

Chinese version(Last Version): 德国自助游注意事项(第五版)

Last Versions:Tipps for trip in Germany

05.03.2019 update log:

Increase supermarket comparison

Increase the interpretation of German traffic regulations


1. When you wait for traffic light at the crossing you should touch the yellow box otherweise you will wait for long time,the same is true in other european countries.

2. If a car stop and open the headlight when you pass the zebra cross it means let you go.

3. Don't go out on the day with strong winds, the roots of trees in Germany are often not deep and will fall down completely, even influence the running of trains for several days.

4. The price for a ride with taxi in Germany is extremely expencive and the number on price calculator changes nearly every second, so please do not call a taxi unless emergency. The way to call a taxi is the same as in China, hop on hop off, or call the number like 66666, if you travel a long distance it's better to rent a car, the validity for driving license form China for the long residence in Germany is the first 6 months since you first arrive in Germany 

5. The mastake of Chinese for driving in Germany: Not pay attention on priority, not pay attention on speed limit,not pay attention on "No Enter" sign, not give way before the sign, not give way to walker when pass the zebra passing, not pay attention to woman's parking place and whistle behind carriage.

6. There are special ways for bikes in Germany and the riders always ride in high speed so pay attention to give way to riders.

7. If you want to take an aircraft form the not schengen country transfer in Germany and to another not schengen country you should always notice if the Interlining need a transit visa, for example: a traveler travel with easy jet from London to Berlin and then transfer to Beijing, this kind fo trip, need to pick the luggage up half way then if you don't have the transfer visa in Schengen then you can not check in even in London, but if you travel form Germany via Swtzerland to China it's not a problem to travel with Schengen visa. With the Schengen visa you are allowed to leave the airport in the EU and Switzerland, but with the UK visa is not availble.

8. In Germany, if you want to take bus then you should form the habit to look at watch, usually the german bus arrived on time and not like the situation in China the bus always in the frequence of minutes, in Germany it's always half an hour or even once a day.

9. In Europr every public transportation need ticket except special transportation like the shuttle train in airport, you should always notice that you should get on board with ticket and to validate the card if there have a validate machine(The train number with IC, EC, ICE and so on don't need to validate and the conductor will take the validate tool), if you haven't validate the ticket then you'll be punished.

10. Valid area for semesterticket(not the newest): 


11. If you don't have a long residence in Germany it's not commended to by a Bahncard from German Railway

12. German Railway is not so punctually like you heard, it's not rare to delay for 2 hours and even the train for the chancellor Merkel, so you should set aside time of affluence.

13. If you hear a brocast from German Railway you should always ask people nearby what it means so that not to delay the travel, if you see the word "Zugdurchfahrt" then you should keep a distance with the edge of the platform

14. Alcohol drinking is strictly prohibited in the most public transportations in the north of Germany 

15. Although the european union has established for decades the student discount are not recognized between contries in Europe Union and especially when you take public transportation, if you study in other contries in Europe union and  by a discount ticket in Europe then you will be punished and regard as board without ticket.

16. If you have by a ticket for second class, then you are only permitted to ride in second class and could not go into the first class even if the seats there are available

17. Some train departure may have two vehicles, one with "Nicht Einsteigen" on screen and the other with other words on the screen, you should take the one without "Nicht Einsteigen"; If there is a brocast on train you should also ask other passenger what it means because the train may separate(Zugteilung) on the half way and rush to different destinations.

18. The Conductor are often in uniform but also often without uniform

19. Ride a bike and watch the cell phone at the same time will be punished with 500 Euro

20.In all the U-Bahn and S-Bahn stations in Munich and Hamburg without a valid ticket to take the train you should  by a Bahnsteigkarte or you will be punished with 60 Euro,The ticket also needs to be valided and since that useful in an hour

21.There will be a toilet ticket in the toilet in Sanifair in Germany. You can save 0,5 Euros by using it in public places where the toilet is located.

22. When you get off the train, bus or other public transport, you need to push the button on the door. Otherwise, the vehicle will not open the door. If there is a button on the arm of the vehicle, you need to press the button before getting off the bus to let the driver know your intention to get off. Otherwise the vehicle will not stop.

23. German Railway often delay. If so you can fill in Fahrgastrechtformular and can get a refund according to the situation. Generally, you can claim for the delay more than one hour later.

24. At the German gas station the driver supplies oil himself for the car and then goes to the gas station for payment. There is no special waiter to full the gas. Don't confuse the gasoline (Super) with the diesel (Diesel).

25. Several German signboards and their meanings

Left: Leave the vehicle exit when the red light is on (usually near the construction road (Baustelle), stop at the yellow temporary stop line)

Right: Street residents (Anlieger) vehicles can be driven to just before the construction section, construction vehicles are allowed, other vehicles are banned from the sign

Dead end, no way to turn around

XXX road (here Mittelweg) is forbidden to drive in

The vehicle from opposite is advanced to pass(the German construction efficiency is very low. It was repaired here since n years ago... There was a Japanese teacher for my Japanese cource was blocked here and was lated for 20 minutes late.... )

德国汽车之旅攻略---德国交通罚款条例(Only Chinese Version)


1. If you can't speak German then speak English or write English in Germany is also okay, but don't try to speak German in way of English. Because pronunciation is totaly different, it is very likely that the Germans can't understand what you mean. Even if English and German look the same, the words may not be the same in meaning and pronunciation, which is the same as the difference between Chinese and Japanese. . . . . .

2. The electrical commerce in Germany is not so convenience like that in China, also lots of german stores do not support the China Union Pay, so traveler should go to Germany with cash, the price of online shopping is the prise in reality shop+cost of delivery

3. The most restaurants ans supermarket in Europe closed on Sunday

4. You should pay attention to the places need to signature and think why, because if you signed it may be a lost of hundreds of euros and a lot of trobles...

5. Some drink you buy in Germany can get deposit back when there is a word "Pfand"or"Leergut" on the bottle (This is a special of Germany, may not be applyed in other countries)

6. Some supermarkets in Germany buy fruits and vegetables neeed customers to weigh the goods themselves, such as Real, some do not need to weigh by themselves, such as REWE, you need to weigh the scales, sticked tabels on the vegetables on the scale (Gemüse) fruit (Obst) The type itself is weighed, generally it's not a problem if you don't understand German by looking at the icons on screen, if the weighing error printed barcode it should be sticked at the specified position (Fehletiketten)

7. Supermarket comparison

Clothes and weather

1. The weather in Germany is always rainy and remember to take umbrella

2. In summer, the sunrise in Europe is very early and sunset very late soi remember to take eyeshade

3. To see a doctor in Germany is not convenient and try your best not to sick in Germany or it will be troublesome.

4. If the sky is dark in the summer please be careful of hail

5. Some European attractions such as Cinque Teere in Italy are forbidden to wear flip-flops, otherwise they will be fined 50-2500 Euros.

Drink and eat

1. You should pay attention of smoke when cooking in Germany, you will be punished if the smoke makes firefighter come.

2. If you need to fishing or catch wild animals you should present the permit

3. Normaly the water form the water pipe in Germany can directly be drinken except those have signed not for drinken (Nicht oder Kein Trinkwasser), the water saled in Germany is always Soda Water.

4. The foods with "Bio" taste always not so good, and the best before date is very close

5. If you go to the Asian Super League to buy food and eat you should pay attention on of Korea and Japan to see the packaging, after all, it is different from our eating habits, such as high content of wasabi on seaweed.

6. After dining you should send tableware yourself to the shelf.


1. The hotel in Europe always do not provide toothbrush, cups, slippers, charger and change-over plug

Electronic devices:

1. If you have bought SIM card for travel in Europe you should remember SIM and  PIN number and input the PIN number when reset, it's commended to save that on PAD or other devices as copy in case fo emergency.

2. It's not problem to use the phone number in Germany when you travel from Germany to other countries and the cost will not change, but the screen of the cell phone will present a "R" it means roaming and you need to open it. Switzerland has a special situation. In Switzerland, the mobile phone card fee of the EU operator is extremely high. It is recommended to go to Switzerland to buy a Swiss local mobile phone card in advance!

3. Europe use Daylight Saving Time now and the most electrionic device will adjust itself, you only need to adjust your mechanical clocks.


1. As Chinese we should present the features of our nations and solve the problems in polite ways (mainly because we are foreigners)

2. The most universities in German don't have the Gates and walls and so do te most in Europe and America.

3. If you like to use P2P software like Thunder you should not use that in Germany and especially for the download of movies, the punishment will be 200 Euro

4. Germany in the picture is like a paradise but it may not be suitable for you.

5. There are always smaller villiage than your image in Germany(The name at the end of address with "roda" or "rode" are always real villiages)

6. The states previous in East Germany like  Thuringia, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenbrug, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are not rich and the German here are not so friendly and politely, and more not friendly to foreigners, you should try best not to be conflict with them and better not go out at night in small cities like Köthen.

7. The best time to visit Germany is from March to October every year.

8. If there is no need in Germany, do not try to search the garbage bins of others. Unauthorized search for rubbish and supermarket expired foods are illegal in Germany and face high fines, which exceeds the price of new products and are not worth the loss.

9. Do not arbitrarily post advertisements in Germany without permission, otherwise face fines. If you really need to then Facebook or WeChat groups are good choices.

10. In emergency you must call an ambulance. Your insurance will help you pay that.

11. What should I do if the package is wet by rain?

First of all, you should immediately ask the courier to write the EMS CN24 damage order, detail the situation, plus a clear picture of the broken appearance (try to shoot comprehensive). One of the photos requires a box with a frontal mailing list. Only in this way can it be possible to negotiate with the EMS for partial payment.

12. All crows are euqally black, all wolves eat meat.

Emergence calls:


Vehicle breakdown help(ADAC):180 2222222

Chinese embassy in Germany:


Märkisches Ufer 54, 10179 Berlin

Düsseldorf:0049 - 17681264276

Schanzenstraße 131 40549 Düsseldorf

Frankfurt am Main:0049-69-69538633

Stresemannallee 19-23, 60596 Frankfurt am Main 


Elbchaussee 268, 22605 Hamburg

Munich:Only E-Mail

USA Embassy in Germany:

Gießener Str. 30
60435 Frankfurt am Main
Federal Republic of Germany
Phone: (069) 7535-0

Willi-Becker-Allee 10
40227 Düsseldorf
Federal Republic of Germany
Tel.: +49-211-788-89-27
Fax: +49-211-788-89-36

Alsterufer 27/28
20354 Hamburg
Federal Republic of Germany
Phone (040) 411 71 100 (no visa information)
Fax (040) 411 71 222 (no visa information)

Wilhelm-Seyfferth-Straße 4
04107 Leipzig
Federal Republic of Germany
Tel: +49-341-213-840
Email: LeipzigUSConsulate@state.gov

Königinstraße 5
80539 München(Munich)
Federal Republic of Germany
Tel.: +49-89-2888-0
Fax: +49-89-280-9998

British Embassy Berlin

Wilhelmstraße 70/71
10117 Berlin

If you have any problem or want to learn it's kindly welcomed to comment below

New words:


set aside time of affluence

transit visa

change-over plug


give way





Daylight saving time

All crows are euqally black, all wolves eat meat

Best before


Relative links(Now only in Chinese version):

德国汽车之旅攻略---德国交通罚款条例 (2016-07-21)

德国汽车之旅攻略---美食德语 (2016-07-21)

德国汽车之旅攻略---自驾德语 (2016-07-21)

德国汽车之旅攻略---俄德日常用语 (2016-07-21)

德国汽车之旅之第四篇---体验德国铁路 (2016-08-30)

德国汽车之旅之第十三篇---德国高速自驾体验 (2016-12-03)

品味德国第七篇---德国公共交通常见类型解读 (2018-09-10)

品味欧洲第一篇---华沙旅游计划 (2018-11-02)

Old Version

Series of the taste of Germany, No.11--- Tipps for trip in Germany (2018-11-26)

Old versions (Chinese)

品味德国第四篇---自助游来德国注意事项 (2018-05-28)

品味德国第四篇---自助游来德国注意事项(第二版) (2018-10-04)

品味德国第四篇---自助游来德国注意事项(第四版) (2018-11-15)

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