

Get a driving license in Germany

Chinese Version:在德国考驾照 (2018-06-24)

When you residence for a long time in Germany you need to get a german driving license before you control a car in Germany, that's why Norman decided to try hard for driving permission in Germany. Base on the 4 years experience of driving in China and the previous experience in Germany Norman gussed: It's not a big problem to get it in Germany, may be just  need to adjust the trafficlaws in Germany...

At the beginning Norman heard that some students in order to avoid the hard tests of German Exams for traffics has involved in groups to leran driving in Southkorea and make a "Umschreiben" in Germany (I guess it means to reregister), as for some strange things in Southkorea Norman finally give up the intention and still make it in Germany

Firstly you need to go to a drivingschool (Fahrschule) in Germany to register, if you already have a chinese driving license it's better to take it and the notarization copy with translation(beglaubige Kopie mit Übersetzung). In China, the trainning often at the suburbs with a big training area, but in Germany the driving school are always not so big like the picture above and this is all about a driving school. You just need to say that you want to take the exam, present the chinese driving(if have) and the worker here will help you to get in to the driving school. 

If your chinese driving license have not been notarized then you need to do it in Germany, as the photos above make a call and make an appointment to take it, one copy is 38 Euro, require for one more is 5 Euro each, not expensive than that in China.

Then register to take first-aid course, this course only take a day and graduate without exam. And the exams in driving school will not include the first-aid exam so no need to be worry, just relax and get a know about about it is perfect, after that take a eye test(Sehtest) and ready a photo size similar to the passphoto and bring all of that to driving school.

Then take a theory course, those who have presented the chinese driving license and the notarization with translation can directly take the theory exam, in principle shortly after you register at driving school you will recive a SEPA from TÜV or DEKRA and ask you to pay the bill for exams, theory exam costs 23 Euro and road test 92 Euro, you need to pay it 2 weeks before theory exam.

The score of the first exam, doubt for life...

The questions of each driving exam are the 30 from 1000 questions, include the questions that not included in China like priority, trailer and so on, you can use iTheorie from Google and costs 3 Euro for a vision free from advertisement, first learn and then test, then repeat to for 8 times continus for 90 scores and then you can arrange for the theory test at driving school.

Theory test is multiple or single choice, if zou have followed the instruction that mentioned above then it's certainly to pass. The Theory test composite of 30 questions and you need to achieve it in 25 minutes, test on computer, only can see the result after finish it. Norman have passed the exam with 2 mistakes...Take the report card to driving school and to register for the learning for road test. (You must take road testbefore 2 years of achieved the theory test otherweise the score will be eliminated)

The driving school are always with a great brand above the training cars and the cars are like a parade to the training area and then go back and forth in it, on contrast the training car in Germany are driven in the real roads and do all the training projects in real situtations, it's possible to let you enter a highway and driving at 160km/h(99.42mph), from the differences of training method between China and Germany we can see the difference of education between two conutries, the training result is you will be very familiar with the city even that you don't need a navigater when you drive in the city, so it's rare to see the road killer in Germany

Words for Road test:

Erste Gang - First Gear

Rückwärtsgang -Back Gear

Kopplung treten - disengage the clutsch

Gas geben - Give Gas

Schulterblick - See behind (like bicycle road and so on)

Kucken - Look

Schlüssel abziehen - Pull out the key

Handbremse - Parking brake

Link/Recht Abbiegen - Left/right turn

Geradeaus - Go straight

Recht vor Link - car form right side have priority

Große Bogen - big turn(the left turn car at the outside line need to trun at a big radius)

Fahrverbot - No Entry

Vorfahrt gewähren - let the car with priority go

Abstand halten - keep distance(with the bicycle ride in same way)

The mistakes in road test:

Not pay attention on priority, not pay attention on bicycle when turning especially when right turn, not pay attention of speed limit, enter the main lanes of highway without exceed to 80km/h(49mph), bremse before leaving main lines fo the highway, not brake when walker pass zebra crossing, not pay attention on "No Enter" sign... Do not think that it will be easier when you are an old driver, these rules are very strict in Germany, the coach will punish you if he finds that you did wrong.

Emergency brake(Notbremse)is the prossibility component of the exam,Norman have experienced it in Germany as the first time for the whole driving experience, it requires to use the whole power of your body to show the ability to stop vehicle with 30km/h (18.64mph) quickly, then quick look the mirrors and show left turn signal, although it seems just normal for norman but the heart beats quickly. 

The examiner may ask you some functions in the engine bay like those which frequently asked in the picture above, (not the official name but just for easy to remember)

What are lights means(Just remember the german words)

Road test about Tyres:The suitable tyre deep(The rule of tyre is which finger pointet at, 1,6mm from the bottom of tyre, tyre can't be used when the top of the rule same with the surface of tyre)

Then can take the road test, an hour before the test the couch ask me to drive the trainning car to the place of annual inspection to meet the examiner, this trip is a warm-up. Although Norman has made a mistake during that, but soon calmed down. The car for test is the same car of your training, coach still sit at the place of co-pilot, the only difference is the examiner at the backseat. The examiner give you the direction and the coach keep silent. Based on the secret aggrement from daily training the couch will support you with gesture, in this way we say that the exam in Germany is easier than that in China. 

The coach will also detract the concentration of examiner during the exam, as long as you are peaceful the exam is not a big deal! Although there are lots of article about failed in exams but it seems most of them are not good concentrated.

After passing the exam the examiner will give the list and you need to take it and certificates (Residence permit, passport and chinese driving license(if you have already provided before the register at driving school)) at the next day to traffic administration to get the german license, then all achieved, wish all the learners in Germany for driving license learn smoothly!Viel Erfolg!

The native radio in lower saxony: FFN, NDR2

See also (Now only with Chinese Version):



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Follow these steps to get driver's license
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生活实用对话(内含句子跟读练习)——【主题】:Driving License考取驾照#169
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