



trophy wife

had developed a taste

Gabrielle was touched when tears welled up in his eyes.

pin the receipt to my chest

work it into the conversation.casually mention

The bloodiest battles often involve the mothers and their dauthers-in-law. lose ground to sb

she had suffered one defeat after another. 

u're not putting away enough for retirement.we cut back on expenses

:And for the record, I am not one of those women who has a hole in her heart that can only be filled by a baby. I like my life. A lot. It's very fulfilling.

fall off the wagon

All u can eat crab legs


The bottom line is, no matter how much I dislike u, I love Carlos more.

I'm not gonna risk my neck to protect u. she was the one who knew how to bluff.

Rest assured

Confession is not really my thing

aren't u just a ball of fun. So, if I confess, it'll clean(wipe) the slate

u have been a tremendous comfort

Her house reeks of apricot.

making up excuses as to (about)why we haven't fixed our plumbing.

we've got a good traded in price for our old car.

good friends support each other after they've been humiliated. Great friends pretend nothing happened in the first place."

good friends offer to help in a crisis. Great friends don't take no for an answer.

Look at this bone structure. This face is a cash cow, and if u don't have the vision to take advantage of that, then maybe I'm at the wrong agency." 

step back/in

put off/together

cool off overreact

I have a theory

moving up the corporate ladder

 if u hadn't quit, u'd be running the place by now.

anything but (except)apple wine

when they're not making me want to pull my hair out ,they're really sweat

I'm very well respected at Barcliff, and my word won't be good there anymore.

We do strive for diversity here at Barcliff. Identical twins could make for (possible)an interesting addition.

They won't make it(succeed in doing) to their later years if I have to spend all day with them.

 let's leave the creative suggestions to the mothers who have assumed the heavy lifting, 

I'm keeping my fingers crossed here. 

I'm going to do some, heavy lifting, I believe I have a right to talk about the changes made to the script?"

for that impassioned speech, but I believe that ship has sailed.

it was a creative call. (decision)Look, I'm in the middle of a costume crisis, and if I don't take a few shortcuts,I'll never finish.

we have kids the same age, which means there are years ahead of us, having to deal with each other. So instead of playing all these petty games, why don't we put an end to this right now."

ur participation was supposed to be limited to making dinner,

u are always competing with me, and judging by tonight, u still are

And when u work on a pitch, or u bring the partners over, I am reminded of a world I left behind where I was the winner,

I'm stuck in the middle, and it is really starting to get to me

do the trick

block everything out

I'm on my last nerves, so I'm going to level with u. I'll go pick up the boys, we'll hit the park.

a-list    I need to catch (≈poach)one

reap(get) the benefits? where can I score some high grade nanny? I couldn't help but notice (laugh/overhear/wonder)

u're wasting the time obsessing about the kids.

My boys are a lot to handle. What if she's not up to it

 a breach of trust.

 I dash upstairs while everyone was asleep.

u kiss as though that would end this conversation, and it so won't.

u have the hots for our nanny,Men by nature are drawn to fertile young women with whom they can plant their seed. It's the basic flaw of ur gender. 

It just doesn't make any sense to me. I mean, I'm Peterson's go-to guy,so how does Tim Doogan, the biggest blowhard in the office get promoted to vp over me?u just have to step up,Nobody respects a shrinking violet.

what's the word on Tim?\"

Tom: \"He came through the triple bypass with flying colors.\" it's not all coming up roses.

u're going after Tim's promotion?

u're barely here half the time as it is. 

the boys are now lice-free.\"my kids started an entire lice outbreak.\"

u should have consulted me

it's the ugliest 15 minutes of the day.

don't be so hard on urself,

patient zero was another little boy,That is a load off my mind.

Acting like parents won't assign blame is like pretending they don't keep score at pee-wee league games. It's human nature. If u don't give the moms sb to blame, they'll pick a scapegoat. 

Years go by, the kids burn u out, I'm on the road so much, we just drifted apart. ur take on this is u're the victim?\"

we're just going to have to agree to disagree,I've been sitting here with knots in my stomach.\"

whatever, let's not beat a dead horse,get it off ur chest.\"And that worries me, because if u can find it in u to condone sth like that, then what's gonna happen when u've been on the road for forty years?\"

it gives him power over u.
Did u tell her that u have a wife, or does that hinder ur pick-up style
Even if I was seeing someone, I have every right to.=be entitled to Exploring options is the whole point of being separated!\" I'm not a mutual fund,
go tell him to kick Andrew's ass. 
I am perfectly capable of handling this without ur father.I am rapidly reaching the end of my patience with u. 
don't change the subject. 
I thought the subject was telling lies.just because I chose not to share my marital problems with u does not give u the right to be rude. 
How about driving my father away? Do I get to be rude then?
I wouldn't want u to strain urself .

I'm mad at u for about seven thousand other things.
If u think I'm going to apologise for taking u out of a strip club, u're wrong! I consider it one of my finest moments
that doesn't make it any less frightening.

I'm serving it this year for Christmas. I like to try out new recipes before the actual holiday. That way, if the cook book has gotten it wrong, I can fix it.
it was right before Christmas,everyone in my family sings off-key,it was just a terrible ruckus.
brakes screeching.
she knew the transgressions of her past were nothing compared with the sin she was about to commit.
hit and run,  until the statute of limitations is up
Do u really think mom and dad are going to foot the bill while u go moose hunting for seven years
this didn't cost me a dime
It was surrendered  to him by a soldier during World War II.
past few days have meant to me
 I like to go over a few of the basics 
I told him that I agreed with his stance on the death penalty. 
insensitive, Aside from the adultery, yes.
I take it u've resolved ur feelings about his infidelity
reconciliation.There'll be a lot of forced smiles and perfunctory
love making, but after a few decades whiz by

Have u confronted him
He was terrified that I'll figure it out.how does this reconciliation have a chance if the two of u can't be honest about the innermost  parts of ur lives,Not acknowledging the elephant in the room is what we do best.u'd settle for that?
he sent out a bunch of formal invitations complete with fancy lettering.\"I'm surprised he didn't spritz them with after shave.\"His genetic incapable being cool
We can always bail if it's as lame as we think it's gonna be.
Is Lisa your friend with the pierced navel
a curfew isn't gonna do any good.\"
u may be able to abdicate all your parental responsibility but I cannot.
I wasn't planning on running for a second term.
 if that's the type of boy he is, then good riddance.\"
 I love u a lot but u really are the last person to ever give anyone advice about sex and happiness
I thought as much,I have some money that I've been putting aside for emergencies
Continue to be discreet.
If u did, those displays of friendship seem to have slipped my mind.\"
but it would have been a whole lot better than the silence.\"
I'm not interested. But u do get credit for one thing.u came to visit me, even if it was for an ulterior motive
If we can't get through to Adrew then we have to find sbwho can.\"
she has a figure to die for
Dad's being released  today. He's got to have a place to recuperate
we're all rooting for u, but u might not be so lucky!u want to see how long I can hold a grudge
I will see him through this, but after that, ur father can rot in hell for all I care!\"

rip up   tear out/off/up
catch me off guard
get me under the gun
have some insight into my soul
I loathe Karl, and the postman will back me up on that, too."
u're going to understand once and for all that I have no feelings for him whatsoever
That's why u're gonna grovel at her feet and beg forgiveness.That's right. u're gonna have to suck up to Edie 

 I have a gig (notice)tomorrow. I can't leave 'em hanging.
I'm still the outsider that doesn't get invited to the cool parties, and u're still the perky cheerleader who thinks that she can pull the wool over everyone's eyes
I'm buying
throw a dinner,throw sb off
. No strings attached
 I try to look passed ur flaws, but u look for ways to push my buttons."
u tracked us down?" 
it wasn't hard. I just followed the stench of betrayal.
I would rather cry in a beamer not smile on a bicycle.
fire can't wrap in the paper.
When Carl ran off with Brandy, u saw what a basket case I was

​fall in love at first sight

We all have moments of desperation, but if we can face them head on, that's when we find out just how strong we really are.

what doesn't kill u, make u strong.

NARRATOR: My name is Mary Alice Young. When you read this morning's paper, you may come across an article about the unusual day I had last week.
Normally, there's never anything newsworthy about my life. That all changed last Thursday. Of course everything seemed as normal at first. I made my breakfast for my family.

 I performed my chores. 
I completed my projects.  I ran my errands

NARRATOR: In truth, I spent the day as I spend every other day - quietly polishing the routine to make sth. perfect )of my life until it gleamed with perfection

Edie: "So, uh, where was Susan today?" 
Lynette: "She's going through sth, and I'm sure she'd prefer it to be private." 
Edie: "She's upset with Mike, isn't she? Well, come on. I'm gonna find out sooner or later." 
Lynette: "She's devastated (big shock,~her cat's death )about the breakup, and she hasn't left the house in days."
Edie: "Well, why didn't you just tell me that?" 
Lynette: "Because it's personal. It's the kind of thing she would only want me to tell her friends." 
Edie: "I'm Susan's friend. Well, I don't hate her." 
Lynette: "Edie, if you want me to share stuff with you, you're gonna have to start being more supportive of Susan." 
Edie: "Okay. How?" 
Lynette: "What do friends do? They call, they're sympathetic, they ask about the pain the other person is going through, and then they listen." 
Edie: "What if you want to be supportive, but you just can't stand listening to people bitch?" (complain, she is always ~ about her boyfriend)

Edie: "What are you doing?" 
Susan: "I decided that my life is way too complicated, and so I'm simplifying.(simple) I am getting rid of the clutter.(stuff/life. m6 desk is full of /covered with~) Okay, not to be rude, but is there a reason you're here?" 
Edie: "Look, I'm feeling badly about what you're going through with Mike. And don't worry. I'm not going to date him." 
Susan: "Doesn't matter anymore." 
Edie: "Well, don't get me wrong. I still have every intention of sleeping with him. Some mountains are just meant to be climbed."
Edie: "How long have you been sitting here?" 
Susan: "I don't know. Five minutes, give or take (possible less,more than the amounts u mention. this cloth costs 200~) three hours." 
Edie: "That's it. Get up. Get dressed."
Susan: "Why?" 
Edie: "Beause you're coming with me. It's time to get wasted. (drink)Happy hour(at bar/restaurant) started forty-five minutes ago."
Susan: "Why would I go anywhere with you?" 
Edie: "Because that's what normal women do when they get depressed. They put on short skirts, they go to bars with their girlfriends, maybe have one too many and then make out with some strange man in the back of a dark alley." 
Susan: "Wow."

Edie: "Oh, come on. It'll be fun, I swear. Come on. Come on."
(She begins dragging Susan by the feet.) 
Susan: "Why do you even care?" 
Edie: "I never said I cared. It's just...well, I...I guess I know what it's like to have your heart stomped on."(broken, she stood by the road and stomping her feet to stay warm. every time I get an idea, my boss just ~me)
Susan: "Okay. All right. Give me a minute. I'll go change my clothes." 
Edie: "And don't forget to do sth with that skanky(dirt, I found pairs of his ~socks on the floor. I wouldn't be caught died in that ~outfit) hair. 

Bree: "So how is it going with Mike, Susan?" 

Susan: "It's going, finally. We have our first official date next week. I think he's taking me to see a play or something."

Lynette: "Might I suggest the Barcliffe Academy production of Little Red Riding Hood?"

Susan: "Oh, that's right, the twins-stage debut!"(present sth at the first time)

Gabrielle: "Are they having fun?" 

Lynette: "Sure, they get to play oak trees. I'm the one who has to deal with all the drama behind the scenes."

Bree: "Oh, I take it you've met Maisy Gibbons." 

Lynette: "She's a total nightmare. I guess I shouldn't have challenged her." 

Bree: "Oh, dear."

Lynette: "Because now no one on the play committee even wants to talk to me." 

Bree: "Oh, Maisy does love to rule her little kingdom."

Susan: "It hasn't really changed since Girl Scouts. Girls smile at you to your face, and then behind your back, they make fun of you because you're the only one not shaving your legs yet."

Lynette: "That would have never happened in Boy Scouts. When I worked, mostly with men, I preferred the way they fought. A guy takes his opponent on, face to face, and once he's won, he's top dog. It's primitive, but it's fair."

Susan: "And a lot less sneaky."(in a secret and unfair way

Gabrielle: "Isn't it sexist of us to generalize like this?"

Lynette: "It's science, Gabrielle. Sociologists have documented this stuff."

Gabrielle: "Well, who am I to argue with sociologists?

BREE: Hello Zach! I hope this isn't a bad time. 

ZACH: What can I do for you, Mrs. Van De Kamp? 

BREE: Well, I wanted to invite you and your father to a dinner party tomorrow night. 

ZACH: I'm not sure where he is right now. 

BREE: Oh. Well, I'm sorry it's such late notice. It's just gonna be a casual night with the gang.

PAUL: (appears at the door next to ZACH) Hello, Bree. 

BREE: Oh hi, Paul, I was just? 

PAUL: I heard. Thank you, we already have plans for tomorrow.


Edie: "Martha. Where's your purse?" 

Martha: "Over there, why?"

(Edie walks over to the purse without saying a word and opens it.) 

Martha: "What are you doing?" 

Edie: "I am taking back the $40 that you stole out of my purse." 

Martha: "Edie!" 

Edie: "We both know you did it, now hand it over!"

Martha: "I have taken nothing from your purse, and if you're missing money, I'd ask one of those strange men you parade (show off)through here at all hours.(all the time)"

(She grabs the purse from Edie and walks away.) 

Edie: "I am not going to apologize for having a healthy sex life!" 

Martha: "Healthy? I'm going to have to burn every sheet you've touched." 

Edie: "I want my money." 

Martha: "And I want those non-fat 脱脂的peach yogurts. They didn't just walk out of that fridge by themselves." 

Edie: "Well, you can deduct it from the $40 that you're going to give me, now!"

Martha: "You're my best friend, why would I steal from you?" 

Edie: "It's no secret that (as we know)u've been having financial problems. I hear u bitching (complain)on the phone to ur bank."

Martha: "That's it! I can put up with (tolerate)ur debauchery (has moral sin)and ur food theft, but I will not tolerate spying. (to collect secret information about sb or suddenly see and notice(pay attention to )sb)I want you out."

Edie: "You don't mean that." 

Martha: "Oh, yes, I do. I'm leaving tomorrow to visit my sister for a few days. I want you gone by the time I get back." 

Edie: "I'll do one better. I will leave today."

Police Chief: "If u find anything in ur sister's belongings that might shed some light on(give info for sth to easily understand. as an economist,he is able to~the problem) her death, um, letters or a date book, please, call me immediately."

Felicia: "I believe she did keep a diary (~account, to see how much u cost)or sth. I'll look around for it."

(They see a group of people standing outside on the sidewalk.) 

Felicia: "Look at them all. Vultures.(a person or an organization eager to get advantages from other people's difficulty. when a company is in crisis,the~ are always horvering) Pretending to care when all they really want are the sordid (dirt)details."

Police Chief: "I don't know, I think they just want to show their support." 

Felicia: "Please. Human beings feed on(use bad thing to get advantages) misery. Well, we might as well give the people what they want."

Felicia: "Hello. I want to thank you all for coming out here and expressing your genuine sorrow and disbelief. My sister, Martha, would have been so touched. I know that many of you have questions. I've just spoken with the police who are still putting together (take some/several minutes to put the puzzles together )the details of what happened. What they do know is, Martha died a violent death."(~natural)

 (The crowd is shocked.) 

Felicia: "Yes, I know. It's hard to hear. Apparently, there was a struggle. They found scratching and bruising on her body, several broken bones, and traces of dirt in her lungs, which leads us to believe that she was still alive at the time of her burial, and probably in great pain. But the good news is, there are no signs that she had been molested.(attack sb sextual. a girl has been molested frequently from her stepfather at her age of eight.) Now, I think it's time that you return to your homes, to your loved ones. Oh, in lieu of(instead of) a memorial service, I'll be holding an estate sale tomorrow. Please, no personal checks."

Susan: "Hi. Mrs. Mayer. I saw you from across the street. I thought you might need a hand." 

Felicia: "No, thanks." 

Susan: "I, I'm sorry for what happened. It must be really hard, not knowing who did it, or why. You must feel helpless. " 

Felicia: "A bit. I'm hoping her journals (boring)流水账(≈diary情感)will provide some insight." 

Susan: "Journals?" 

Felicia: "Yes, Martha kept them for years

Susan: "Oh. So, she must have written a lot of things in them?" 

Felicia: "Every mundane (boring. it's ur attitude to make ~into sth more interesting)detail of her life. And everyone else's, for that matter.(as well) The police want to see them, but I'm stalling (1.a fruit nd vegetable ~.2delay.3 a bathroon with a shower stall)them 'til I have a chance to read through them first myself. wouldn't want any embarrassing family secrets getting out." 

Susan: "That's smart, that, that's good."

(Felicia turns away.) 

Susan: "That's good to hear."

(She turns and leaves.)


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