


When growing flowers or other plants in the garden, providing a well balanced, nutrient rich soil is one of the determining factors of overall success.当鲜花或其他植物生长在花园,提供一个很好的平衡,营养丰富的土壤是整体成功的决定性因素之一。 The easiest way to maintain a balanced soil is to consistently provide organic matter such as compost to the soil; however, no effort is foolproof and imbalances regularly occur despite composting and other efforts.维持一个平衡的土壤最简单的方法是始终如一地提供如堆肥的土壤有机质;但是,没有努力是万无一失的不平衡,定期尽管发生堆肥和其他努力。 Iron deficiencies are easily recognizable, and also easily treated.铁的缺陷是容易辨认,也很容易处理。

  1. Correctly Identifying the Problem正确识别的问题

    • Identifying an iron deficiency is easy, according to the University of Missouri Extension Service; yellow tips on foliage, colorless or pale fruit or flowers, and an overall lethargic or "anemic" growth pattern are the visual clues.确定缺铁是容易的,根据密苏里大学推广服务;枝叶,无色或淡黄色的水果或鲜花,一个整体昏睡或“贫血”的增长模式黄芽的视觉线索。 Iron is essential to a plant's natural process of chlorophyll production; without iron, chlorophyll production wains and the result is the distinctive yellowing of foliage.铁植物的叶绿素生产的自然过程是必不可少的,没有铁,叶绿素生产wains,结果是鲜明的树叶变黄。 If you suspect an iron deficiency in your garden soil, you need to perform a quick soil test to confirm that a lack of iron is the problem.如果你怀疑你的花园里的土壤中缺铁,则需要执行快速的土壤测试,以确认的铁缺乏问题。 Iron deficiencies and nitrogen deficiencies similarly result in yellow or pale growth, so verifying is important.同样的结果在黄色或苍白的增长,以便核实的铁不足和氮的不足是重要的。 Treating a nitrogen deficiency with iron will only make the problem worse, and vice versa.治疗铁缺乏氮,只会使问题变得更糟,反之亦然。 Further, Calvin Finch, Conservation Director and Horticulturist at the San Antonio Water System points out that iron deficiency and soil alkalinity are often linked.此外,卡尔文芬奇,在圣安东尼奥水系统的自然护理署署长和园艺学指出,缺铁和土壤碱度往往是联系在一起。 Alkaline soil can render iron stores unusable by plants, further underscoring the importance of the soil test.碱性土壤可以使植物无法使用的铁店,进一步强调了土壤测试的重要性。 Adding iron to alkaline soil won't help, but treating the soil to lower the pH will.添加铁碱性土壤不会帮助,但处理土壤的pH值会降低。

    Select Chelated Iron Additives选择螯合铁添加剂

    • If soil tests confirm an iron deficiency as opposed to alkaline soil or other factors, Golden Harvest Organics notes that you have both short-term and long-term treatment options available.如果土壤测试,确认缺铁,而不是碱性土壤或其他因素,嘉禾有机物注意到,您有短期和长期的治疗方案。 In the short term you'll want to purchase an iron additive from your local gardening store to spread in any beds that are iron deficient.在短期内,你会想从您当地的园艺商店购买铁添加剂传播任何病床,是缺铁。 An organic, more natural solution is the addition of bone or blood meal to the soil.一个有机的,更自然的解决方案是增加骨或血粉的土壤。 If you choose an iron additive, verify that the iron you purchase is chelated---a term that essentially means the iron is in a form plants can readily use.如果你选择一个铁添加剂,确认您购买的铁螯合---一个术语,基本上是指铁在植物可以随时使用的形式。

    Long Term Solutions长远的解决方法

    • In the long term, you need to address the soil conditions.从长远来看,你需要解决的土壤条件。 If your garden beds are surrounded by concrete pavers, or some other form of movable concrete, you might consider replacing these with an alternative material.如果你的花园里的床是由混凝土摊铺机,或一些其他形式的可移动的混凝土包围,你可能会考虑更换这些替代材料。 Concrete is highly alkaline and can create iron deficiencies in plants growing nearby regardless of the overall soil condition.混凝土是强碱性,并能创造增长附近,无论整体的土壤条件的植物铁不足。 Also, Golden Harvest Organics recommends seasonal application of organic matter---like compost---to blend with the soil.此外,嘉禾有机建议有机物的季节性应用--- ---像堆肥与土壤混合。 Iron appears naturally in the environment, and providing a consistent source of nutrient rich organic matter to garden beds will maintain the health and balance of the soil as a whole, including iron availability.铁在环境中自然出现,并提供一致的一种营养丰富的有机质源花园病床将保持作为一个整体的健康和平衡的土壤,包括铁的可用性。 Unfortunately, as Finch points out, there are certain regions whose soils are naturally alkaline; try as you might to change this with acid treatments or iron supplements, you'll be fighting against unfathomable amounts of alkaline soil.不幸的是,芬奇点为,有某些地区的自然碱性土壤;尝试,因为你可能会改变,酸处理或铁补充剂,你会深不可测对碱性土壤的战斗。 If you frequently encounter plant problems related to high pH or iron deficiencies, a call into your local extension office can help determine if you're fighting the forces of Mother Nature herself.如果您经常遇到植物高pH值或铁缺乏,一个呼叫到您的本地推广办事处的问题,可以帮助确定如果你是大自然自己的力量战斗。 Indeed, if this is the case, you might consider trading out your plants for those that thrive in alkaline soils.事实上,如果是这样的话,你可能会考虑交易那些在碱性土壤中茁壮成长的植物。

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