




作者:Susanna Schrobsdorff 


校对:徐   唱



When men see other men behaving badly 


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A lot of men are asking themselves if they have ever done something that a woman somewhere is tweeting about with the #MeToo hashtag in response to the question, Have you ever been harassed or assaulted? It all began with the horrific accusations against producer Harvey Weinstein over the past month. Since then, the ugliness has swamped our consciousness. It seems to be everywhere, like rot in the walls. Women are walking around feeling less alone, yet they are scared and sickened by the magnitude of the problem. How will we move forward? 

你是否遭遇过性侵或者性骚扰?推特上,女性转发 #我也是受害者# 来回答这个问题。很多男人反省,自己是否做过任何让她们觉得不适的事。事情的起因还要从上月对制作人哈维·韦恩斯坦的可怕指控说起。自那时起,骚扰女性的丑恶罪行直击我们的良心。这样的事好像无处不在,就像墙中滋生的腐烂一样。女性感觉不像从前那么孤单,但这次事件的影响之大,仍然让她们感到害怕、恶心。那我们该如何趋步向前?

swamp [swɑmp] v. ~ sb/sth (with sth) overwhelm sb/sth with a great quantity of things (以繁多的事物)压倒某人/某事物

The hope is that this catharsis will prompt men and institutions to acknowledge and change their behavior when it comes to the harassment of anyone. I’m sure that some men recognize their own behavior in those tweets. Maybe they’re ashamed of their actions or their complicity. Maybe they have learned something about what women go through. Of course, there are those deeply narcissistic, powerful men like Weinstein who can’t imagine that a woman doesn’t want them. Or they don’t care because they’ve gotten used to a life where no one says no without swift and cruel retaliation. (Hell hath no fury like a rejected bully.) 


catharsis  [kəˈθɑrsɪs] n. release of strong feelings through the effect of art, esp drama (通过艺术作用, 尤指戏剧)强烈情感的发抒

narcissistic [ˌnɑrsɪˈsɪstɪk] adj. the habit of admiring yourself too much, especially your appearance 自我陶醉,自赏,自恋(尤指对自己的容貌)

retaliation [ rɪˌtælɪˈeʃən] n. ~ (against sb/sth) (for sth) action that a person takes against sb who has harmed them in some way 报复

Hell hath no fury like a rejected bully. 这句话改编自Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,意思是“没有什么能比感情遭到拒绝更让女人生气的了”。

But a lot of men really aren’t sure if they’ve crossed a line. Male friends tell me they’ve been sifting through memories, thinking, I’m no monster like Weinstein, but what about that time I complimented a woman on her hair—was that creepy? 


To answer that question, women are posting lists of things men shouldn’t do or say. They advise men to think of women as . . . people. Or that if men are distracted by a woman’s womanness, they should just think of her as the Rock, as Anne Victoria Clark wrote. Another list, “57 Things I Need You to Stop Doing to the Women You Work With,” includes not commenting on a woman’s appearance, ever, and not grabbing her butt. 


But here’s the problem: we are lumping sexual assault in with “I like your jacket.” Part of being treated like a person at work is being treated as a friend, perhaps for a lifetime. And friends talk about their lives outside of work, their kids or their cancer treatment, because we are human first. There’s no fixed line between friendship and creepy. And what about the many people who date, marry and break up with colleagues? Then the line between icky and romantic gets really blurry. Think of John Cusack’s character standing outside his ex’s bedroom with a boom box in the movie Say Anything. Read one way, it’s the start of a marriage; in another way, he’s a stalker. We’ve been raised on romances in which the guy “just wouldn’t give up until she said yes,” that she would go out with him or marry him. 


lump  [lʌmp] v. ~ sb/sth (together) put or consider people or things together; treat people or things as alike or under the same heading 将人或物归并一起或合并考虑; 将人或物同等对待或分类

icky [ˈɪki] adj. unpleasant (used especially about sth that is wet and sticky) 黏糊糊(令人不舒服)的

Clearly, we have a lot of cultural baggage. So as helpful as a list of don’ts might be, it’s not enough. I think men need to hear it from women directly. Is it possible for men to ask women if they’ve done something to make them uncomfortable or scared? And if they did, would we answer no when we meant yes so as not to offend? I’m not sure. But maybe more honesty is something we can salvage from this awful swamp. It’d be a start anyway. 


baggage [ˈbæɡɪdʒ] n. the beliefs and attitudes that sb has as a result of their past experiences (因阅历而形成的)信仰,看法

salvage [ˈsælvɪdʒ] v. to manage to rescue sth from a difficult situation; to stop a bad situation from being a complete failure 挽救;挽回


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