



  • Check off

Meaning: Make a mark next to(打勾)

Example: Check each name off the list.

  • Read off

Meaning: Read aloud from a list(大声朗读)

Example: I read the number off the cargo.

  • Pass out

Meaning: Become unconscious(昏迷

Example: He passed out because the room was too hot.

  • Carry on

Meaning: Continue, carry on.(继续)

Example: I didn’t mean to interrupt you.

  • Make for

Meaning: Move towards(朝向)

Example: He already made for home when I arrived.

  • Run over

Meaning: Read through or practice something quickly(快速浏览)

Example: He ran over his notes before going home.

  • Keep to

Meaning: Persist in, continue(坚持)

Example: He kept to puzzle until it was done.

  • Check back

Meaning: Return to see if everything is OK(复查)

Example: They will check back next week to make sure the report.

  • Come back

Meaning: Return(返回)

Example: What time are you coming back?

  • Do down

Meaning: Criticize someone or something(批评)

Example: My son, stop doing yourself down.

  • Come across

Meaning: Discover by accident(偶然遇见)

Example: I came across a car I’d never seen before.

  • Let on

Meaning: Make clear, evince(表明)

Example: You don’t want to let on how rich you really are.

  • Keep in

Meaning: Not allow someone out.(不准外出)

Example: Children were kept in after school.

  • Hold on

Meaning: To wait particularly on the phone(电话不挂线)

Example: They’ll hold on another minute, then they’ll have to go.

  • Break into

Meaning: Interrupt (a conversation) (打断)

Example: Samuel breaks into the conversation and told us.

  • Give forth

Meaning: Emit or release something(释放)

Example: The roses give forth a very heady scent at this time of the year.

  • Bring back

Meaning: Fetch something(取回)

Example: Should I bring the car back with an empty tank?

  • Look back

Meaning: To think about something that happened in the past(回顾)

Example: When I look back, I’m filled with happiness.

  • Let down

Meaning: Lengthen(加长)

Example: My father is a tailor, so he can let my pants down.

  • Do over

Meaning: Repeat(重复)

Example: My friend made many mistakes, so I want to do the report over.

  • Take up

Meaning: To begin a new hobby(产生兴趣)

Example: I’m not very good at basketball. I only took it up recently.

  • Get around

Meaning: To travel to different places(游览)

Example: I will get around from town to town.

  • Go along

Meaning: To continue to happen or to develop(进展)

Example: He is under the radar but he is going along well.

  • Back out

Meaning: Withdraw from something one has agreed to do(撤出)

Example: He backed out of the agreement.

  • Wipe out

Meaning: To destroy something completely(毁掉)

Example: People worry that climate change will wipe out coffee crops in certain countries.

  • Use up

Meaning: Finish a supply of something(用尽)

Example: I’ve used up all my holiday entitlement.

  • Set aside

Meaning: To reserve something for a particular aim(存储)

Example: John set aside some money for his kid’s future.

  • Get up

Meaning: Stop sleeping and leave the bed(起床)

Example: The first thing I do when I get up is go to the toilet.

  • Wake up

Meaning: Stop sleeping, or make someone stop sleeping(醒来)

Example: They often wake up at 7. am.

  • Ask after

Meaning: To ask for information about someone(询问某人)

Example: Tell your mother I was asking after her.

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