

The Gingerbread Girl Audiobook | Stephen King | Audible.com

The Gingerbread Girl

  • by Stephen King
  • Narrated by Mare Winningham
  • 2 hrs and 13 mins
  • Unabridged Audiobook

Publisher's Summary

In the emotional aftermath of her baby's sudden death, Em starts running. Soon she runs from her husband, to the airport, down to the Florida Gul…

In the emotional aftermath of her baby's sudden death, Em starts running. Soon she runs from her husband, to the airport, down to the Florida Gulf, and out to the loneliest stretch of Vermillion Key, where her father has offered the use of a conch shack he has kept there for years. Em keeps up her running - barefoot on the beach, sneakers on the road - and sees virtually no one.This is doing her all kinds of good, until one day she makes the mistake of looking into the driveway of a man named Pickering. Pickering also enjoys the privacy of Vermillion Key, but the young women he brings there suffer the consequences. Will Em be next?

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Customer Reviews

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Run, Em! Run!

Fast-paced, primal and gratifying! Great to listen to during exercise, or chores, because it makes you hyper!

- Fiona

The Gingerbread Girl

Fantastic book. I didn't want to put it down, and with it being an audiobook, I didn't have to. If you like King, You'll LOVE this story. I had…
Fantastic book. I didn't want to put it down, and with it being an audiobook, I didn't have to. If you like King, You'll LOVE this story. I had a connection with Em right from the start. I rate this 5 stars.
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