

广州保利 · 335金融中心 / GVL怡境国际集团 – mooool木藕设计网

Thanks GVL for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by GVL .


GVL:Cloud differs in shape and water varies in form.The same is true for the ideal life which may offer various possibilities.

灵感初现 裁云剪水  Source of Inspiration


“At the top of Kunlun Mountains there is a Zengcheng rising to a height of ten thousand li.” ——Huainanzi

增城,古时是为神仙居住的地方之意,现时盖取其美名的广州增城,也是一个拥有“中国最具幸福感的城市”、“中国金融生态城市”等称号的宜居之地。 千年古县增城,或许有昆仑神话的加持,更为显灵气。传说中的仙境都有云雾萦绕,而在增城白水寨一处亦见氤氲,此为白水寨瀑布飞流直下所起水雾。“瀑布半天上,飞响落人间”,此山林、此瀑布流水、此云雾组合成一现代生活建筑灵感,以「增城保利·335金融中心」呈现。

Zengcheng used to be the place where gods lived in Chinese myth, and now it is the name for the beautiful district in Guangzhou, which is known as “China’s Happiest City” and “China’s Financial Eco City”. Zengcheng is blessed with abundant natural resources, among which the stunning Baishuizhai Waterfall falls down from the high, enshrouding the surroundings with mist. The designer of Poly 335 Financial Center has just drawn inspiration from the mountains, waterfall, cloud and mist, creating a large-scale mixed-use complex in Zengcheng District.


The number “335” is not only included in the name of the Financial Center but also suggests the height of the office building, which is poised to become an architectural icon for the region.Set to become the central gathering place for the greater metropolitan area, the new complex is situated on the outer lines of Guangzhou’s subway and rail systems and borders residential neighborhoods and a new regional transit station. The project is conceived as an ideal transportation hub to connect people together.

云端生活 千姿百态  Colorful Life above Cloud



“Mist enshrouds beautiful mountains.”

Cloud, as soft as cotton and as light as veil, is intangible and varies in shape and size.



The clouds appear in the shape of flowers.

At the first sight of the 335 Financial Center, you will find yourself in a fantastic world above the clouds. Ultra wide steps at the entrance are decorated with pink muhlygrass, just like romantic pink clouds.


As you approach, there are lights interspersing to form a path of stars, which winds its way into the building.



The white pavement looks like a waterfall from the sky. Inspired by the scenery of Baishuizhai Scene Spot, a landscaped central plaza is built in the heart of the development. And the white pavement in the atrium reminds visitors of the stunning waterfall.

Water feature, plants, lights, paths, pavement and plaza are arranged along a zigzag line. Linear and multi-level designs are cleverly combined, connecting flexible landscape spaces and elements to make a deep impression on the visitors.



Clouds appear in actual shape and form.

The zigzag steps lead visitors to the central plaza, at the corner of which is an array of cloud-shaped art decorations, romantic and apealing.



Different from the softness and the intangibility of the clouds in the sky, the sculpture is designed with rigid and interlaced lines to form clouds of various sizes, from which mist sprays out to create a romantic atmosphere. Moreover, a “waterfall” made of metal material falls down from the “clouds”, creating an amazing visual effect.

This sculpture conveys the idea of “cloud waterfall” and becomes the highlight of the whole development.

飞瀑景致 意境灵魂  Spiritual Waterfall


“White waterfall suspends from green mountains.”



As the basic design elements, cloud is from the sky, while waterfall is on the earth, but they are connected with each other through water.The waterfall is formed by surface water dropping over a cliff, and the cloud is formed by vapor which also comes from surface water. Water evaporates from the waterfall, rains down on the land, and at last pours back to the streams, which forms the ever-lasting circulation of water.

Poly 335 Financial Center is designed with an indoor-outdoor setting for a vibrant, commercially successful community integrating offices, five-star hotel, high-end shopping mall and luxury residences. The waterfall will lead visitors to experience a dreamlike cozy life.


The shape of water always changes. Sometimes, it is a murmuring stream running through mountains, and sometimes it turns to be a magnificent waterfall dropping over the cliff and echoing through the valley.



The design team thus drew inspiration from nature and introduced different forms of water into the landscape: waterfall, splash, stream, etc.

Cascade water and green plants complement each other, reminding visitors of the image of waterfall dropping from a high mountain. Water falls down and flows around the central plaza, forming a murmuring stream which mirrors the white clouds and the blue sky. The mirror water ripples with a gust of wind, and the clouds in the water will change accordingly.

云水之内 别有洞天  A New World Hidden Between Clouds and Water


“A path through waterfall leads to a new world.”



In Chinese myths and legends, there is usually a new world behind water curtains. Therefore, the design team has created a tunnel-like open floor that leads to the green rooftop.

As the main access to the green rooftop and an important space for relaxation, the open floor needs to provide some privacy and comfortable atmosphere at the same time. The final solution is to create a semi-open space, which not only ensures the integration but also presents multiple levels.


The water feature is set on an elegant marble artwork which is complemented by a sculpture of a maiden playing in the pool, to present a harmonious scene.


The landscape wall interlaced with holes looks like a water curtain which separates spaces in an interesting way and creates lovely and mysterious atmosphere.


Green plants can be found everywhere——a pot of asparagus fern on the table, a pine tree standing at the corner and the outdoor landscapes.


The open floor with multiple levels provides different spaces for drinking tea or enjoying the outdoor landscapes.Open structure connects the indoor and outdoor spaces together, and the interior lines extend outwards, allowing visitors to have a visual contact with nature.



Water and cloud are ordinary but essential elements in our life, which, though without fixed shape, present different forms of beauty. In the design of the 335 Financial Center, they complement each other perfectly, creating a unique image of cloud waterfall.

The same is true for the ideal life which means the ultimate freedom to enjoy life to the fullest.


Project name:Poly 335 Financial Center
Project location:Guangzhou, China
Clients:Poly Group
Project area:about 11,096㎡
Landscape design:GVL

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