

The 12th of my FJ

Author:林辉  Aliccx

At Autumn 2012my working pressure has relieved obviously, happy life start from this moment. I have ever discussed with XiaoXu of this topic :To work hard in order to live a better life, or, to live a good life in order to work harder? Making a general survey of every jobs in China, it may give me an answer that most of people belong to the latter. I think it isn’t undue at all to say our countrymen don’t know how to enjoy life. Chinese people earn money desperately, they may even disregard anything for earning more money. As for the aims of earning money, they have no answer, maybe to live a little longer. Of course, there is no lack of rebels, with a little more occidentalized brain, with hopes for escape, and I count in one of them. With the advance of the times, the number of such Chinese will be more and more. I have been trying to get rid of the shackles, and actually have got rid of much shackles. Since the outside world is so wonderful, and frustrated, how do you know its true face if you don’t travel and see? However, you had better go abroad not stay here so as not to take more trouble to our country. Then, without any more consideration, and by the wise direction of Lucy’s “In Africa, go to South Africa if you want to see museum, go to Egupt if you want to see pyramid, go to Kenya if you want to see the real Africa ”, I finally choose “Images of Kenya 8 days tour”.

ZhongXin(our tour guide) informed me to arrive in Shenzhen Shekou port before 4:30 pm on September 30. Concerning September 30 is the mid-autumn festival in China, it’s better to take a bus by myself rather than to put my relatives to the trouble of driving me. The outgoing people will be a lot that day, so it would be wise to buy ticket in advance , hence, I bought a 2:15 pm ticket on September 30 , four days ahead of time. Huizhou is very near to Shenzhen, so I can surely arrive by 4:30 as an estimate. After the lunch of mid-autumn-day with my families and a little break at noon, at 12:40 I called Adong to give me a ride to bus station. By getting to station at 2:05, I saw the station was crowded and the guards declared loudly:” Today’s tickets have been sole out, go back please!”. Thus all the people without tickets could not get into the waiting room. It is more crowded in waiting room. I was informed by the consultant that the bus going to the Shekou hadn’t come back yet. The consultant also said, all the buses going to Shenzhen had traffic jam in Chenjiang, and couldn’t move at all. However, she added a sentence:”Going to Shekou is normal yet. ”. I guessed this bus line specially belongs to one company, and they may have other ways. Actually, there was more than ten years I hadn’t gone to bus station on big vacations, so I have no ideas whether it was always like this. In this situation, I felt a little bit wrong, doubted my plan and decision. Time is tight, if it was not the consultant’s supplement, I would had to call someone to drive me. Waiting for more than 30 minutes, I had consulted several times, and the answer was the same, It is the supplement every time made by the consultant let me still own the faith to keep waiting. At about 2:50, the bus came and set off soon, My seat was in front of the bus, and I could talk with the driver easily. He told me, they made a detour from Danshui. That proved my estimate.

On the highway from the Baiyunqian toll station, after not a long way, the driver pointed to the Huihe highway in front of him and said:” Look, cars all stopped up there!” Oh, all cars densely stopped in the highway, could not move a little! I asked how long this traffic section, he said the highway from Heao to Heyuan became a parking lot. All say Chinese people are lack of humor? I don’t think so, just this policy is very humorous. Every long vocation, there isn’t one that we haven’t seen the traffic jams, and the cars such as the ants move like snails on the highway. Some policymakers then think up the idea of free toll on the highway in long holidays, and their original opinion is the traffic would be smoother without charge. In fact, the traffic jams on the highway mostly happens in collect places and the entrance of serving areas. Although there are long lines outside some toll stations, this problem could easily be solved by free releasing the cars if the number of them had exceeded five according to past regulation. But this originally good regulation hasn’t been carried out, a new method has been created, Finally this 8 days holiday, free toll on the highway for all cars. as a result, in September 30th 2012, a large number of cars swarmed into the highways, that was a unprecedented highway block day all over the country. Most of the highways actually became temporary park lots. Someone said in the internet, we saved a road toll of 50 yuan, but consumed more petrol costs 250 yuan and more traffic time of 12 hours. Do you think whether or not it is a big joke? Whether or not it is humorous?

Because of the above reasons, I was the last one arrived at the port and went on board right after my arrival. What a risk! Our tour totally had 14 persons, two family with three members, one father and daughter , one couple, two women , me and the leader. At 11:15 pm, we got on the plane of Kenya Airways, flying through Bangkok to Nairobi dubbed as “a little paris of Ease Africa” .We began the travel of Nairobi, Wild Masai Mara, Berg leah, Nawasa, Amboseli Reserve. Breaking away the hubbub of cities, heading for the cradle of mankindI veritably came to nature!

The flight time was about 13 hours, stopped over in Bangkok for 45 minutes, we arrived in Nairobi at exactly 6:30 am local time. Nairobi is five hours later than China. Nairobi was so called because of the Nairobi river flowing through itself. In the native language,  Nairobi means cool and refreshing water. Because of the evergreen trees creating shades and compact clusters of flowers , Nairobi has also known as “the Garden City in sunshine”.

We took two of the same suv. I sat beside two families of three members. The driver was a local black live in suburbs, very nice, named “John”. He only married a wife, had two children, later the boy died unfortunately, now only left the girl. He said, not to think so much, should live happily himself. We got on for 8 days, and he always laughed happily indeed. Take a look at his picture, Can you guess how old he is40? No, 50 alreadyHe said proudly, all people know him say that he looks younger than his little brother.

  In 1923, Fossil skull bone of human ancestor about 2,500 million years ago had been discovered in Africa. Those fossil was actually found in Kenya, so Kenya is called “The cradle of humankind”. Moreover, the incumbent American president Obama’s father is from this country, so it becomes famous overnight. Our local guide was called Linda, came from Shanghai, had been settled here for 20 years. She said, the grandfather of Obama was still alive now, and lived Kenya yet.

First came to Kenya, we would naturally look out from car window and saw people striding rapily by twos and threes in different directions. I asked Linda curiously:” What are they doing, seems to fight?”

Linda laughed: ”They are going to work. ”

I said:”Going to work not to drive cars , or motorbike, even not bicycle? ”

Linda :”Most of them walk to work,  some take an hour on their way. It is very good for them having a bicycle. Their living standard is just like ours in 50’s.”

I had no idea at what age Linda was born, maybe she knowed 50’s, but I don’t, my earliest memery is 70’s. After observation and experience of 8 days, I felt that the living standard of Kenya is almost the same as our 70’s.

There was still some jam from airport to Nairobi   , properly because of the narrow road. It was very strange that I felt very hungry once I set foot on Kenya, although during over 10 hours in the plane I had had three meals. So when caught in the traffic jam, I had to take the biscuit out of my bag to appease my hunger. Linda took us to have breakfast in a Chinese restaurant next to the Chinese embassy in Kenya. After breakfast we took four hours, about 2,500 km leaving for beautiful Amboseli of Marseille region in the south of Nairobi.

We arrived in a five-star hotel in the wildlife reserve at noon. It was pretty good although not so luxurious as that of domestic hotels. The decoration was very characteristic, and the opposite side of room and dining-table is the savannah, so you can often see monkeys sitting on your balcony. Three meals here were all western buffet, not bad at all. After the lunch and a short break, we went into the protected areas to start our visit.

Amboseli national conservation areas is the best view point of mount Kilimanjaro(altitude of 5898 meters), the first peak in Africa. Overlooked the peak from the grasslands, you could appreciate the snow on the wonderful  mount Kilimanjaro which once wrote by Hemingway. In Amboseli, elephants and zebras could be seen most often.

The second day,  we went to Naivasha nature reserve more than two hundred kilometers away from Amboseli and took a speedboat tour in Lake Naivasha. Lake Naivasha was located about 90 kilometers away to the northwest of nairobi city and situated in the Great Rift Valley. This lake was formed by fault subsidence, 20km of north-south length and 13km of west-east width, with its greatest depth of 20 km and lake elevation of 1900 meters , making it the highest lake within the rift valley. Lake Naivasha was one of the most beautiful freshwater lake in Kenya. There were a large Papyrus swamps in lakefront, and a “country club” by the lakeside. The lake is slightly alkaline yet drinkable. It produced bass and African crucian. We saw hippos, ospreys and a variety of waterfowl on lake Naivasha. Landing on the island, we saw giraffes and a private wildlife preserve on Xinyue island.

The third day, we drove to Berg Leah more than 200 kilometers away from Naivasha, with the purpose of watching flamingos. Berg Leah was in the northern hemisphere, so we would cross the equator on the way to Berg Leah. We took photos at the equator sign, and experienced the feeling of putting two feet on both hemispheres. The local black demonstrated different rotation directions of water which was dripping from funnel separately in three locations which was in equator,  north and south of equator. On equator, the water-drop really didn’t ratite. It was nearly 12 o’clock local time when we arrived at equator., that moment, sunlight were shining from vertical direction, very strongly, without any shadows of houses and people.

Lake Berg Leah is the only spring lake in Kenya (Calcium carbonate Lake ),  located on the edge of rift belt in Kenya , with an area of about 30 square kilometers and is the houses of many Africa flamingos(Every year from January to April, millions of flamingos flocked together here). There were many hot springs along the shore. Most of them could reach the boiling point and had quite a lot vapors, properly could boil eggs in a short time easily. Moreover, there were quite many blue-green algae and diatom in the lake, which made the surface of lake present different colors, such as yellow, pink and purple-red in the sunlight of different time. The lake was surrounded by a large clump of arbuscle and brushwood, with various wild animals in it such as zebra, buffalo, antelope and wild boar. Our guys of this car were very lucky to see a big tortoise , golden, as big as what I saw before in Huidong port.

The fourth day was mainly spent on the road to the most famous scenic spot of Africa---Masai Mara, which was 480 km away, about server hours drive from Berg Leah.

The road to Masai Mara was distant and rough. Two hours drive of the road was dirt road, with winding dust , staggering everyone forwards and back, so older people were properly unable to stand. Moreover, we were also lucky to encounter “robbers”. Nearly close to Masai Mara, a roadblock appeared suddenly in front, with some fresh branches put across the road. John slowed down slightly when closing it, maybe made a judgement, and then accelerated and rushed to it with a mumble.  Several young and black women, one of them very beautiful, stood by the roadside and run away when they saw the car rushing over. Linda said,rathan than to robthey are hope to stop our car and beg for something. Later we stopped at other place after running for some time. Less than 5 minutes, several black men gathered around us and said“风油精” in Chinese to ask for some necessities or food. Too many Chinese tourist comes here, especially on July and Aug, so the local blacks on all scenic spots could speak several simple Chinese words. On the way back to Nairobi, after the lunch, a local man said he was learning Chinese, to our surprise, he talked with us in Chinese.

Upon arrival in hotel that afternoon after 2 o’clock, we took a little rest, then went to Masai Indigenous Village. All Masai people wore a bright-coloured plaid, and the man held a pole which was about two meters long. My friend Aliccx also loves traveling, fond of paying attention to “Travel information of ……” and the like, such as “Tibet travel information”. Heard the news of my travel to Kenya, She baidu searched for “Kenya travel information”, and warned me before my journey that do not take photos of the black without their permissions, or else may then be catched and roasted by the natives. This made me so scared and afraid to take a few more looks at the black. This time, I asked them whether I could take photos of them, unexpectedly,  their answer was “Take it as you like” and without any invitations they actively came to you to take a group photo. This was unlike what happens in home, where people would beg money for showing there faces.

Their houses were low and narrow, very dim, all made of cow dung. It was said that their houses were warm in winter and cool in summer, then I got into their houses which smelt of cow dung after 4 o’clock, and didn’t feel hot at all. The host was 20 years old, and his wife was holding her second baby and sitting in the house without any light, which really frightened us. The yard was full of cow dung basking in the sunshine. After they told us about their customs, they danced like corpses bouncing up and down often seen in some films and shouted “aoao” frequently. Later we saw a big crowd gathering and performing, and inquired that a young man of their village was going to university and their chieftain also joined this celebration.  The tour brought and gave all the books, pencils, candies, biscuits and essential balm to them The men who got the gifts instantly call children to queue up. Curious, innocent and exciting smiles were shining on the black and tender faces of children who gave us the feeling of lovely but not poor.

After the breakfast of the fifth day, we brought lunchboxes to have a visit in the Massai Mara reserve. Massai Mara Game Drive Reserve was 200 square mile, ans consisted of open plain , forest lands and river banks. It was the largest wildlife reserve in the world, which had the largest number of animals, the most concentrated habitat for animals, and the most kinds of colors of all prairies. Elephants, giraffes, zebras, gnus and antelopes and other wild animals could be seen everywhere, especially the zebras and gnus could be described as “innumerable” which were all over the plains. Lions and cheetahs could also be seen. The other side of Mara river is Tanzania. Every migration season from July to October, we could have the chance of seeing the amazing scene which millions of gnus, zebras and other animals move speedily across “Heaven’s crossing” Mara river like a flood. And then, cheetahs and lions and other carnivores are following closely behind them, so these would become the excellent opportune moment of the big cats photography.

We took pictures of hippos in Mara river and crocodiles waiting patiently for hippos, and then we saw exceedingly great team of gnus. Looking at this situation, we thought gnus were going to cross river, and the tour Mr Yan said, let us wait here, it’s worth waiting even until 6 o’clock. After waiting for tens of minutes, the team of gnus began to spread out in four directions, the leaders of four teams were separately facing to each direction.  John said to us, this formation seems that the gnus aren’t about to cross the river. He was a native, worked as a tour driver for a long time and should have rich experience, so we had no reason to doubt him. Therefore, not until 3 o’clock, we went back to hotel. However, when we were having suppers, we heard other tourist said, the team of gnus crossed the river with great strength after 4 o’clock pm. What a pity!

The sixth day, we went back to Nairobi from the reserve, and flew back home at night, during the fight, we passed by the Africa's great rift valley known as “scar of the earth”. Linda said, Africa's great rift valley is the biggest fault belt of the earth, and it is like a huge scar if we see from satellite. In Kenya, the outline of rift valley is very clear, linking Kenya’s north and south, chopping this country in half, and just intersects with the cross-country equator, so Kenya gets a very interesting title:” The East African cross”. Each side of rift valley are sheer precipice and overhanging rocks, rolling hills, just as two high-rise “walls”, and capital Nairobi is located above the east “wall” of the south end of rift valley.

Although we haven’t seen the most wonderful scene in this tour, but we went deep into the reserve, chased and sought animals. Enjoying the beautiful scenery of sunrise and sunset on the savannah as a wonderland, made me forget all the stress and worry, and completely into the embrace of magical nature, finally feel a kind of relax and happiness of returning.

       Ask everyone a question, Massai Mara is the paradise of “Five great beast”, which are these five kinds of animals? A hint: I haven’t mentioned one of them. (because I haven’t seen. )

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