


1. a bill of fare 菜单;节目单

2. a good deal 许多;大量

3. a hard nut to crack 棘手的问题;难对付的人

4. a variety of 种种;多种多样

5. a fraction of a second 一转眼的工夫

6. a matter of grave concern 严重关注的问题/事情

7. abound in 盛产;富于;充满

8. above all 首先;首要;尤其是

9. absent from 缺席;缺课;不在;心不在焉

10. access to 接近;有权使用;进入;通向…的路口

11. according to 按照;根据;取决于

12. account for 解释;是…的原因

13. accuse sb of (doing) sth. 控告/指责某人某事

14. act for 代理

15. act on 对…起作用;按照…行事

16. act out 演出;将…付诸行动

17. adapt to 适应

18. add up to 合计达;总计是

19. adhere to 粘附在…上;坚持;依附

20. adjacent to 靠近;与邻接

21. admire to do sth. (美口)很想做某事

22. admit of 容许;有的可能;有的余地

23. admit to 许可进入;承认

24. affect to 假装

25. afford to 付得起;能承担

26. after a while 过一会儿;不久

27. after all 毕竟究竟;归根结底

28. agree about 在…一致(关于…意见一致)

29. agree on 对…意见一致

30. agree with 赞同;同意某人的意见主意或所说的事项

31. ahead of time / schedule 提前;提早

32. aim for 瞄准;以为目标

33. all along 始终;一直;一贯

34. all at once 同时;一起;突然;忽然

35. all but 除…之外全部都;几乎;差一点

36. all in all 总的说来;头等重要之物

37. all of a sudden 突然地;突如其来地;猛然地

38. all one's life 一生;一辈子

39. all out 全力以赴;竭尽全力

40. all over again (从头)再一次;重新

41. all over 到处;历;周遍;浑身

42. all right 令人满意的;可以;正确的

43. all round 周围;处处;各方面

44. all the same 仍然;照样的;尽管如此

45. all the time 一直;始终;一直以来

46. all the years round 一年到头

47. allow for 考虑到;顾及

48. along with 与在一起;在以外;沿着;随着

49. amount to 总计;等于

50. and all that 诸如此类

51. and so forth / and so on 等等

52. answer up 迅速回答

53. anxious about/for 忧虑;担心;急切盼望;渴望

54. anything but 除…外;什么也没有;只有

55. apart from 除去;脱离;除此之外(表示除…以外别无)

56. appeal to 向…投诉;向…呼吁;对…有吸引力

57. apply to 适用于;运用;致力于;涂抹

58. approximate to 近似;接近

59. apt at 聪明;善于;擅长

60. approach to 接近于;约等于

61. approve of 赞成

62. arm in arm 臂挽臂

63. around the clock 昼夜不停;连续一整天;毫不疲倦地

64. as a matter of fact 事实上;其实;说起来

65. as a result of 因;由于…的结果;起因;经

66. as a rule 照例;通常;一般说来;照说

67. as a whole 总体上

68. as far as ...be concerned 至于(就)……而言

69. as far as 只要;远到…;据…;直到…为止

70. as follows 列举如下

71. as for 至于;就…方面说来

72. as good as 无异;几乎;实际上;不亚于;不啻

73. as if 好像;似乎;仿佛

74. as it were 可以说;在某种程度上

75. as long as 只要;和一样长

76. as regards 关于;至于

77. as soon as possible 尽快;越快越好

78. as sure as fate 千真万确地

79. as to 至于;关于;按着;根据

80. as usual 像往常一样;照旧;如故;仍然

81. as well as 既…又…;除…之外(也);此外

82. as well 也;还有

83. ashamed of 羞愧;耻于…

84. aside from 除…之外;既…又…;暂置不论

85. at a loss 亏本;不知所措;困惑;神思恍惚

86. at a time 依次;逐一;每次

87. at all costs 不惜任何代价;不惜工本

88. at all events 不管发生什么事;在任何情况下;无论如何

89. at all risks 冒着一切危险(不管怎样;无论如何)

90. at all times 随时;每时每刻;总是;一直;平生

91. at all 根本;简直;毫

92. at any rate 无论如何;至少

93. at best 顶多;至多;充其量

94. at ease 不拘束;自在;安适

95. at first sight 乍看之下;一看到…就

96. at first 最初;起先;当初

97. at full speed 以全速

98. at hand 手头;在手边;在附近;即将来临

99. at heart 内心里;本质上;关心;想到

100. at home 在家;在国内;在家接待客人;精通

101. at intervals 不时;相隔一定距离

102. at large 逍遥法外;在逃;一般说来;详细地

103. at last 终于;卒;果;算是

104. at least 至少;无论如何;反正

105. at length 终于;最后;充分地;详尽地

106. at most 最多;至多;充其量

107. at no time 从不决不;在任何时候都不

108. at one's best 处于最佳状态

109. at other times 平时;在别的时候;在另外的一些场合中

110. at present 目前;现在;时下;现下;此时

111. at someone's disposal 供某人支配

112. at sight of 看见;看到

113. at the cost of ...为代价

114. at the instance of 应…之请;经…的提议

115. at the latest 至迟;最迟

116. at the moment 当时;此刻;现在;目前

117. at the same time 同时;尽管如此

118. at this rate 这样地话;这样地

119. at times 有时;间或

120. at worst 在最坏的情况下

121. attach to 附在上;系在

122. attend to 注意;专心于;照料

123. back and forth 来回地;一来一往

124. back down off 放弃;让步;退却

125. back of 在后面;在背后

126. back out of 收回(诺言等)

127. back up 后备;支援

128. bare of 缺乏;没有;缺少

129. based on 以 ... 为基础;基于

130. be able to do 能够做

131. be about to 刚要;即将

132. be absorbed in 专心致力于…

133. be accustomed to 习惯于

134. be acquainted with 熟悉;知道;与...相识

135. be addicted to 沉溺于;嗜好;一心在

136. be adequate for 适用于

137. be all ears 洗耳恭听;全神贯注地倾听着

138. be bound for 开往;准备到

139. be bound up in 紧紧束缚于埋头于热中于

140. be busy with 忙于

141. be caught up in 对…入迷;被缠住;卷入

142. be cautious of 当心…;谨防…

143. be certain of 确信;对…有把握

144. be concerned with 牵涉到;与…有关;参与;挂念;担心

145. be considerate of 体谅…;替…着想

146. be disgusted with 讨厌…;嫌弃…

147. be eager for sth. 渴求某事物

148. be essential to 对…必不可少的

149. be familiar to 为…所熟悉

150. be familiar with 熟悉;通晓;精通

151. be fed up with 吃得过饱;感到厌烦

152. be fond of 爱好;喜欢

153. be friends with 对…友好(和…交上朋友)

154. be full of 充满, 有很多的

155. be generous in 乐于

156. be good at 擅长于

157. be hard on 对…苛刻;使…极为难堪

158. be hard up for money 缺钱;手头紧

159. be ignorant of 不知道;不了解

160. be in fashion 合乎时尚潮流;在流行

161. be in for 免不了遭受;参加(竞赛、考试等)

162. be in love with 与…相爱

163. be in the habit of 有…的习惯

164. be located in 位于;坐落于

165. be occupied in 从事

166. be on a diet 节食

167. be on the advance (物价)上涨

168. be out of style 不合时式;不时髦

169. be qualified to 能胜任…

170. be remarkable for 以…而著称

171. be rid of 摆脱

172. be satisfied with 对…感到满意

173. bear away 夺取;拿走

174. bear in mind 记住

175. beat up and down 来回奔走

176. before long 不久以后

177. begin with 始于;以…为起点

178. behind schedule 晚点;比预定计划(时间)晚

179. believe in 相信;信任

180. beyond control 无法控制;难以控制

181. beyond question 毫无疑问;确定无疑

182. blow one's top 大发脾气

183. blow over 平息;停止;被忘掉

184. boast of 夸耀;自夸;吹牛

185. break away 消散;拆毁;脱开;离开

186. break into pieces 成为碎片;打碎

187. break into 闯入;突然发出;迸发;打断

188. break one's word 不守诺言

189. break the ice 打破沉默;着手做…事

190. break through 突破;突围

191. break up 结束,散会;解散;关系破裂

192. bring back 带回来;使记起;使恢复

193. bring forth 产生;发表;提出

194. bring into action 使行动起来

195. bring into operation 实施;使生效;使运转

196. bring to life 叫醒;使…精力充沛;使苏醒

197. bring together 使和解;调停;使靠拢

198. build up 建立;逐步增长;增进

199. burn down 把…夷为平地

200. burst into 闯入;突然发作

201. burst out laughing 突然笑了起来

202. buzz off 匆忙离去;走开

203. by air 乘飞机

204. by all means 尽一切办法;务必;一定

205. by and large 总的来说;大体上;基本上

206. by chance 偶然;碰巧

207. by comparison 比较起来;相比之下

208. by heart 牢记;凭记忆;熟记

209. by instinct 出于本能

210. by leaps and bounds 飞快地;突飞猛进地

211. by little and little 逐渐地(一点一点地;慢慢地)

212. by nature 生性;本性上;本来

213. by the moment 到

214. by the way 顺便说;顺便问一下

215. by worthy of 值得

216. call for 需要;要求

217. call in 召集;召来;邀请;拜访;叫进来

218. call off 取消;把(注意力)转移开

219. call up 给打电话;使想起;征召

220. care about 关心;在乎

221. carry on 继续进行从事经营

222. carry out 施行;实现

223. carry off 带走;夺去 ... 的生命

224. close down 关闭;停业

225. close up 暂停营业;(伤口)愈合;封闭

226. come about 发生;改变方向 

227. come across 偶然碰到;想起;越过;偿付

228. come back 回来;恢复;复原

229. come down倒下;降落;跌落;病倒

230. come into being 发生,产生,出现,形成

231. come into effect/ force 开始生效,开始实行

232. come into existence 形成,产生,开始存在

233. come into fashion 开始流行 

234. come into operation 开始运转,实施,生效

235. come into use 开始使用,获得应用 

236. come on 快点;振作起来;请;来吧;跟着来;快点

237. come out 出现;出版

238. come out with 说出,提出 

239. come over 从远方(或克服障碍后)过来 ;顺便来访

240. come to 苏醒,复原,共计,达到,归结于,渐渐,说到/提及到

241. come to an agreement 达成协议

242. come to a conclusion 得出结论

243. come to a decision 作出决定

244. come to an end 终止,结束

245. come to a stop 结束,停止,停顿

246. come to an understanding 取得谅解

247. when it comes to…就而论,谈到 

248. come to know/realize/understand 开始了解到/意识到/明白

249. come to life 苏醒,栩栩如生 

250. come to light 明朗化,出现,显露出来

251. come to oneself苏醒 

252. come up with 跟上;想出;提出

253. count down 倒计时

254. count on 依靠;指望

255. crazy about 着迷的;狂热的;热衷于

256. curious about 好奇;想知道

257. cut away 切去,砍掉 

258. cut down 砍倒,削减,缩短 

259. cut off 切断,中断;阻碍,阻挡 

260. cut out 切下,剪下,裁下;删去  

261. cut through 开辟(出路等)  

262. cut up 切碎,切掉;使悲伤

263. dance to the music 伴着音乐跳舞

264. dare to do 敢于……

265. date back to 起源于、追溯到

266. date from 起源于、追溯到

267. day after day 日复一日

268. day and night 一天到晚

269. day by day 逐日

270. deal in 经营

271. deal with 处理、对待

272. deep into the night 熬夜

273. delay doing/sth. 推迟……

274. demand to do 要求去做

275. depend on/upon 取决于、依赖于、依靠

276. despise of sb. 看不起

277. determine sb. to do 使某人下决心做某事

278. determine to do 下决心做某事

279. develop a habit 养成习惯

280. develop an interest in sth. 表现出对……的兴趣

281. direct sb. to do 指导、要求某人去做

282. discourage sb. from sth./doing 阻碍某人做某事

283. draw a deep breath 深呼吸

284. draw conclusions 下结论

285. draw one's attention 吸引某人注意力

286. draw quick interest 获得快捷利润

287. draw up 草拟、拟定

288. dream of sth./doing 梦想

289. drink to 为……干杯

290. drive sb. to tears 使某人哭

291. drop in at sp. 拜访某地

292. each other 彼此,互相

293. earn one's living 谋生

294. eat up 吃光

295. end up 告终

296. enjoy oneself 过得愉快

297. ever since 自那时起一直到现在

298. every few years 每隔几年

299. every other year 每隔一年

300. fall asleep 睡着了

301. fall behind 落后

302. fall in love with sb. 爱上某人

303. far and near 远近、到处、四面八方

304. far and wide 广泛地

305. feed sb./sth. with/on sth. 用……喂养

306. feel like doing…/sth. 喜爱(做)……

307. feel one's way 摸索着前进

308. figure out ①解决 ②计算出来、合计出

309. fire out ①消沉、一蹶不振 ②开除、解雇

310. fire up 火冒三丈、发火

311. fix a time/date for sth./doing 确定……的日期

312. fold up 折叠起来

313. follow one's advice on 听从……的建议

314. fool about/around 游手好闲、闲荡

315. fool sb. into doing sth. 哄骗某人做某事

316. for ages 很久

317. for fear that 担心

318. for God's sake 看在上帝的面上

319. for one's sake 为……起见

320. forbid sb. to do 禁止某人做某事

321. from door to door 一家挨着一家

322. from time to time 时常、经常

323. had better do sth. 还是…好,最好还是…

324. had rather... 宁愿…

325. hand down 把…传下来;传给

326. hand in hand 手拉手;联合

327. hand in 交上;递上,交进

328. hang about 闲荡;聚在…临近

329. happen on 巧遇;偶然发现

330. have a dislike of 不喜欢,讨厌

331. have a good time 过得快乐,玩得高兴

332. have done with 做完;和己…无关

333. have mercy on 对…表示怜悯

334. have one's day 走运;正在得意的时候

335. have one's moment 走红;得意

336. have respect for 尊重;考虑

337. have sth. to do with 和…有关;和…打交道

338. head first 头向前地;冒冒失失地

339. head for 朝…方向走去

340. head off 绕到前面去;拦住

341. head on 迎面地,正面地

342. hear from 接到…的信

343. heart and soul 全心全意地,完全地

344. help oneself 自取所需(食物等)

345. help sb. out 帮助,帮忙

346. hold on 握住不放;坚持下去

347. hold with 同意,赞成;原谅

348. hunt for 搜寻;寻找;追猎

349. in a word 一句话、简而言之

350. in addition 另外

351. in advance 提前、事先

352. in ancient times 古代

353. in case 以防万一、在……情况下

354. in charge of 管理

355. in despair 绝望

356. in fact 实际上

357. in favour of 喜爱

358. in future 从今以后

359. in general 一般来说

360. in honour of 为了纪念……;为了欢迎……

361. in hopes of doing 带着……的期望

362. in memory of 纪念……

363. in modern times 当今

364. in one's spare time 在某人的空闲时间

365. in one's way 挡某人的路

366. in order to do 为了……

367. in other words 换句话说

368. in particular 特别地

369. in person 亲自

370. in practice 在实践中

371. in spite of doing/sth. 尽管

372. in that case 如果那样的话

373. in the early days 早期

374. in the following years 在接下来的几年里

375. in the future 在未来;在将来

376. insist (that) sb. (should) do 坚持要某人做某事(虚拟语气)

377. insist on doing/sth. 坚持……

378. It is (high) time (that) sb. did/should do 是该做……的时候了(虚拟语气)

379. It is a pleasure to do… 很高兴做某事

380. It seems/looks/sounds as if/though… 看起来(听起来)好像……(有虚拟语气形式)

381. It turned out that… 好像……(接主语从句)

382. large numbers of 大量

383. light up 照亮,点燃;容光焕发

384. live on 靠…生活,以…为食物

385. look about for sth 四处寻找

386. look after 照看

387. look out 小心

388. look forward to 盼望,期待

389. make an effort 努力 

390. make up one's mind to do 下定决心去做… 

391. make fun of 取笑 

392. make one's position known 表明立场 

393. Make yourself at home. 别拘束。

394. make a face 扮鬼脸 

395. make ends meet 收支平衡

396. Mind your manners. 注意礼貌。 

397. meet one's needs 满足…需求

398. no more than 不过;仅仅

399. no wonder 不足为奇,难怪

400. not at all 一点也不;根本不

401. now that 既然;由于

402. now and then 时而,偶尔

403. object to sth./doing 反对、不赞成

404. on average 平均

405. on condition that 以……为条件

406. on earth ①在地球上 ②究竟

407. on one's own 自己、靠自己

408. on purpose 故意的、特意的

409. on the contrary 相反

410. once upon a time 很久以前

411. one's attitude to/towards sth. 某人对……的态度

412. out of breath 上气不接下气

413. out of one's reach 够不着

414. out of order 坏了、无秩序、乱放

415. over and over again 一次又一次、再三

416. place of interest 名胜

417. play a trick on 开玩笑,恶作剧

418. play on words 双关语,俏皮话

419. pretend to do/be 装作

420. prevent sb. (from ) doing sth. 防止某人做某事

421. push over 推倒

422. put away 放到一边,收起来

423. put off 推迟

424. put on performances 表演节目

425. put on weight 增肥

426. put one's heart into 全神贯注于

427. pros and cons 赞成与反对,正面和反面

428. reach one's understanding 使某人理解

429. reach out (for) 伸手去够

430. read bits here and there 这读一点儿那读一点儿

431. refer to 指,查询

432. relate to 联系

433. rely on sb. (for sth.) (在某事上)依赖某人

434. remember me to sb. 代我向某人问候

435. remind of 使某人想起

436. reply to 答复

437. respect sb. as 把某人尊敬为

438. ring back 回电话 ring off 挂断 ring up 打电话

439. rise to one's feet 站起来

440. rot away 烂掉,腐烂

441. round up 聚拢,赶拢

442. run across 不期而遇

443. run away 逃跑

444. run out of 花光,用光,消耗光

445. rush off one's feet 忙地不可开交,忙地不亦乐乎

446. right away 立即,马上

447. ring sb. up 打电话给

448. rule out 用直线划掉;宣布…不可能,排除…的可能性

449. run out of 用完;耗尽;从…跑出

450. rush hours 上下班高峰

451. show off 炫耀

452. show sb. around 领某人参观

453. show sb. out/in 领某人出去/进来

454. shut down 关闭,倒闭,破产

455. shut off 切断,关掉

456. side by side 肩并肩

457. smile to oneself 暗自微笑

458. smooth away 克服

459. so far, so good 到目前为止一切还算顺利

460. so long as 只要

461. so(as) far as I know 据我所知

462. sooner or later 或早或晚

463. sound like 听起来象

464. spare time 业余时间

465. speak out 大胆地说出

466. start all over again 重新开始

467. stay away from 远离

468. slip one's mind 忘记

469. so far 迄今为止;到目前为止;到这点为止;仅到一定程度

470. somewhere around 大约,差不多

471. sooner or later 迟早; 早晚有一天

472. stay up late 熬夜;深夜不睡,迟睡

473. step by step 逐步地,一步一步地

474. struggle to one’s feet 费力地站起来

475. succeed in doing 成功地做某事

476. suffer from 遭受

477. take a deep breath 深呼吸

478. take a false name 冒名

479. take action 采取行动

480. take an interest in 对什么感兴趣

481. take care of 照顾,保管

482. take charge 负责

483. take off 脱下,(飞机)起飞

484. take one's place 代替

485. tell the difference between 分辨两者之间的不同

486. thanks to 多亏了,由于

487. think over 仔细考虑

488. thousands of 成千上万的

489. to put it another way 从另一个角度说

490. try one's best 尽某人全力

491. turn to sb for help 向某人求救

492. under the circumstances 在这种情况下;事到如今

493. used to do 过去常常做某事

494. varieties of 各种各样的

495. vice versa 反之亦然; 反过来也一样

496. warm up 变暖,热身

497. without fear or favour 公正的,不偏袒某一方的

498. waste words 白费口舌

499. year after year 年复一年的(表每年的重复)

500. year by year 逐年的(表变化)


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