

Nuclear metabolism and the regulation of the epigenome

2022.06.11 贵州

metabolism has emerged as a node governing cellular behaviour.
Metabolic pathways fuel cellular  energy needs, providing basic chemical molecules to sustain cellular homeostasis, proliferation and function.
Changes in  nutrient consumption or availability therefore can result in complete reprogramming of cellular metabolism towards stabilizing core metabolite pools, such as ATP, S-adenosyl methionine, acetyl-CoA, NAD/NADP and α-ketoglutarate.
Because these  metabolites underlie a variety of essential metabolic reactions, metabolism has evolved to operate in separate subcellular compartments through diversification/variety  of metabolic enzyme complexes, oscillating metabolic activity and physical separation of  metabolite pools.
oscillate[ˈɑːsɪleɪt] If an object oscillates, it moves repeatedly from one position to another and back again, or keeps getting bigger and smaller.
Given that these same core metabolites are also consumed by chromatin modifiers in the establishment of  epigenetic signatures, metabolite consumption on and (metabolite) release from chromatin directly influence cellular metabolism and gene  expression.
In this Review, we highlight recent studies describing the mechanisms determining nuclear metabolism and governing the redistribution of metabolites between the nuclear and non-nuclear compartments.
Cellular metabolism supports every biological activity within  the cell.
Metabolic pathways are responsible for the conversion of extracellular nutrients such as glucose, fatty acids,  amino acids and vitamins into a wide range of intracellular metabolites.
These basic biochemical components can then be combined  into complex macromolecules (anabolism) or broken down for the  generation of energy and reducing power (catabolism).
Because metabolic pathways are highly intersectional, metabolic conversions must be compartmentalized in subcellular locations.
Metabolic compartmentalization can be obtained through:
the formation of local enzyme complexes; (生发中心germinal center)
temporal separation of  reactions;
controlled influx and efflux of metabolites into isolated  organelles, such as the mitochondria, Golgi apparatus and peroxisomes.
However, given the inability of the nuclear pores to prevent  the passage of metabolites, the nucleus has long been considered to  be in metabolic homeostasis with the cytoplasm.
Nevertheless, the establishment of the so-called epigenetic code through the chemical modification of chromatin is dependent on the same core metabolites that form the basis of cellular metabolism.
Because chromatin modifications are crucial to the maintenance of cellular identity  and function, mechanisms regulating nuclear metabolite pools are  expected to exist.
In this Review, we provide a framework to understand the interaction of cellular and nuclear metabolism, with an emphasis on the  nodal metabolites that regulate central carbon metabolism and the epigenome.
We give an overview of mechanisms that shield the  epigenetic regulation of gene expression from fluctuations in cytoplasmic metabolite levels and discuss the controlled exchange in metabolites between the nuclear and non-nuclear compartments.
Finally, we propose that disruption of the nuclear metabolite pools  may underlie disease.
● Metabolic pathways are reprogrammed to meet different  cellular needs ●
Despite the enormous complexity of the metabolic network, a few nodal metabolites intersect in most biochemical reactions.
intersect[ˌɪntəˈsekt]  If two or more lines or roads intersect, they meet or cross each other. You can also say that one line or road intersects another.
Whereas biosynthesis relies on linking one-carbon units—such  as 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate and S-adenosyl methionine  (SAMe)—with the two-carbon unit acetyl-CoA, / thermodynamically unfavourable reactions are facilitated through cellular  energy and reducing power stored in the forms of ATP, NADH  and NADPH.
Changing cellular needs(cellular change) thus require metabolic reprogramming to increase or decrease the generation of these specific metabolites.
One of the best-studied metabolic adaptations is the acquisition of aerobic glycolysis, better known as the 'Warburg effect’.
In 1857, Louis Pasteur implicated oxygen levels in determining the  distribution of glucose metabolism between cytoplasmic glycolysis  (anaerobic[ˌænəˈroʊbɪk] fermentation) and mitochondrial oxidation (aerobic[eˈroʊbɪk]  respiration).
However, in the 1920s, Otto Warburg found that proliferating cancer cells increase the glycolytic conversion of glucose  to lactate, even in the presence of sufficient amounts of oxygen,  thereby linking metabolic remodelling to cellular demands. (more lactate for proliferation)
The metabolism of non-proliferating cells is aimed at the efficient generation of ATP.
Fig. 1 | Metabolic fluxes are redirected to replenish core metabolites.
replenish[rɪˈplenɪʃ] If you replenish something, you make it full or complete again. ~ (plenty of?)
Despite the enormous complexity and interconnection of the metabolic network,  a few core metabolites act as basic compounds or cofactors that direct major metabolic fluxes.
For cellular maintenance, central carbon metabolism  is directed at the complete oxidation of glucose into ATP (dark-blue dashed box).
In contrast, proliferating cells (red dashed box) mainly require  the replenishment of molecular building blocks (分子结构单元)to duplicate cellular content.
Therefore, glucose is redirected towards the generation of one-carbon  metabolites (methylenetetrahydrofolate (CH2-THF) and SAMe) and two-carbon (acetyl-CoA) units for lipid synthesis, the build-up of reducing power  under the form of NADPH, the maintenance of the cellular redox state through the regeneration of NAD+ and the production of nucleotides through  the PPP.
因此,葡萄糖被引导产生一碳代谢物(亚甲基四氢叶酸(CH2-THF)和二碳(乙酰辅酶 A)单元用于脂质合成,NADPH 形式的还原力的建立,通过 NAD+的再生维持细胞的氧化还原状态,以及通过 PPP 产生核苷酸。
Most of these adaptations depend on the ability of cells to convert pyruvate into lactate under aerobic conditions, both for the regeneration of  NAD+ and for boosting the production of reductive power in the form of NADPH (termed the Warburg effect, turquoise arrows).
GSH, glutathione; GSSG,  glutathione disulfide; SAH, S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine.
Here, glucose is catabolized  through glycolysis, thus generating two molecules of ATP, NADH  and acetyl-CoA. (efficient generation of ATP requires/needs more time?)
Both NADH and acetyl-CoA are then consumed  in the mitochondria, generating an additional 34 molecules of ATP.
However, proliferating cells experience major anabolic needs for  generation of biomolecules.
Specifically, one-carbon units and  acetyl-CoA are directed to the synthesis of nucleotides and lipids,  whereas the pentose-phosphate pathway (PPP) maintains RNA/ DNA and the reducing source NADPH, and lactate secretion maintains NAD+ regeneration and the redox balance.
This balancing of cellular demand and metabolite distribution  is not limited to differences in division rates(maintenance[ˈmeɪntənəns] and proliferation is the two extremes).
For example, neuronal, cardiac and hepatic lineage specifications all induce mitochondrial mass to sustain the elevated ATP requirements in these  tissues.
Concordantly, the transcriptional networks responsible for either maintaining pluripotent stem cells or promoting differentiation directly induce glycolysis or mitochondrial biogenesis, respectively.
Therefore, the modulation of cellular metabolism is a  cellular response for maintaining cellular pools of metabolites and  thus sustaining cell-specific function.
● Metabolic pathways are highly compartmentalized ●
Because most of the metabolic network relies on the same metabolites, metabolic pathways must be compartmentalized to avoid futile cycles and to direct metabolite conversion towards the correct output.
futile[ˈfjuːtl] If you say that something is futile, you mean there is no point in doing it, usually because it has no chance of succeeding.
Metabolic enzymes have consequently become separated in  time, space and subcellular location.
Fig. 2 | Metabolic fluxes are compartmentalized in time, space and subcellular organelles.
Because metabolic networks are highly interconnected,  metabolic reactions are separated in time and space to avoid futile cycles and maximize output efficiency.
a, Metabolic output exhibits an oscillating  profile.
Cell-cycle regulators such as cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases modulate the metabolic network and sustain cell-stage-specific metabolic  needs.
Whereas the preparation for S phase requires a metabolic reorientation of glycolysis towards nucleotide and NADPH production, the  energy-demanding cell separation of M phase requires large amounts of energy and fragmentation of mitochondria for proper distribution.(random,even)
Second,  feed-forward and feedback loops further control metabolic fluxes.
thus maintaining metabolite pools at optimal conditions.
Finally, the molecular components (of the oscillating circadian clock)feed into the regulation of cellular metabolism and anticipate metabolic demand (linked to fasting/feeding  and sleep/exercise cycles. )
b, Metabolic enzymes exhibit local complexes that optimize pathway efficiency and specialize metabolic output  in specific cellular subsites.
Migrating cells, such as sprouting endothelial cells, require high levels of ATP, specifically at the extending filopodia.
Therefore,  enzymes involved in glycolysis form multienzyme complexes that are specifically sequestered(isolated) to the cytoskeleton at these local sites of cytoskeletal  remodelling.
Formation of complexes both compartmentalizes pathways to specific cellular sublocations and diverts metabolic fluxes to a specific output  through the increase in pathway efficiency.
Indeed, the different enzymes needed to generate purines are sequestered in a complex called the purisome  located at the interface with mitochondria, thereby increasing the effectiveness of purine synthesis and providing access to mitochondrial formate甲酸.
PRPP,  phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate; IMP, inosine 5′-monophosphate.
c, Metabolic pathways are separated through the subcellular localization of enzymes,  thus diverting metabolic fluxes on the basis of local metabolite concentrations.
As part of one-carbon metabolism, serine provides the basis for various  cytoplasmic biosynthetic reactions.
In the cytoplasm, serine is used for the production of proteins, haem, glutathione and phosphatidylserine. 在细胞质中,丝氨酸用于生产蛋白质、血红素、谷胱甘肽和磷脂丝氨酸。
Import of  serine into the mitochondria diverts serine-derived carbon towards the mitochondrial arm of one-carbon metabolism; this flux is directed towards the  formation of formate, the biosynthesis of nucleotides and the regeneration of homocysteine.
The requirement of much higher concentrations of NADP+ in mitochondria (to sustain the high demand for reducing power) is maintained through the one-carbon cycle running in opposite directions in the  mitochondria versus the cytoplasm, thereby avoiding futile conversion.
PHGDH, phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase; MTR, methionine synthase; MTHFR,  methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase; GLDC, glycine decarboxylase; CHO-THF, 10-formyl-THF.
● Temporal regulation through rhythmic activity and metabolic  bursts ●
First, cell-cycle regulators proactively redirect metabolic fuels to anticipate changes in metabolic needs.
During G1 progression, D-type cyclins generate a fused mitochondrial structure through inhibition of the transcription factor NRF1 and the transcriptional coactivator PGC1α and block the  pyruvate dehydrogenase complex in a manner dependent on the  translation-initiation factor EF2A, thereby allowing for biomass  production through the redistribution of glycolytic intermediates towards the PPP through modulation of phosphofructokinase  and the pyruvate kinase PKM2.
在G1进程中,D型周期蛋白通过抑制转录因子NRF1和转录辅激活因子 pgc1α 而产生融合的线粒体结构,并以依赖翻译起始因子EF2A的方式阻断丙酮酸脱氢酶复合体,从而允许通过调节磷酸果糖激酶和丙酮酸 PKM2 而将糖酵解中间体重新分配到 PPP 而产生生物量(生物大分子)。
After the completion of  S phase, Cdk1, Cdc25A and cyclin B redirect metabolism back  towards energy production to sustain chromosomal segregation through the degradation of the GTPase MFN1, the promotion of  the mitochondrial-protein-import channel TOM40 and the nuclear translocation of PKM2, coupled with subsequent induction  of glycolytic enzymes.
The temporal activity of metabolic pathways is further  fine-tuned through a system of feedback and feed-forward regulation.
Importantly, even in a constant environment, metabolic  output relies on metabolic bursts rather than on continuous production.
Indeed, yeast cells that are kept in G0/G1 still exhibit a  cycling profile, with short bursts of expression of genes that regulate  oxygen consumption, autophagy and protein biosynthesis.
Feedback regulation of end metabolites to upstream enzymatic reactions is found at the transcriptional and activity levels, and has been  observed in almost all biosynthetic processes, as particularly exemplified in pathways balancing amino acid, nucleotide and ATP levels (Fig. 2a).
Finally, circadian rhythms are another critical system that regulates the temporal expression of thousands of genes in anticipation of feeding/fasting and light/dark cycles, separating metabolic  activity into 24-hour intervals.
The circadian clock is based on  the activity of two core transcription factors, CLOCK and BMAL1,  that activate a variety of gene programs and ultimately lead to an  expression/feedback-inhibition cycle.
During feeding or energy  expenditure, adipose tissue and skeletal muscle take up glucose,  whereas fasting modulates glucose metabolism in the liver, thereby  sustaining whole-body homeostasis.
As previously reviewed,  almost all metabolic enzymes in the liver, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue, including those regulating gluconeogeneis, as well as  glycogen, lipid and energy metabolism, are controlled by circadian rhythms.
This network responds to feeding and light cues, and  consequently allows for the coordinated regulation of metabolites  and metabolic enzymes (CircadiOmics42).
For instance, in skeletal  muscle, the clock components align glycolysis and mitochondrial  activity through both the regulation of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) signaling and the induction of mitochondrial fission by phosphorylation of DPR1, a dynamin superfamily GTPase.
In turn, metabolism also influences the clock machinery via  fine-tuning of rhythms by the energy and nutrient sensors AMPK  and mTOR, which destabilize and boost translation of clock components, respectively.
●  Spatial separation through formation of enzyme complexes ●
Beyond their temporal separation, metabolic pathways are  restricted to subcellular locations.
Especially for glycolytic enzymes,  the formation of enzyme complexes, called metabolons, greatly  increases hyperlocal energy production.
For example, glycolytic  multienzyme complexes sequestered to the cytoskeleton generate high amounts of local ATP, which is used in the reorganization  of cytoskeletal actin filaments during endothelial tip cell formation.
The formation of multienzyme complexes provides the dual  advantage of localizing production and greatly increasing flux  efficiency within the pathway encompassing(including) these enzymes, as  illustrated by the formation of a purine biosynthesis complex (purisome).
Extensive studies, mainly performed in plant and bacterial systems, have identified dozens of multiprotein structures that  perform metabolic functions, such as polyamine biosynthesis, proline catabolism and β-oxidation (Fig. 2b).
● Subcellular organelles physically separate metabolite pools ●
The most extreme form of metabolic compartmentalization is accomplished through the physical separation of metabolite pools at  organelle structures, each functioning as an independent metabolic  subunit (Fig. 2c).
The clearest example of this compartmentalization is that of the mitochondrion: this separate entity within the cell  isolates metabolites and metabolic enzymes from the cytoplasm,  thus allowing for a specific group of reactions to occur only within  the organelle.
Controlled intake and secretion of metabolites such  as pyruvate, serine, glutamine, SAMe and NAD+ are  regulated by a set of specific transporters collectively termed the  mitochondrial carriers.
The importance of physically separating metabolite pools is  clearly illustrated in the diverse roles of NAD+ metabolism.
In the cytoplasm and nucleus, NAD+ is an important cofactor for  poly(ADP–ribose) polymerases (PARPs), sirtuins and enzymes  involved in biosynthesis.
Because the levels of NAD+ in these locations hover around the Michaelis constant of these enzymes, the  nuclear pathways involved in DNA repair, metabolic reprogramming and biosynthesis are balanced by NAD+ availability.
However,  in the mitochondrial compartment, NAD+ acts as a transfer molecule linking oxidative phosphorylation to ATP production and  is therefore found in much higher concentrations than those in  the cytoplasm.
The mitochondrial membrane separates one-carbon pools.
The  mechanisms controlling metabolite compartmentalization have  been identified mostly with regards to the interconnected activity of  folate(叶酸) and methionine cycle.
In this cycle (one-carbon metabolism), carbon units derived from methionine, serine and glycine are transferred to reactive intermediates for use in nucleotide and polyamine production or as a substrate for a variety of  methyltransferases.
Remarkably, the folate cycle consists of reversible reactions that  represent a mirror image in the cytoplasmic versus mitochondrial  compartments, each controlled by organelle-specific isoforms.
One-carbon units from serine are reversibly transferred to the  carbon carrier tetrahydrofolate (THF) by serine hydroxymethyl transferase (SHMT1 in the cytoplasm and SHMT2 in mitochondria).
Then 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate can be further metabolized first to 10-formyl-THF and finally to formate through the  activity of methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (MTHFD1 in the cytoplasm, or MTHFD2 and MTHFD2L in the mitochondria;
然后,5,10-亚甲基四氢叶酸可以进一步先代谢为10-甲酰基- THF,最后(通过亚甲基四氢叶酸脱氢酶(细胞质中的MTHFD1,线粒体中的MTHFD2和MTHFD2L)的活性)形成甲酸;
Because one-carbon units can be transported between  the cytoplasm and nucleus only in the forms of serine, glycine and  formate, this compartmentalization offers an opportunity to steer  one-carbon units towards specific pools.
Mitochondrial serine import regulates one-carbon-metabolism  activity.
In proliferating cells, one-carbon units are derived mainly from mitochondrial serine catabolism, thus ultimately leading to the  generation of formate, which can be transported back to the cytoplasm for either nucleotide biosynthesis or reconversion to serine64,65 (Fig. 2c).
Genetic disruption of mitochondrial serine catabolism leads to a cytoplasmic formate deficit and a reversal of the activity  of the cytoplasmic isoforms, leading to nucleotide biosynthesis  without any metabolite transfer into the mitochondria.
However, this perturbation dysregulates the distribution of serine towards its  different metabolic consumers and leads to an inability to generate  sufficient amounts of serine through de novo biosynthesis.
Given  that de novo serine biosynthesis is an exclusively cytoplasmic reaction important in a variety of metabolic reactions,serine import  provides a way to distribute serine to either cytoplasmic reactions  or mitochondrial one-carbon metabolism (Fig. 2c).
These studies  identify the mitochondrial serine transporter as a gatekeeper that  regulates the balance of serine availability in both compartments.
Physical separation generates distinct metabolic environments.
In  addition to regulating influx and efflux, metabolic compartmentalization allows reactions to occur in specific metabolic environments.
For instance, the factor driving one-carbon directionality relies on  the local ratio of NADP+ to NADPH.
Whereas the reduction of  NAD+ to NADH captures the electrons that drive ATP synthesis,  the conversion of NADP+ to NADPH stores the reducing power  needed for biosynthetic reactions.
NADP+ can be converted from  and into NAD+ and although a recent study has indicated  that de novo synthesis of NADP via a NAD kinase may be important in cells with activated protein kinase B (AKT), the balance  between NADP+ and NADPH is determined primarily through the  activity of cytoplasmic and mitochondria-specific pathways.
Lewis  and colleagues have traced mitochondrial NAPDH to the activity  of MTHFD2,whereas the much higher cytoplasmic levels  are sustained by the oxidative branch of the PPP.
Therefore, the concentrations of NADP+ and NADPH in the cytoplasmic and  mitochondrial compartments regulate the activity of MTHFD1 and  MTHFD2 and correctly direct one-carbon flux.
This directionality in turn is important for replenishing the  methylation cycle.
In the cytoplasmic methionine cycle, the universal methyl donor SAMe is generated through the catalytic linking of ATP and methionine through the activity of the methionine  adenosyltransferase MAT2A.
When methionine is not available,  SAMe can also be regenerated through the folate-cycle-dependent methylation of homocysteine.
This process occurs in the cytoplasm,  where the methyl donor used for methylation of homocysteine is  generated rather than consumed by MTHFD1.
These insights clearly show that cellular metabolism is aimed not  only at maintaining the pools of key metabolites but also at redirecting metabolite pools among compartments with different needs.
As explained in detail in recent reviews,the same concepts of  compartmentalization apply to acetyl and acyl moieties.
In addition,  mitochondrial transporters for pyruvate, succinate and propionate,  and enzymes modulating acetate and crotonate levels, regulate the  exchange of metabolite pools between the mitochondrial and cytoplasmic compartments, thus maintaining a homeostatic balance in  these separate metabolic environments.
● Chromatin as a linchpin connecting metabolism to  epigenetic regulation ●
Because the cellular location of a metabolic reaction matters, the  nucleus has been postulated to exhibit compartmentalization of  metabolic activity.
Given the large size of nuclear pores3 , metabolites are believed to freely diffuse between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
Yet, the nucleus is characterized by a set of specific metabolic  requirements that link metabolism to cellular fate.
Fig. 3 | The nucleus is an underappreciated but separated metabolic compartment.
a, Chromatin dynamics in the nucleus is intertwined(cross link) with cellular  metabolism, because metabolites constitute main histone and DNA modifications, whereas the activity of numerous chromatin modifiers relies on the  presence of specific nuclear metabolites as cofactors.
Details are provided in the main text. GlcNAc, N-acetylglucosamine; HAT, histone acetyltransferase;  HMT, histone methyltransferase; SIRT; sirtuin; KDM, lysine demethylase; 3PG, 3-phosphoglyceric acid; IDH/SDH/FH, isocitrate dehydrogenase/succinate  dehydrogenase/fumarate hydratase; 2-HG, 2-hydroxyglutarate; Ac, acetyl; Me, methyl; X, other modifications, including lactylation, phosphorylation and  GlcNacylation.
b, Concentrations of nuclear metabolites are not merely dependent on diffusion from the cytoplasm but can be actively exchanged between  the nuclear and non-nuclear compartments to sustain cellular homeostasis.
Overproduction of acetyl and methyl groups increases histone acetylation and  histone and DNA methylation, respectively, thus making chromatin as an important metabolite sink.
This fixed storage of metabolites can then be mobilized  to sustain cellular metabolism according to need. Regulation of nuclear metabolism is accomplished through the availability of nuclear metabolites, the  activity of chromatin modifiers, and the active import and export of nuclear metabolic enzymes.
For example, PARP-1 activity can be shut down by decreasing  nuclear NAD+ through the downregulation of NMNAT1. The two mechanisms controlling the exchange in metabolites in and from the nucleus consist of  the modulation of chromatin modifiers to either increase or decrease metabolite retention on chromatin, or the activity of the nuclear pore complex (NPC),  which imports or exports nucleus-oriented metabolic enzymes.
HDAC, histone deacetylase; NAM, nicotinamide.
● Metabolism epigenetically determines cellular fate ●
Evidence of a link between nuclear metabolism and cell fate has grown in recent  years.
Even the modulation of a few metabolites is sufficient to drive  cell-fate changes.
For example, the treatment of pluripotent stem  cells with palmitic(棕榈酸) acid drives neural lineage specification through  the production of eicosanoid signalling molecules.
Similarly, elevated extracellular amino acid levels induce hepatocyte differentiation through both the modulation of mitochondrial metabolism  and the induction of a hepatic transcriptional network aimed at  catabolizing extracellular amino acids.
Although how metabolites affect fate remained unclear for years,  emerging studies indicate a major role of chromatin dynamics.
Chromatin marks are chemical modifications on histones or DNA  that determine DNA accessibility, transcription-machinery recruitment and chromatin condensation.
The most extensively studied  chromatin modifications are methylation of DNA and acetylation/ methylation of histones.
In general, DNA methylation is associated  with both inhibition of transcription and chromatin compaction,  whereas acetylation of the lysine residues of histones is associated with activation of transcription.
Histone methylation can either  promote or repress transcription depending on the specific lysine  residue modified.
Furthermore, a growing list of novel chromatin  modifications, such as histone phosphorylation, acylation or  conjugation to O-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAC),  have all been found to influence transcription.
Importantly, the activity of the chromatin modifiers that add or remove these marks  critically depends on a few metabolites, thus linking metabolism  and epigenetic modifications.
For instance, the intracellular levels of α-ketoglutarate (αKG)  have been found to control the expression of hundreds of genes.
Elevation of αKG is sufficient to mimic the phenotype of the entire  p53 antitumour/differentiation response; it also greatly improves  reprogramming efficiency, maintains naive pluripotent stem cells,  and accelerates the differentiation of primed pluripotent stem cells,  colon cancer cells and epidermal stem cells.
αKG exerts its function as a coactivator of histone demethylases and TET demethylases, which remove methylation marks from chromatin.
Therefore, whereas the maintenance of global hypomethylation supports  stemness in hypomethylated naive stem cells, the activation of differentiation genes through the removal of closed-chromatin methylation marks explains the prodifferentiation effect of αKG in the  latter models.
● Metabolite levels dictate chromatin modifications  ●
The dependency of chromatin modifiers on metabolites for driving the chemical conversion of histones and DNA indicates a direct link between  metabolism and epigenetics.
Indeed, the universal one- and  two-carbon donors SAMe and acetyl-CoA are the essential substrates required for the methylation and acetylation of chromatin, whereas histone phosphorylation, acylation or O-GlcNACylation  are dependent on the incorporation of ATP, acyl moieties and  O-GlcNAC, respectively.
As a result, increasing or decreasing the pools of these 'epigenetic metabolites’ directly affects the epigenome.
For instance, animal studies have found that restriction of the SAMe precursor methionine significantly affects  levels of SAMe as well as methylation patterns of DNA and histones.
Specifically in cancer, methionine restriction decreases  trimethylated histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4me3), thus resulting in  downregulation of cancer-associated genes such as AKT1, MYC and  MAPK.
Furthermore, deposition of the H3K4me3 or H3K36me3  histone marks on genes regulating activation of helper T cells and  macrophages, respectively, are fuelled through the upregulation of methionine-dependent SAMe production.
Changes in acetyl-CoA levels have also been shown to directly  affect histone acetylation levels.
The rate of acetyl-CoA synthesis through glycolysis directly correlates with the levels of approximately half of all histone acetylation sites.
Furthermore, high levels of acetate not only contribute carbons to lipid synthesis  but also activate the expression of genes involved in lipid synthesis, through increased acetylation of H3K9, H3K27 and H3K56  in lipid-synthesis-associated genes. (Methylation of DNA and histone is mutually exclusive with histone acetylation )
In accordance, cellular  acetyl-CoA levels in yeast directly determine the acetylation states  of histones in the promoters of proliferation-associated genes, thus  linking cellular fitness with growth rates.
The influence of metabolites on cell fate is further exemplified by the recent discovery that  lactate, such as that present in the hypoxic tumour microenvironment or in sepsis(damaged tissue; the presence of pus-forming bacteria in the body), can remodel macrophage[ˈmækrəfeɪdʒ behaviour through  generating a previously unknown histone modification, histone  lactylation.
● Nuclear metabolism allows for local control of chromatin  dynamics ●
The studies described above indicate that the epigenome is influenced by metabolite availability.
Yet, the maintenance of epigenetic  marks is vital to sustaining cellular identity.
Therefore, molecular systems might exist to isolate the nuclear compartment and to shield the epigenome from the putative [ˈpjuːtətɪv] detrimental metabolic fluctuations that occur under physiological conditions.
Because  no physical barrier is present to regulate nuclear metabolite levels,two additional mechanisms specify metabolic conversions  in the nucleus and distribute metabolites between the nuclear and  cytoplasmic compartments.
These systems involve the retention of metabolites on chromatin and/or the local production and consumption of metabolites by nuclear complexes.
● Chromatin acts as a reservoir of methyl and acetyl groups ●
reservoir/ˈrɛzəˌvwɑː/ A reservoir is a lake that is used for storing water before it is supplied to people.
Chromatin has recently been identified as a reservoir for metabolites that can store a metabolite surplus[ˈsɜːrplʌs] or supplement cellular pools  in times of need (Fig. 3b).
Although changes in the epigenome can  have widespread consequences on cellular functions, the global epigenetic modifications of histones appear to be sufficiently robust to  not rely on single methylation or acetylation marks, thus allowing  for some level of metabolite storage and exchange.
Chromatin modifiers can establish 'methylation reservoirs’.
The activation or silencing of specific loci is influenced by a combination of epigenetic marks on histones in promoter and enhancer  sequences, the gene body, and facultative and constitutive heterochromatin.
兼性异染色质(facultative heterochromatin):
在一定时期的特种细胞的细胞核内, 原来的常染色质可转变成兼性异染色质。如雄性个体的细胞含有一个瘦小的Y染色体和一个大的X染色体, 由于X和Y染色体上很少有共同的基因, 对于雄性来说, X染色体上的基因就只有一个拷贝。
虽然雌性细胞有两条X染色体, 也只有一条具有转录活性, 另外一条X染色体像异染色质一样保持凝缩状态, 称为巴氏小体(Barr bady)。
巴氏小体的形成保证了雄性和雌性都只有一条具有活性的X染色体, 合成等量的X-连锁基因编码的产物。
A combinatory code consequently could buffer  the effects of small fluctuations in methylation or acetylation on  transcription and cell identity.
Studies have shown that 30% of  CpG islands are free of methylation, whereas almost half of yeast  histones lack acetylation at any given time.
Therefore, as two  independent studies have calculated, the total storage capacity of  the epigenome for methyl groups is more than 1,000 times larger  than the total cellular SAMe pool, and large stretches of methylated chromatin have been postulated to encompass metabolic sinks or  stores for methyl groups.
In yeast, scientists have shown that specifically methylated  H3K36 and H3K79 retain methyl groups after SAMe accumulation, whereas in parallel, these moieties can be mobilized to sustain  the cytoplasmic generation of phospholipids after SAMe depletion..
Methylation of H3K36 is found throughout gene bodies  and has been implicated in transcriptional elongation and termination, or defining exon sequences.
Furthermore, although  methylated H3K79 was initially identified to mediate telomeric  silencing, this methyl mark was later observed to occupy almost  90% of all yeast histones and to shunt silencing factors towards  silenced loci.
Additionally, H3K79 methylation has been linked  to transcriptional elongation, because it is present in active gene  bodies.
H3K36 and H3K79 could function as an efficient  nuclear reservoir or store for methyl groups if small fluctuations  only marginally affect transcription and cell fate.
Fig. 4 | Regulatory mechanisms balance metabolites between the nuclear  and non-nuclear compartments.
a, After overproduction of SAMe, the  activity of both nuclear methyltransferases (MTs) and genes involved in  proliferation increases, whereas SAMe production is inhibited, and methyl  groups are stored on chromatin.
Concordantly, a shortage of SAMe shuts  down proliferation and mobilizes methyl groups from heterochromatin,  thereby releasing formate and maintaining cellular homeostasis.
TCA,  tricarboxylic acid cycle.
b, After overproduction of acetyl-CoA, histone  acetylation induces proliferation and the storage of acetyl-CoA in the form  of fat.
Acetylation of H4K8 and H4K16 might provide a nuclear store.
Nuclear production and recycling of acetyl-CoA appear to be regulated  through the import of metabolic enzymes into the nucleus, and the  histone deacetylase SIRT6 might have evolved to modulate glycolysis and  fat storage in response fatty acids, which in turn depend on acetyl-CoA  levels.
The circadian-clock components also influence histone acetylation,  mainly through regulating the levels of SIRT1.
FASN, fatty acid synthase;  ACOX1, acyl-CoA oxidase 1; PDC, pyruvate dehydrogenase complex.
c, The  regeneration of NAD+ is accomplished through the activity of a nuclear,  cytoplasmic or mitochondrial isoform of NMNAT and through the selective  import of NAMPT into the nucleus. Given the much higher concentration  of NAD+ in the mitochondrial compartment, mitochondrial NAD+ or NMN  might serve as the cellular reservoir.
In addition, the clock components  induce an oscillating NAD+ profile through rhythmic regulation of NAMPT  expression.
OXPHOS, oxidative phosphorylation.
Indeed, the initial  study in yeast did not find a correlation between demethylation of  H3K36 and H3K79 and transcriptional changes.
In addition, a recent study has indicated that after methionine restriction, mammalian cells mobilize methyl groups specifically from H3K9me3  and H3K9me2, both of which are located in highly methylated  constitutive and facultative heterochromatin, while protecting the  H3K9me1 mark, thereby maintaining silencing and minimally  affecting cell fate(Fig. 4a).
Major fluctuations in the methylation density on histones and  DNA can induce a loss of cell identity,aberrant expression and genomic instability.
Controlled release and retention  of marks, even those linked to methylation reservoirs or stores,  remain extremely important. Inhibition of H3K36 methyltransferases blocks mesenchymal progenitor differentiation and induces  undifferentiated sarcomas, possibly through its intergenic role in  antagonizing H3K27me3 propagation.
Furthermore, methylation  defects at H3K79 are pathogenic, because overdeposition through  disrupted localization of the H3K79 methyltransferase DOT1L  induces mixed-lineage leukaemia, whereas DOT1 deletion is  embryonic lethal.
Although constitutive heterochromatin might  be considered a large methylation reservoir, its flexibility is limited.  Overdepletion of H3K9 methylation as a result of dysfunction of  the Suv39h histone methyltransferase results in demethylation  of large stretches of pericentric heterochromatin accompanied by  chromosomal instability.
Furthermore, high levels of demethylation of heterochromatic histones and DNA induce the reactivation of satellite repeats and LINE1 retrotransposons, both of which are  linked to cellular dysfunction and carcinogenesis126. Likewise, inhibition of histone demethylase activity results in hypermethylation of  H3K9, thus impairing homologous-recombination-based repair of  double-strand breaks (DSBs)123.
These studies identify nuclear methyl reservoirs as marks that  are highly abundant in chromatin, such that a relatively small  methyl depletion or increase does not affect transcription.
In addition, because epigenetic methyltransferases exhibit a wide range of  Michaelis–Menten kinetics, uncharacterized systems might be in  place to preferentially mobilize or deposit SAMe on H3K36, H3K79  and H3K9me2/me3 after depletion or overproduction of the metabolite127.
Because most studies have focused on bulk changes in methylation, future studies should determine whether these systems can  target specific regions, such as gene bodies, facultative and constitutive heterochromatin, or telomeric regions, for methyl mobilization  or storage.
Fig. 5 | The formation of complexes on chromatin, including metabolic enzymes, drives hyperlocal metabolic conversions.
In the nucleus, as in other  compartments, metabolic enzymes form multienzyme complexes that increase the efficiency of hyperlocal metabolic flux and guide metabolic conversion  towards certain chromatin modifications In yeast, a large complex has been isolated that links enzymes responsible for glycolysis, and for serine and SAMe  biosynthesis, to the histone methyltransferase SET1 and the histone phosphorylase PYK1, providing all components to sustain epigenetic methylation  and phosphorylation. Similarly, in mammals, the α-KGDH complex can fuel the histone acyltransferase KAT2A, which in turn drives H3K79 succinylation  through the formation of multienzyme complexes. Finally, the activity of histone acetyl transferases and of the NAD+ consuming PARP1 enzyme is  sustained through local recycling of nuclear acetyl-CoA (by ACSS2) and NAD+ moieties (by NMNAT1), respectively. Studies indicate that the activity of  chromatin modifiers appears to be dependent on the expression and activity of nuclear metabolic enzymes rather than on the exchange in metabolites  between the cytoplasm and nucleus. PEP, phosphoenolpyruvate.
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