



1. ---Can you tell me __________ ?

---He studies in Shanghai.

A. where Tom studies                B. where does Tom study

C. where Tom studied                D. where did Tom study

2. — Do you know _____? — In Shanghai. 

A. Where is the first Disneyland Theme Park in Mainland China

B. Where  the first Disneyland Theme Park in Mainland China is

C. Where was the first Disneyland Theme Park in Mainland China

D. Where  the first Disneyland Theme Park in Mainland China was

3. – Can you tell me_____?

    - He lives in Shanghai.

   A. where Mark lives          B. where does Mark live

   C. where Mark lived          D. where did Mark live

4,---Lucy.do you know_____?

  ---Oh.yes.She comes from the USA.

A.Where does Miss Smith come from

B.Where  Miss Smith comes from

C.Where did Miss Smith come from

D.Where  Miss Smith came from

1.- Do you know ______ to Shanghai last week?

   - Yes. Last Friday.

A. when Kate will go        B. when did Kate go

C. when will Kate go        D. when Kate went

2. Please tell me ______ yesterday.

A. why you didn’t come      B. why didn’t you come

C. why you don’t come       D. why don’t you come

3. ---Would you please tell me ________ yesterday?

---In a book shop near my home.

    A. where you buy the book

B. where do you buy the book

C. where you bought the book

    D. where did you buy the book

4.    —Can you remember ________ our school?

   —Last month.

A. when Mr. Smith visits    B. when does Mr. Smith visit

C. when Mr. Smith visited      D. when did Mr. Smith visit

5.  --- Judy, could you tell me_______the schoolbag?

--- Oh, yes. I bought it in a store on the Internet.

 A. where did you buy  B. where will you buy

 C. where you bought  D. where you will buy

1. – Can you tell me ________?

   – Next week.

A. when you will visit the museum      

B. when will you visit the museum

C. when you visited the museum        

D. where did you visit the museum

2.    —Do you know ________ to China?

   —Next month.

A. when Tom comes                  B. when does Tom come

C. when Tom will come          D. when will Tom come

3. - DO you know ______ for Guangzhou next week?

   - Next Wednesday.

A. when they will leave            B. when will they leave

C. when they leave              D. when do they leave

4.--- Can you tell me            next Sunday?

--- Yes. I'll go to the Great Wall.

A.where will you go        B.where did you go

C.where you will go        D.where you went

5. Do you know __________tomorrow?

At 8 o’clock.

A. when did Mike come             B. when Mike came

C. when will Mike come              D. when Mike will come

6. What didour teacher say?

She asked    last weekend.

A.  what we do           B.what we did

C. what do we do       D.what did we do

7. — Do you know ______?

   — At 10:00 o’clock tomorrow.

   A. when did they come      B. when they come

   C. when will they come     D. when they will come

8.—Do you know _________ the meeting?

  —Tomorrow morning.
A. when they had
B. when they are going to have
C. when did they have
D. when are they going to have

9.  – Can you tell me ____ to London?

– Sure. Next month.

    A.when you will travel     B.when will you travel

C.when you travelled     D.when did you travel

1.---Tim.can you tell me____now?

  ---Harry Potter.

A.What you read             B.What are you reading

C.What did you read         D.What you are reading

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