

【我陪孩子学】《a green, green garden》
We go to the garden store.
It has everything we need.
1是时候种植我的花园了。It is ————   ————     ——————  my garden.
2我们去花园商店。We go to the garden  ——————.
3那里有我们需要的一切。It has ———— we   ————
I want a green, green garden.
I find many seeds to plant.
Mom says, "We will buy some seeds."
4我想要一个绿油油的花园。I —————— a green, green garden.
5我找到许多种子。I ——————  many —————— to ————————.
6妈妈说,“我们会买一些种子。”Mom says, "We will —————— some ——————."
Dad says, "We will also buy some baby plants."
They are very little. They all look the same.
7爸爸说,“我们也会买一些小的植物幼苗。”Dad says, "We will ——————   ——————  some —————— plants."
8它们很小,而且看起来都一样。They are very ——————. They all ——————  the ——————.
Dad rents a plow from Mr. Pinky.
We go home to plant my green, green garden.
9爸爸从彭基先生那儿租了一辆犁。Dad ——————  a   ——————  from Mr. Pinky.
10我们回家去种植我绿油油的花园啦。We ——————    to  ——   my green, green garden.
Dad plows the garden.
We pick up stones and clumps of grass.
This is not fun.
11爸爸开着犁在花园里。Dad ——————  the garden.
12我们搬石头和整理草丛。We ——————  ——————  and ——————  of grass.
13这一点儿也不好玩儿。This is not ——————.
We plant the seeds and the baby plants.
l am tired. l need cool water.
14我们种种子和栽幼苗。We plant the —————— and the —————— plants.
15我累了,我需要点凉水。l am —————— . l ——————   ————   water.
We are finished. I say, "Now we can rest."
Dad says, "We must watereach plant."
We take turns.
16我们种植完了。我说,“现在我们可以休息了吧!”We are —————— . I say, "——————  we can ——————."
17爸爸说,“我们必须给每棵植物浇水。”Dad says, "We ——————  ——————   each plant."
18我们轮流做。We ——————.
Every day we weed, water,and wait.
We weed, water, and wait some more.
19每天我们除草,浇水和等待。Every day we ——————, water,and ——————.
20我们除草,浇水,然后耐心的等待。We ——————, water, and —————— some more.
We wait a lot. Dad takes pictures.
At school l learn more about gardening.
21我们等了很久,爸爸才拍照。We ——————  a lot. Dad —————— pictures.
22在学校里我了解更多关于园艺的知识。——————  I —————— more about  ——————.
We make a compost heap full of old leaves and stuff.
It makes good garden dirt.
We buy worms to put in my garden.
21我们做一个堆满落叶的肥料。We ———  a ————  ——————  full of old ————  and —————.
22它能使花园的泥土更加的好。It makes good garden —————— .
23我们买了蚯蚓放在我的花园里。We ——————  ——————  to put in my garden.
We buy good bugs that eat bad bugs.
23我们买了好的昆虫让它们吃坏的昆虫。We ——————  good —————— that ——————  bad ——————.
Deer come and eat some of my garden.
Blue wants to protect it.
24鹿来吃我花园的一些东西。Deer come and eat —————— my garden.
25Blue想要保护它。Blue ——————  ——————  ——————  it.
Finally, l have a green, green garden.
l have a yellow, orange, and red garden, too!
26最后,我有一个绿色,绿色的花园。—————— , l —————— a green, green garden.
27我也有一个黄色,橙色和红色的花园!l ——————  a yellow, orange, and red garden, ——————!
We have a great dinner, all from my green, green garden!
28我们有一个很棒的晚餐,桌上所有的东西都来自于我绿油油的花园哦!We —————— a great dinner, all —————— my green, green garden!
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