

The textile technology--Twill weave
Warp and weft of woven fabric surface, showing a certain point in the angle of the diagonal line structure. A complete organization in three longitude and latitude, can be expressed with fractions.
Such as 1 / 2 ↗ Right twill, into a readable on two or three right-bottom right diagonal twill. Among them, on behalf of a warp or weft elements in an organization full number of points by the organization, the denominator
Said a warp or weft weft in a fully organized within the organization the number of points. And that the numerator and denominator of the full organization of a number of latitude and longitude lines, referred to as the number of pieces. ↗ said
Right diagonal lines, ↖ indicates left oblique lines. The warp and weft woven twill weave less than the plain, it is less than plain fabric fastness, but twill fabric soft and smooth.
1: Basic information
1 twill weave is characterized by
Twill weave is characterized by the organization on the organization chart point or point of latitude organization consisting of slashes, on the surface through the fabric (or weft) floating long-term form of diagonal weave. Constitute the diagonal
- Organizations circulation at least three warp and three weft.
2 twill weave fraction that
Twill weave generally fractional said. The numerator represents the cycle in the organization of each point by the organization on the yarn, said weft organization points denominator
3 twill weave cycles
Rj = Rw = molecular + denominator (Rj number of cycles for the warp, Rw number of cycles for the weft). Fraction of the original organization in twill, there must be a numerator or denominator is equal to 1, meaning that
In each root by (weft) is only one weft yarn (by) the organization point. When the molecule is greater than the denominator, in the organizational chart by the organization point of the majority, called the warp twill; organizational point of latitude
The majority, called the weft face twill.

2: Detailed interpretation of twill weave
twill weave through the adjacent (weft) yarn by the continuous (weft) organization points arranged in a slash, slash the fabric surface showed a continuous weave of the fabric weave. Twill weave
Number of loop yarn of an organization at least three. System twill weave complex than the plain weave fabric, need at least three heald frames. Twill fabric, marking and fabric weaving technology
Major structural development. China in the Shang dynasty had been patterned twill fabric. The chi silk fabrics and Aya are organized with a twill weave and changes in the system. Twill organization
Is widely used, such as cotton, wool fabric in khaki, serge, gabardine, silk fabrics in beautiful silk and so on. Compared with plain weave, twill weave with a large by (weft) floating
Long, and thus in the same yarn number (count) and the density of warp and weft fabric structure is relatively soft. Configuration can only get larger Density structure of the fabric tightly. Twill weave has been
Organizational point of the majority warp twill, weft weft organizational point of the majority of the warp and weft face twill and organizational points of equal-sided twill three. Diagonal diagonal have the right oblique (↗) and left oblique (↖)
Divided. Usually accompanied by a twill weave with a diagonal arrow indicates the fraction, as shown in Figure 1 and in ↗ ↗ (read about on the right ramp for two and a ramp on the two bottom right). The main diagonal twill weave
According to constitute a diagonal weave the yarn in the fabric surface of the twist to the selection. Such as twist and weave to the opposite diagonal, slash clearer, blur slash the contrary. Thus, the "Z" twist yarn
For the classics, weft, warp twill weave used, they should choose the left oblique; using weft face twill organization, you should choose the right oblique.

3: changes in the organization twill
On the basis of the twill weave were used to add economic, organizational point of latitude to change the textured diagonal, or while flying a few are two ways to change the organization have evolved a variety of twill.
① strengthen Twill: on the basis of the twill weave added by the weft from the organization point, the most common are two-sided strengthening twill;
② compound twill: the general number of cycles for the organization of large twill weave, fabric surface, showing a width different shades of denim;
③ angle drill: Change the number of values ??can fly diagonal weave the tilt angle change. Commonly used is the angle greater than 45 ° of the organization, accompanied by a greater density, so that diagonal weave
  Full steep. Qiao Ke Ding, tribute it is the point of fabrics such as worsted twill;
④ Yamagata twill: the slash from the two directions are arranged in Yamagata textured tissue;
⑤ broken twill: the slash from the left and right direction required by a certain order, so that a sudden interruption of the diagonal weave organization. Additionally, there are shadow twill, diamond twill, denim and other curves
  Species, most of the textured image name. Changes in the organization is to increase the twill weave colors of the main organizations.
 Twill: warp and weft of woven look to two on the formation of the fabric. Or if ↗ ↖.
 Warp and weft to two on two intertwined under the fabric, or as ↗ ↖.
 Warp and weft of woven look with three on the formation of the fabric, or as ↗ ↖.


【Article is excerpted from: Baidu Encyclopedia】
【Network reprint / Just reference】
【Translation is by Goolge】

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