

Textile care articles - Pillow
Storage of bedding textile, many people know to keep the environment clean and prevent mildew; light and dark should be stored separately to prevent staining, yellowing. But easy to overlook some of the details, often to take care of fine bedding adverse consequences.
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[Polyester Pillow]
Neutral detergent solution into the pillow inside, gently rub until clean up. Washed off with water, rinse until the pillow, and finally squeezed the excess water. The pillows flat to dry, it will be more soft and fluffy.
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[With a pocket polyester fiber pillows (buckwheat pillow care, etc.)]
The special pillow stuffing inside the drying out of pocket, pocket not wash. Pillow rest in accordance with polyester fiber pillow washing washing, drying Pillow full, insert dry pocket can continue to use. Pocket recommend regular ventilation drying, to avoid filler degradation, affecting the function.
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[Latex pillow]
Marked washable latex pillow cleaning, must be artificial hand to gently squeeze the way, neutral detergent cold water immersion. As the cleaning product will absorb large amounts of water, doubling the weight, try to move in the water. When removing the water, grab a small corner can not move some way or another, because heavy pillow will break, and most of the focus volume to Peng Zhu, carefully remove the water. Cleaned with a dry towel or other absorbent material will wrap the pillow, gently pressing with both hands, suck out the moisture inside the pillow, then placed in the shade to dry naturally. Avoid direct exposure to strong sunlight, to avoid material deterioration of oxidation.
"><Maintenance and Collection>
1, Do not exposure because the sun is easy to latex products often aging, causing the surface of powder.
2, non-drying with a dryer, after washing, placed in the shade to dry naturally.
3, a small area at the dirty, just wipe with a wet towel placed in ventilation after a few days later you can re-use.
4, Color: latex products in use for some time with the air oxidation, the color gradually turn yellow, is a normal phenomenon, without particular concern.
5, when the latex product collection: no ballast, do not put wet space.
6, if the consumer product using vacuum bag collection, do not receive the weight of too tight, and the storage time should not exceed six months.
4 low-rebound pillow can be cleaned simply remove the pillow, the pillow in the cool air drying to remove sweat and moisture.
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【Article is excerpted from: Baidu Encyclopedia】
【Network reprint / Just reference】
【Translation is by Goolge】

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