

Car Jewelry articles Beauty Chapter--Roasted room 2
(1) the main source of air pollutants
       Do not use the paint room, paint room door should be closed, is strictly prohibited paint room door for a long time in the open state.
       Many repair shop, the sanding of the putty is often close to the area from the paint room, a lot of dust in the process of polishing putty, a lot of putty gray dust as the air flows easily enter the paint room.
       If the putty sanding take a clean dry grinding, the situation will be relatively good, if taken in hand polished, the contamination will be very serious.
       Therefore, in the repair shop, putty sanding should be carried out in the region away from the paint room.
(2) paint room work, the ventilation fans will be the outside air is pumped into the paint room on the roof of the cotton filters down blowing air from the paint the premises of the board was out of the paint room, paint room create a downdraft, so paint the room even if there is a small amount of dust will not be flying up.
    Cotton filters in the paint room, the ceiling can filter out most of the dust, so as to maintain into the paint room air clean.
    Therefore, cotton filters in the paint room ceiling and paint the premises of the adsorption on the cotton should be changed regularly.
(3) to be spraying the vehicle itself is usually the biggest source of pollution of the paint room
       The wheels, bumpers, and engine compartment and other parts will gather a large number of pollutants, thorough cleaning of the body can make to reduce the impact of these pollutants on the painting operation. Therefore, body cleansing and good preparatory work is very important.
(4) is also an important source of pollution of the spray operator wearing overalls
       In many repair shop, polished putty and spray paint work is completed by the same person, many workers in the polished putty and spray paint, wearing the same clothes, this is not correct, spray paint, there should be dedicated overalls.
       In the paint room, wearing overalls with no fiber shedding, wearing rubber gloves, protective masks and respirators must maintain the Road paint is sprayed wear.
       Personnel did not wear special clothes allowed to enter the paint room, but only from the peep window to watch the paint job, to prevent pollution of paint.
(5) In addition to the cover body and paint work must be completed in the paint room, other body preparation work and painting deployment work outside the paint room.
    Some repair shop or even in the paint room vehicle washing or polishing putty, this is a serious violation of the refinish operation norm.
(6) spray guns spraying equipment should be kept clean
       Should clean the gun after each spraying operation in a timely manner to avoid the gun inside the paint is drying, paint drying will condense into a film, if the dry into a piece of paint spray when flying out of the formation of defects in the finish.
(7) after the completion of each painting should be cleaning the floors and walls, paint room, will be used when the cover body covering items such as clean up.
    The painting should be to make use of one-off cover to cover the body, try not to use cotton cover sewing and wheel covers, this sewing machine is easy to gather dust.
(8) paint room, should be placed on the parts and paint cans and other debris, as these things will accumulate dirt and eventually pollution vehicles to be sprayed. Gun, paper tape, putty, sewing and clothes and other items should not be stored in an open environment, these items should be placed in a closed and ventilated storage room.
   In short, in order to ensure the quality of the paint spray, paint the room environment, maintenance and operating specifications is essential.
① [brightness]
    Brightness of the paint room needs to 800-1000 lux, and need to use the lights close to the D65 light source, while the room wall matte white;
② [air traffic]
③ The filtering effect]
       It depends on the paint the model of the roof of cotton, general repair shop, EU5 and EU6 two models, you can paint room in the room with the upper part of the solar light irradiation, usually per square meter of very fine dust should be less than 5
④ The wall sealing effect]
    Paint room must be sealed, and should not paint dust accumulation in the joints
⑤ The guarantee positive pressure]
    Paint room into the wind should be slightly larger air volume, paint room maintained at a positive pressure state
⑥ The heating system of the sealing effect
    Around burner and chimney should be sealed, not burning after the putty
⑦ heating rate]
       The time of the paint room from 20 ℃ to 60 ℃ about the l0-l5min, should pay attention to some of the paint room thermometers are not allowed to paint the room the temperature of the metal body of the subject, when the measured temperature.
[Clean the grinding room
Grinding room to meet the different models of the repair shop, the main function is to remove dust from the repair shop, exhaust, to ensure that the working environment fresh, increase the quality of maintenance to protect the health of production personnel.
Drying equipment
Moisture drying, hot glue curing the coating drying and other drying equipment. The heat source of electricity, oil, steam, etc., equipped with high-quality instrument control, making the drying room and uniform internal heating rate.
Painting equipment
Bottom paint spraying needs to be divided into: the crystallization of water spin, curtain, curtain oil, pump, spray booth, dry spray booth for domestic and foreign advanced technology and domestic years of construction experience, it applies to the bulk of the machinery industry of all sizes.
[Security anti-pressure device
To ensure that the paint room pressure is too high, automatically open the head of the household door, to ensure the safety of operating personnel.
Lighting system
Generally use the new design, no shadow when the paint room, paint operations, especially a professional dedicated to the paint room electronic ballasts, light intensity up to 800 lux, while still work properly when the supply voltage as low as 180 volts.
[Advanced air filtration cotton]
Two filter layer will filter out dust and other debris in the air, the painted surfaces of dust and other debris, and keep the paint room air clean, the promotion and protection of staff.
[Auto throttle]
Painting when the throttle opening into the inner loop 90 Degree heat longer, fuel-efficient, energy saving
Stainless steel thermal switch
High-quality stainless steel welded, fast heat conduction, heat transfer efficiency of 95% or more. Fast heating, the temperature uniformity.
Make energy utilization is increased, and reduce the pollution of the environment. A matching of the heat exchanger, coupled with scientific design, production, heat exchange rate of 85% or more. Its characteristics: a large heat transfer area, combustion, thermal efficiency, safety and reliability.
[Insulation fans]
Low noise, large air volume, thus ensuring the paint the molding requirements, but also improves the utilization of the paint; the same time, but also meet the requirements of air cleanliness, to ensure the health of staff.
[Control system]
Generally used in advanced brand-name components to well-designed, reliable, stable performance, easy to operate. The digital display, the thermostat timer, automatic thermostat to ensure that in case of different temperatures of spray paint, paint.
1, during the before spraying must first check the spray pressure is normal, while ensuring that the filtration system clean;
2, check the air compressor and the oil-water dust separator, so that the spray hose to keep clean;
3, the spray gun, spray hose and paint cans to be stored in a clean place;
4, in addition to the use of hair gun and sticky dust cloth dust, all other before spraying process should be completed in the paint room;
5, only in the paint room spray and bake process, and paint room door can only open when the vehicle access must start spraying when the air circulation system to produce a positive pressure, open the door, to ensure that outside the room dust can not enter the room;
6, must wear the specified paint clothing and wear safety protective equipment to enter the paint room to operate;
7, during the baking operation, you must paint the room flammable items out outside the room;
8, non-essential personnel may not enter the paint room.
[Clean check
1, daily cleaning room pencil, glass and floor base, in order to avoid the accumulation of dust and paint dust;
2 per week to clean into the wind the dust filters, check the exhaust filters plot plug, such as the increase of the room air pressure for no reason, you must replace the exhaust filters of the;
3, each work 150h replacement of floor dust fiber cotton;
4, 300h, each work should be replaced into the wind the dust filters;
5, monthly cleaning floor basin of water, and clean the burner diesel filter device;
6, for each quarter should check the air intake and exhaust motor drive belt is slack;
7, every six months should be clean and the paint room and the platform look, check the circulating air valve, air intake and exhaust fan bearings, check the burner exhaust gas channel, the clean fuel tank within the sediments, cleaning the paint room, water-based protective film Re-spraying;
8, should be cleaned every year the entire thermal energy converter, including the combustion chamber and exhaust channel, every year or every work 1200h should be replaced paint the roof of cotton.


【Article is excerpted from: Baidu Encyclopedia】
【Network reprint / Just reference】
【Translation is by Goolge】

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