

Software chapter Art section--Photographic Art
       A kind of plastic arts.
        Cameras and photographic materials, tools, picture composition, light, shadow tone (or tone) and other means of modeling the topic and seek to express their artistic image. The photographer uses the camera to reflect the social life and natural phenomena, and to express thoughts and feelings. According to artistic creation, the idea of ??using photography modeling techniques, darkroom production process procedures, made of photos with artistic appeal.
       Broad sense, including all the art of photography-related activities;
       Narrow sense, especially to that part of the photography as an art varieties,
[Sub class]
       Landscapes, still life photos, portraits, custom photos, news and pictures
[Plastic Arts]
       Photographers use the camera as a basic tool for creative ideas, character or scene filmed, now create a visual image of the art darkroom Process to reflect the social life and natural phenomena, and the expression of thoughts and feelings a art style.
[Western photographic art comparison]
A, [theme]
    As the difference in the Western understanding of the relationship between man and nature, caused by the different art photography photography dominant theme: human / landscape
Second, the technique of expression]
    In Western art reflects the world, resulting in different emphases of the performance practices of the art of photography: realistic / impressionistic
Third, the aesthetic ideal
    In Western artistic traditions and aesthetic pursuit, resulting in art photography embodies the aesthetic ideal in the form of; typical / mood.
【Photography evaluation】
    The art of photography is a relatively young disciplines of the arts, it is closely associated with each era of hi-tech development and development.
    The art of photography is a high-level overview of reality; image work comes from life than life; is a noble, elegant culture.
    The art of photography is the author of an expression as to speak is one kind of expression, writing is an expression of the same.
    Photography expression of a variety of ways you can scenery, "" Still Life "," Portrait "can also be" documentary "," Folklore "," concept "expression does not compete with the points.
 Learning of photography is not just about learning the technical knowledge of aperture, focal length, exposure, color temperature, contrast, sensitivity, white balance, not just to learn the aesthetic knowledge of the composition, shape, color, light and shadow, and so on, as well as learning and foreign excellent photographers, look at the photographer's picture books and on, and so on.
       Also, learn some knowledge such as philosophy, anthropology, sociology, history, art history and the like seem and photography have little direct relationship.


【Article is excerpted from: Baidu Encyclopedia】
【Network reprint / Just reference】
【Translation is by Goolge】

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