

Component section Shutter project--Shutter 2
[Sub 2]
    Structure classification
A mechanical shutter
    The original definition: only the use of springs or other mechanical structure, rather than rely on electricity to drive the shutter structure
    Current definition: the shutter structure driven by the actuation of the mechanical components, drive way for spring, solenoid valve .... and other components
(2) electromagnetic shutter
    Duplex electromagnetic shutter.
    The full electromagnetic shutter control mechanism by the electromagnet (the industry term is called electromagnetic valve), and institutions controlled by the electronic circuit.
    Today's electronic circuit of the electromagnetic shutter quartz-chip clock components, so the electromagnetic shutter accurate than the mechanical shutter.
[Sub 3]
    Digital camera shutter including
    Electronic shutter / mechanical shutter / B door
A shutter speed (T3):
    Usually defined as the shutter fully open to fully closed time
Shutter lag time (T1):
    Shutter to the shutter blades began to cover the time of the optical path by the command receiving the action has been
Equivalent exposure time (Te):
    General algorithm for Te = T1 +0.5 * T3
    Shutter efficiency
    Shutter and deformation
    Long shutter
    B shutter
    When the shutter New York press, open the shutter until the shutter release button, the shutter closes, this shutter is called the B shutter.
    T-shutter --- B shutter function, just press the shutter New Zealand in the second before the shutter closes, more common in traditional mechanical SLR camera, the majority of the camera has no such equipment.
    X-shutter --- usually refers to the flash sync on the shutter speed
[For use]
One must be able to accurate regulation of the exposure time, and this is the basic function of the camera shutter;
Must have a high enough shutter speed, in order to shoot high speed action to move the whole or effective control depth of field;
3 must have a long exposure, there should be a "T" door or the "B" door;
4 flash sync shooting;
With self-timer function, so that the self-timer shutter line, long exposure, the shutter is open.
[Delay time]
    While ensuring the camera does not use the focus lock function AF working status, press the shutter release button to start the exposure of this period is called shutter lag time.
Shutter Priority exposure modes
    Us first to decide the shutter speed the camera metering system according to the case of light at that time, automatically selects the appropriate aperture value of f (can steplessly f value) to cope with.
    Digital camera with the exposure mode dial, usually engraved with the letters of the 's' on a turntable to represent the Shutter Priority mode.
    Shutter Priority mode is suitable for the need to control the shutter photography.
    Use of high-speed shutter setting action, the use of slow shutter speeds enable moving vehicles into the beam.
Shutter delay]
    Camera to press the shutter when the camera auto focus, metering, calculation of the exposure, select the appropriate exposure combination ... the time required by the data computation and storage processing is called shutter lag.
    Generally the bigger the better shutter time range.
A. Low number of seconds for film movement of the object, a camera stressed shutter to 1/16000 sec fastest, you can easily grasp the rapid moving target.
When to shoot is at night busy, the shutter time is necessary to lengthen, silk-like flow in the common photo also use a slow shutter speed to shoot out.
    Electronic shutter point must be to pay attention to:
    If the lens facing the light, as through the lens focusing effect, it is easy to burn behind the "big open door" CCD sensor devices.
    This is similar to past film SLR, a cloth curtain shutter, facing the sun, easy to burn the curtains of truth is the same.
    Because the imaging plane is the lens focal plane, the SLR is fast curtain (it is followed by the film), for the digital home machine that is light-sensitive CCD.
    Sunlight focused in the plane, of course, will burn everything in focus.
    And the lens focal length, the shorter, wider viewing angles and energy more focus, the greater the risk.
    This is the use of digital cameras must be noted.


【Article is excerpted from: Baidu Encyclopedia】
【Network reprint / Just reference】
【Translation is by Goolge】

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