

Export section Film project--Darkroom

    Kodak (EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY) manufacturing issue a landmark since the first film, the film camera has a century of history.
    Before the popularity of digital cameras, darkroom as the most important part of photos from film to have extremely high by photography enthusiasts attention.
    Today, the major camera companies have discontinued the film camera darkroom degree of concern still no recession.
    Because no matter what age, the pursuit of photographic quality photography fun never darkroom forgotten.
    As long as the film camera color reduction and image sharpness advantage still darkroom is still the hearts of some people of the Holy Land.
【Necessary equipment]
1 cup 1000ML 2
2 graduated cylinder 100ML 2
3 thermometer
4 scissors
5 flush tank
6 retaining clips
7 dark glass bottles
8 funnel
9 camera bag
10 enlarger
11 safelight
       Above the necessary equipment, but outside of the syrup of the developer or the like order to improve the the rinse quality or improve the flushing efficiency, there are a lot of optional devices such as the siphon device, different brightness safelight and so on.
1. Darkroom have a table large enough so that commonly used equipment on the table will be very easy to access, which is very easy to implement also important.
. Darkroom usually the developer or the like syrup centrally located to form a wet area, the need to avoid water items centrally located to the formation of the dry zone, it can reduce the probability of an accident occurring.
3 accidents within the darkroom is not is the risk of accidents caused to our security, but many of our beloved works in the darkroom damage even Film impaired, equally upset.
4 Additions the different brightness safelight, is a method to better monitor the flushing effect.
Can also according to their personal preferences in the darkroom, add audio equipment. Can maintain a happy mood developing photographs, music inspired perhaps allows us to achieve the unexpected effect of flushing.
General steps
       The film wrapped around the spool core flush tank → washing → inject developer → poured developer → injection Fixer → pour Fixer → dry.
       However, in these processes, we can experience their favorite tactics, such as the length of time developing the law, developing when agitated. Or use the auxiliary drugs like Hyperion, creative troupe unique image.
【Knot tail]
       Japan's Canon Inc. (Canon), the equivalent of 135 film launched the first full-size digital camera EOS 1Ds December 2002
       In December 2007, Japan's Nikon Corp. (NIKON) launched its first full-size digital camera NIKON D3.
       This point, whether it is in the consumer-grade quasi-professional or even professional field of digital cameras will eventually replace film cameras is a foregone conclusion.
       Perhaps many years later, the term of the darkroom eventually be dilute eventually forgotten. But before we can be glad that we have the opportunity to experience this mysterious space to bring us all joy and memories.


【Article is excerpted from: Baidu Encyclopedia】
【Network reprint / Just reference】
【Translation is by Goolge】

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