

Fitting section Album project--Digital Album
    The hardware version of the digital album, also known as a digital photo frame, electronic photo frame
    Multimedia playback device is similar to the traditional photo frame, dynamic display screen of an electronic medium, electronic products, digital photo graphics can be displayed on the LCD panel.
    7 inch / 8 inch / 10-inch
1 traditional album-capacity is limited, and very local account, and as time goes on, the photos may fade, people have memories hazy blur together.
       Compared to the traditional photo album, digital photo album is not only very convenient to carry around. Capacity and photo preservation degree is also a traditional album than you can not. Anytime, anywhere, we can come to watch.
Digital photo albums with maps, text, sound, like a variety of performance practices, modify, edit function, Quick Search, lasting saved properties, also can be easily copied to share. This is a digital storage universal advantage.
With the advances in technology and the extensive application of digital products, as well as the upgrading of digital products accelerated pace and functional enhancements digital album design templates to meet the buffet production, editing, etc., meet continuously improve the quality of life requirements, also shows that the comprehensive advantages of her vitality, price, quality and other aspects.
Play format
General on CD-ROM format is generally RMVB or AVI. Probably your own photos and favorite songs to a people who know how to nonlinear editing, premiere or vegas or vivid nonlinear editing software he uses, made a similar movie film, but Most of the film material is a photo, and then burn to disc.
Some albums can change insert the SD card, memory card, memory card within the picture can be recycled through some settings. Most of the picture formats such as BMP, JPEG, PNG, GIF.
3, there are a large number of electronic photo album editor, can directly rely on the photo software templates to be adjusted dynamically add, move, change, and ultimately output a different style of digital electronic photo album.
    A multiplexed electronic photo frame digital image synthesis method
1 wherein the digital image file including at least one screen, and the screen is composed by the digital image, Frame member
2 Frame member Frame image internal images, Frame member parameter of the display position in the digital image and the Frame Shape information component
Step 1: the electronic device Frame member in the display position parameter and the shape information is extracted from the received digital image file;
Step 2: the new digital electronic device using the specified image replaces the original digital image;
Step 3: the electronic device according to Frame member position parameter and the frame shape information, is replaced with a photo frame image located Frame image display position of the image of said new digital image;
Step 4: the electronic device of Frame member parameter display position and shape information with the new digital image recorded in the corresponding picture of the digital image file of the newly generated frame.

【Article is excerpted from: Baidu Encyclopedia】
【Network reprint / Just reference】
【Translation is by Goolge】

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