

Home Industry Bathroom Chapter--Bathroom
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    Literally is commonly known as toilet hygiene, bathing, bathroom, space for occupants defecating, bathing, washing and other daily health activities and supplies.
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1 bathroom cabinet
2. Faucet shower
3 toilet
4 bath
5. Basin
Flush valve / spool
7 Bathroom Accessories
Bath / shower / sauna
9 bathroom appliances
10 bathroom ceramic tile
11 glass ware / Bathroom Mirror
12 wooden ware / acrylic / plastic ware
13. Cleaning supplies
14 kitchen and bathroom / kitchen pendant
15. The turret / Pothooks / spice rack
16 ceramic raw materials / glazed tile / tile
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[Bath Accessories range】
    Bathroom accessories, generally installed in the bathroom, bathroom wall, used to place or hang to dry cleaning supplies, towels clothing products generally Hardware Products
1 clothes hook
2 Towel bar
3 double towel bar
4. Single cup holder
Dual cup holder
6. Soap dish
7. Soap network
8 towel ring
9. Towel rack
10. Makeup station folder
11 toilet brush
12. Towel rack
13 double Shelves
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Choose the strong light from the side, carefully observe the reflective surface of sanitary products, surface little or no trachoma and pits as well.
Indicators of high brightness products using glazed materials and very good quality glazing process, the reflection of light, so the visual effect.
Second touch
Friction can be hand gently on the surface, and felt very smooth and delicate as well. You can also touch on the back, and feel a sense of slight friction "imperfections" as well.
You can hand percussion ceramic surface, generally good ceramic material percussion sounds crisp.
Study water absorption, lower water absorption, the better. Ceramic products certain adsorption ability to penetrate the water, if the water is sucked into the ceramic will produce a certain expansion, glazed ceramic surface is easy to make and cracking due to expansion. Especially for Toilet, if the high water absorption, it is easy to water, dirt and odor inhalation ceramics, and over time will be to remove the odor.
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[Space blur]
Traditional living concept in bathroom space is hidden, narrow. But nowadays new decoration, bathroom space and home space boundaries begin to blur.
Washbasin independent outside the bathroom space, transparent bathroom compartment, or threshold, the same level of the bath space, the emergence of these trendy bathing space becomes full, the showers of the most common and least or absent habits a fun, if you are early adoption, but also very bravely flaunt your personality.
[Device Technology intelligent]
Hotel toilet, occasionally you will not know how to let the faucet water.
In the household, sanitary products, it also breaks the simple cleaning function, and developed into a bathroom space set to enjoy, casual, clean, care for one's lifestyle.
Now you can buy a set thermostat technology, sensor technology, self-generating system in one of the self-generating sensor tap remote opening and closing the toilet lid, automatic intelligent automatic flush toilet seat, etc.
In addition, some the bathroom products also equipped with underwater spotlights, radios, external CD player, music center. With advances in technology, sophisticated technology and innovative elements has a large number of bathroom equipment manufacturers using more better, not only so that the capabilities of the device, but also allows you to appreciate the chic bathing fun.
[Art design]
Bathroom Supplies in fact a few pieces, bathtubs, vanities, vanity, vanity mirror, racks, toilet, or there urinal and so on, I am afraid that inevitably someone will ask how these things artistic design. ?
In fact, today's toiletries design can be described as more and more advanced, ever-changing, some square and round dialogue, some Zen concept inherent in the concept, as well as the breakthrough in materials, these design exploration continue to let the bathroom supplies artistic tendency, to make people happy, but also to experience the visual impact of the United States in the bath space, not only produce clean body.
Environmental protection
Now we all know that environmental protection is not a slogan, but a big and are closely related to the lives of everyone.
Space in the bathroom, its environmental protection is reflected in two aspects, space design environmental protection, environmental protection supplies.
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Faucets products of any kind in use without the switch use excessive force, just gently twist or toggle can.
    Products with a hose should be noted that the hose to keep the natural stretch state, so as not to break.
Second, bathtub faucet, showerhead metal hose should be kept natural and relaxing state when not in use, do not be coiled faucet.
    Meanwhile, in use or when not pay attention to the hose and the valve body joints do not form corners, so as not to break or damage the hose.
The third spiral steady rise rubber faucets off completely, usually are sealed port hard debris cards into howling Simply remove the handle, unscrew the valve cover, spool remove impurities, as installed can resume normal use.
Fourth, sealing tap ceramic valve core is not completely shut down, it may be hard debris to scratch the sealing surface or insufficient preload spool added.
Fifth, leakage in case of a water nozzle joints, usually the parts of the assembly time is not tightened due to simply tighten.
    Drop out of the amount of water equivalent to the the water Close the water Zuizui oral remainder water is a normal phenomenon.
Currently, tile deformation many reasons, mainly: weak formula resistance to deformation, sintering temperature difference between the upper and lower shrinkage, take the bricks, sticks deformation late deformation, polishing. Deformation is not completely resolved, can only be reduced!
================================================== 【Article is excerpted from: Baidu Encyclopedia】
【Network reprint / Just reference】
【Translation is by Goolge】
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