

Apparel Term Clothing Chapter--Clothing
Design terminology
[Clothing style style]
    Refers to the pattern of the clothing, and usually refers to the shape factor, a modeling elements.
Costumes modeling]
    Overall clothing art effects posed by the elements of the costumes.
    Modeling elements is divided into the three elements of the style, color and fabric from the specific shape;
    From the abstract modeling is divided into point, line, surface, shape, body, color, quality, light, etc.;
    Components into shoes, hats, T-shirt, under clothing, jackets, underwear, decorations.
[Clothing outline silhouette]
      Clothing Silhouette effect.
      It is the first visual elements of the clothing style modeling, fashion style design is the first thing to consider factors, followed by the split line, collar, sleeves, pocket and internal parts modeling. Contour is an important factor in the development of Fashion.
[Style design design drawing]
    Means the plan reflect the shape of clothing styles.
    The design of this form of clothing professionals must master basic skills, because of its painting is simple, easy to grasp, is the expression of basic clothing styles in the industry.
[Clothing effect diagram effect drawing]
    The performance of the human body at a particular time, a special place in the diagram of the effect of wearing apparel.
    The business owner should learn to read the clothing effect diagram. The clothing effect diagram usually include a diagram of the human body dress, the design concept description, fabrics and simple financial analysis.
[Tailoring Figure cutting drawing]
    Be straight or curved, oblique, arc special graph lines and symbols, clothing styles the shape decomposition expand into the plane cutting method Figure.
    The domestic popular cut mapping methodology the Chinese proportion cropping and Japan Pattern law.
[Clothing structure line structure line]
    Refers to the clothing on the drawing represents a line of clothing parts cutting, sewing structural changes.
    Cutting on line thickness divided into two categories:
    A thin line (including drawing auxiliary lines, dimensioning lines, bisectors);
    The other is a thick solid line (indicating that the structure of the crop production line).
    According to the thickness of the thin lines of national standards for 0.2 - 0.3cm; the pachytene thickness of 0.6 - 0.9cm.
【Product term]
[Dress clothing]
    Decorative body items generic term.
    Including clothing, shoes, hats, socks, gloves, scarves, ties, bags, umbrellas, hair accessories.
[Clothing garments]
    Wear products the body protective and decorative role, its synonym "clothing" and "clothes".
    The ancient Chinese "shirt lower. The effect of clothing depends wearing objects, costumes and wearing environment three factors.
[Fashion fashion]
      Geographical area at a certain time, for a majority of people accept the new and fashionable popular clothing.
      If it is still a small portion of people wearing the first called trendy fashion.
      The clothing can be divided according to the popular popular fashion and styling clothing.
      Stereotypes clothing style clothing is down after the screening of the popular relatively fixed, such as suits, tunic, jacket, cheongsam.
      Popular fashion's cyclical, divided into product incubation period, infancy, growth, maturity and recession.
      With the improvement of social and cultural level of consumption, fashion cycles are becoming shorter. With a fashion in a certain period, the price difference may be very large, so people say "fashion impermanence", it changes in policy, the grass is always greener, is pondering uncertain, but also best embodies the cultural and artistic accomplishments of the designer and the wearer wearing level.
Garment ready-to-wear]
    No. type series of specifications standards in accordance with state regulations, the industrialized mass production of clothing called clothing.
[Clothing exploded view of resolving drawing]
    That represents clothing showing relationships between the internal and external structure of a site. The exploded view usually as clothing style design.
    Garments rate is one of the hallmarks of the production level of a country or region clothing industrialization and clothing consumption structure.
[Custom clothing custom-made clothes]
      Under specific wearer personal circumstances, tailored, made of a single piece of clothing.
      Most clothing clothing store that is this mode of operation.
      Custom clothing business in a foreign country also known as personalized apparel design, usually according to the wearer's individual body shape, skin color, occupation, temperament, hobbies, etc. to select fabric colors to determine the shape of clothing styles, usually higher charges.
      In the country, many customers is the only reason to save money or special body custom clothing. The upscale class custom clothing vacancy in the current market, the main reason is to require the operator to understand some knowledge of fashion design.
【Classification of surface materials]
[Woolen garments woolen garments] clothing fabric made from pure wool, wool fabrics.
Cotton clothing cotton garments] clothing made of cotton, cotton blend fabric.
[Silk garments silk garments] made of natural silk, rayon, synthetic silk fabrics made clothing.
Chemical fiber garments chemical fiber garments clothing made by a variety of chemical fiber fabrics.
Fur leather clothing fur / leather garments made of fur or leather skin clothing.
Charge down clothing down clothing down wear].
[Artificial fur clothing fabric made by various natural or chemical fiber imitation fur fabric clothing.
Click to wearing object classification]
[Men's clothing and men's wear]
Referred to as the men's, adult men wearing apparel.
Women's clothing, women's wear]
(Women), adult woman wearing apparel.
[Children's clothing children's wear]
Referred to as children's clothing, suitable for children wearing clothing. Including baby clothes, children clothing, children clothing, Children clothing, large children clothing and so on. Including primary and secondary school campus apparel.
Professional service so professional garments]
The career service members of the community or industry practitioners working in the social environment, to demonstrate the overall image needs to meet the operational requirements of the workers, wearing clothing which is reached Societies target.
    The career clothing can be divided into three categories:
       One professional logo clothing, such as the postal service, railways, clothes, school uniforms, etc.;
       The second labor protection clothes, clothing for special industry employees to facilitate work and protective hurt. Such as anti-radiation suits, diving suits, miners clothing, steel-making service, road maintenance overalls, oil overalls, firefighter clothing, etc.;
       The third is a professional fashion, urban career women in "pink-collar class wearing non-uniformity fashion career suits, the majority of bright colors, simple and elegant style, can fully demonstrate the professional women's intelligent, and able.
【Article is excerpted from: Web Search】
【Reserved Integrate / Just Reference】
【Translation is by Goolge】
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