

Software Chapter Genre Node--Realism Photography
     Realism class photography is to capture real-life approach a moment, and to ultimately achieve artistic or emotional expression, expression.
     One kind of a long history of photographic genre, is creative method of realism is reflected in the art of photography.
     The genre of photography in the creation of the artist abide documentary feature photography, in their view, photography should have "equal and nature itself with" fidelity, every detail of the picture, only with a "math-like accuracy" works in order to play his kind of artistic media do not have the appeal and persuasive.
【History term】
1 The earliest realistic photographic works when pushed those collodion British documentary photographer Philip Delamotte shot in 1853.
2 Later, it was Ross Fenton battlefield photography and the late sixties, William Jackson wonders of Yellowstone.
3.1870 years later, realistic photography matures, start turning the lens of social, turning life.
     As was photographer Dr.Barnardo to shoot the plight of street children, and shock people.
4 nineties American photographer Amigo cloth Rees who works on the New York slum life is groundbreaking work in this area.
【Composition law terminology】
1 [golden section method]
The so-called "Golden Law" rule, that is, on both sides of the screen straight photography composition of each aliquot of the resulting three "well" as the basis for the split screen to use it.
    These four positions dividing line should not only be taken as an ideal place photo position within the scene, and its four intersection points should also be a full picture of the visual focus to complete the "Fun Center" architecture.
    Thus, the realistic landscape photography, especially the works of the screen not only does not dull feeling, but also improve the picture "inaction" of the students movement; Conversely, if the majority of people in accordance with custom, the scene being shot and even set your subject in the central area of ??the screen to complete the vision statement as the proportion of picture composition would seem not so appropriate and beautiful a.
Of course, in realistic photographic process, the mirror outside world cut and subjective visual statement like "Golden" line and its intersection are virtual existence.
    Since language is a composite photography by lines, shapes, bright colors and other verbal elements made of highly integrated static language, consequent "Golden Section" law should not only be used as a horizontal plane shot composition photography basis, but should also be As the depth of field screen is a composition or color photographic light-based composition.
    In other words, in a realistic photographic works, there should be two or even more than two "golden." They multidimensional symbiotic coexistence with intertwined not only completed a realistic photography, external, three-dimensional, physical and chemical structure of the visible part of speech, but also completed its internal, the photographer's emotional expression and cultural heritage Semantic even decorated.
2 [triangle rule]
"Triangle rule", that is, three-point mapping method. Three is not even a line to form a flat decorated. In a realistic photography, there is a plane is a must. So how to construct photography plane it?
     In general, natural scenery photography and portrait photography, to identify the presence of horizontal and vertical two points is very easy. The challenge is to find the corresponding even third point does not exist.
     This requires the photographer to leave your subject to find or man-made third point. Otherwise, the picture composition loses its sense of flatness and unable to complete the integration of the meaning of words between.
     In a realistic photographic works, the triangle is a multi-planar form symbiotic coexistence with intertwined. , But also the sense of depth of field in both horizontal sense; both have bright colors and so on.
3 [diagonal rule]
In a realistic photographic works, there is naturally intersect with two diagonal crossing point between the four golden rules of objective due to the presence of a linear three equal sides each have a picture generated. Therefore, how to make good use of the two diagonals to reflect the intention of the photographer's picture and thus complete semantic structure mood construction, is particularly important.
     It can be said, in a realistic photographic works, diagonal composition not only helps the photographer to complete the scene rational distribution in the picture, but also can make the picture visually produce a certain depth, the color on the aesthetic sense of symmetry.
4 [day head blank rule]
People know, need to stay in the leaf of the manuscript by the appropriate "day head" and "ground angle", as "blurring" the community.
     Similarly, in a realistic photography, after the completion of your subject and its surrounding scenery layout of rationality in the picture level "Golden Section" at the top or bottom line of the appropriate left "blank" to arrange the sky or the earth and so there is no specific image of the screen space is essential.
    "Leaving one-third white, angry attendant hair." In a realistic photographic works, the screen is not only able to use a blank background, highlights the existence of your subject, but also be able to drive in creating visual images simultaneously dynamic and heart complete rendering depicts the mood and atmosphere.
5 [Movement blank rule]
In a realistic photography, motion blank proper use is reasonable arrangements horizon. It not only allows the photographer to have sufficient time to accurate shooting and a good grasp of dynamic objects exist in the moment still pictures, but also can make static objects into people's subconscious level and thus generate dynamic thinking.
     On the contrary, in a realistic photographic works, if the line of sight in front of a moving object and not leave enough space for some, it only makes people's view is obstructed, no stretching room and an uncomfortable feeling, but also weaken the momentum of the screen, some people, such as total vehicle will run out of the picture on the screen to produce the feeling.
6 [balanced Stabilization Act]
In a sense, photographic composition is the camera lens composition.
     It is the use of imaging features and photographic modeling means to pose a camera lens from the display screen and the existence of an external world cultural implication and aesthetic implications of an effective symbol generating system and visual clips and combinations.
     In a realistic photography, especially in line with the traditional Chinese aesthetic habits of photographic works, balanced and stable knot as is necessary.
     This is because a stable picture even balanced tone is not only to give people a safe, peaceful feeling, and can make people work battle, a sense of symmetrical structures.
     In short, in a realistic photographic works, the "golden" rule, triangular rule, Diagonal rule, day head blank rule, sports a blank rule, the law of balance and stability is an objective reality.
     Only full use and common use of these six basic rules of photographic composition, can the ordinary photography enthusiasts in a more simple and practical side try to grasp a realistic elements and architectural photography and complete the knot even decorated like discourse.
【Term nature】
     Nature photography is realistic.
1, in real life scene, rather than through the idea of ??the final image formation;
2, capturing a moment, rather than carving a picture;
3, situational moments organizations, rather than carefully designed arrangements.
     And the most important point, which capture the scene from the reality of life, and in an instant freeze-frame picture, it must be a theme for the service, but by no means anything to capture what count.
【Article is excerpted from: Web Search】
【Reserved Integrate / Just Reference】
【Translation is by The Network】
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