




V. Choose the best answer.

(       ) 1.“Don’t run in the library.” said the teacher angrily. Which of the  following match the sound of the underlined word?

A. [seid]        B. [sed]         C. [said]           D. [səʊd]

(       ) 2. Which of the following underlined parts is different in  pronunciation with the others?

A. I think there will be less air pollution in the future.

B. Peter had a bad toothache last night because he ate too much chocolate.

C. Shanghai Grand Theatre has put on many famous plays since it opened to the public.

D. Most of those students came to Shanghai for sightseeing and fun.

(       ) 3. You don’t need to wear ______ uniform every day.

A. a           B. an          C. the           D./

(       ) 4.They are talking about what they can see _______ windy  weather.

A. in          B. at          C. on            D. of

(       ) 5. Help _______ to work out these physics problems, will you?

A. yourself         B. you          C. myself          D. me

(       ) 6. Roger has made several cookies, but _______ of them taste  good.

A. Both          B. all          C. none           D. nothing

(       ) 7. The magician has a stick in his right hand. Can you guess what’s  in his ______ hand?

A. Another        B. other             C. the other        D. others

(       ) 8. Ben saw Kitty and many children ______ in the swimming pool  at that moment.

A.  swim        B. to swim        C. swam       D. swimming

(       ) 9. --- Where is Tommy? --- He ______ the teachers’ office.

A. has been to      B. has gone to      C. goes     D. went

(       ) 10. Mike holds his hat and raincoat ______ in the street when the  wind becomes_____.

A. tight, slightly            B. tightly, fiercely

C. tightly, fierce            D. tight, slight

(       ) 11. ---_______ is it from Century Park to Shanghai Zoo?                ---About 3 hours’ drive.

A. How much   B. How long    C. How soon   D. How far

(       ) 12. When we ______ tennis yesterday, it _____ to rain.

A. played, was starting            B. played, started

C. were playing, was starting      D. were playing, started

(       ) 13. It’s getting hotter and hotter outside. You’d better ______  inside.

A. stays         B. staying         C. to stay        D. stay

(       ) 14. When there is a typhoon, a strong wind ______ blow away pots  outside our flats.

A. should       B. may        C. must        D. need

(       ) 15. All students got excited ______ they got the champion at last.

A. so         B. and         C. because        D. until

(       ) 16. Finally, the foremen ______ the fire and saved the people from  danger.

A. put on      B. put out       C. put up       D. put off

(       ) 17. A: English is hard to learn, but it’s quite important in our life.    B: _________________

A. I think not                   B. I couldn’t agree more

C. That’s all right             D. All right.

VI. Complete the following passage with the words or phrase in  the box. Each word or phrase can only used once.

A. Pollution            B. into         C. seldom

D. Moreexpensive        E. higher       F. enough

Think about different ways that people use the wind. We can use it to fly a kite or to sail a boat.

Windmills began to be used in seventeen century BC. At first, people used windmills to grind(磨碎) wheat ___1___ flour and get water out of the deep underground.

When Benjamin Franking found electricity in the late 1800s, people began to use it in many different ways, like electric lights and radios. However, when electricity was everywhere by the 1940s, windmills were ___2____ used. During the 1970s, people started worrying about the ___3___ when coal and gas are burned to make electricity. People also realized that there were not ___4____ coal and gas for us to use. Then people started to reuse windmills, though it means __5____ costs.

VII. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.

1. All students must wear red ______ from Monday to Friday in our school. (scarf)

2.“Good night” mum said ______ to her daughter. (gentle)

3. We should know the______ of protecting forests. (important)

4. Mr. White is showing the ________ slide to the kids. (five)

5. In some places, people get _______ water by taking away salt from sea water. (drink)

6. All living things cannot stay alive _______ air or water. (with)

VIII. Rewrite the following sentences as required.

1. Mary has to get up early to work from Monday to Friday. (改为否定句)

Mary ______ _______ get up early to work from Monday to Friday.

2. I help him to study Chinese three times a week. (划线提问)

_______ _______ do you help him to study Chinese?

3. It is an important piece of advice. (改为感叹句)

______ _______ important piece of advice it is!

4. Work hand, or youll fail in your exam.(保持句意不变)

______ you work hand, or youll fail in your exam.

5. Ben didnt go shopping with his mum yesterday. He stayed at home. (保持句意不变)

Ben stayed at home ________ of ______ shopping with his mum yesterday.

IX. Reading Comprehension.

A. Read the passage and choose the best answer.

Learning English requires action. You may know all the learning skills, but if you don’t start doing things, you will never learn it. If you want to learn to speak English well, you must change your life. Here are some examples of things you will have to do:

*read a book in English for an hour every day, studying the  grammar in sentences and looking up words in an English dictionary.

*Listen to an audio book or other recording in English, stopping it frequently, trying to understand what they are saying, and trying to learn the speaker's pronunciation.

*Spend your afternoon practicing the pronunciation of the English sound

*Carefully write an e-mail message in English, using a dictionary or a Web search every 20 seconds to make sure every word is correct, and taking 5 minutes to write one sentence.

*Talking to yourself in English about the things you see around you. What kind of person would do all these things? Only one kind--- a person who enjoys doing them.

Now, follow all the suggestions above, and you’re sure to learn English better.

(      ) 1. The first paragraph tells us ____________.

A. All the learning skills   B. Learning English requires action

C. How to change our life    D. How to learn English well

(      ) 2. When we listen to an andio book, we should stop it often to  _______.

A. Understand what we hear    B. Write an e-mail in English

C. Have a short rest          D. Talk to yourself in English

(      )  3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Practicing the pronunciation.   B.Using flashcard to remember.

C. Using a dictionary or a Web.     D.Studying grammar in sentences.

(      ) 4.Whats the meaning of the underlined phrase looking up in  paragraph Two?

A. 抬头看        B.小心        C.查找        D.浏览

(      ) 5.Whats the best title of the passage?

A. Whats the best way to learn English?

B. What should you do to change your life?

C. How can you remember the words?

D. How can we learn English well?

B. Choose the words or s and complete the passage

Report card

Name: Jame Smith

Time: January 21st,2013

Subjects Grades Comments(评语)

English B+: Your reading and writing are good. But you have a ____ Scottish accent(口音) so you are not good at speaking. And you do not put much effort into this subject. If you work hard, you can get a better ______ in this subject.

Science A+: You are good at this subject. You are hard-working. I am ______ that you do best in this subject.

Maths C: You like this subject. But you are not good at this subject because you are a little bit ______. It is disappointing.  You can do better in this subject.

______ B: It is happy time to hear you play the piano. You are crazy about it. ______ you like this subject best, your Scottish accent has a bad effect on your singing.

(       )1. A. large       B. strange      C. nice          D. strong

(       )2. A. view        B. score        C. present       D. grade

(       )3. A. glad        B. sorry        C. surprised     D . upset

(       )4. A. excited     B. foolish      C. lazy          D. wise

(       )5. A. P.E.        B. Physics      C. Chinese       D. Music

(       )6. A. Through     B. As           C. If            D. When

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the proper words.

A new 3D animated cartoon film. Mr Peabody& Sherman was on at all cinemas in Shanghai last April. Nobody has ever thought about having a talk dog for a dad because it might sound a little crazy.

However, Sherman has s___1___ a father and he enjoys taking adventures with his doggie dad. The film tells us about the love between Mr. Peabody (the father) and his adopted(收养) boy Sherman. Mr.Peabody may be the smartest one in the world. He has i___2____ WABAC, a time travelling machine. They use the machine to gob__3____ to ancient(古老的) Egypt to see how the great Pyramid was made. They also travel to Rome in the 15th century to meet one of the most famous s____4____ Calileo(伽利略) and his amazing flyer. They are happy to discuss with the greatest artist Vincent Van Gogh about how to use different colors in his p___5____. They even witness the war between the Greeks and the Trojans(特洛伊之战). Through their trip with WABAC, Mr. Peabody tries his best to protect his son and almost loses his own life. When we are at the cinema, we can not only enjoy the exciting journey with them together, but also know something about the world history as well. Another thing that makes the film special is its director, Rob Minkoff, who once directed the famous film the lion king.  This time ,he wants to make Mr. Peabody &Sherman another success. He believes that a___6___ can enjoy the film, no matter how old they are or where they are from. He hopes the show will be a hit all around the world. Now, are you interested in the story between the super dog and his adopted son? I f so, you can surf the Internet to download it and watch it with your friends right now!

D. Answer the questions.

The hobby market at Harbin Junior School last Sunday was a big success.--- the creative(有创造力的) teenagers had a chance to share their hobbies and to make some money at the same time. Our reporter paid a visit to find out more.

Li Ming was showing his collected of radio-controlled cars. There were a lot of people in the playground watching him send the car racing around, turning, and going fast. Some lucky people had a chance to control the cars, but they did not have Li Ming’s skill.

In the hall, everyone was interested in Liu Jiaxin’s cooking. She was selling cakes, sandwiches, and fish-balls, all made at home and very tasty. We think Liu Jiaxin can easily make a living from her hobby. She is so good at it.

Ma Hua knows all about metal-detectors(金属探测器). As you move one over the ground and if there is any metal underneath, it starts  making a noise. Ma Hua showed some of the interesting things he had found, and some of them were very old. If his friends lose their keys, they usually go to Ma Hua for help.

Nearly, many people were buying dolls from Chen Yuan. She made them at home from small pieces of cloth. Their faces were lovely. Every child would like one of her dolls.

At the end of the hall, we found Zhao Feng and Shen Xue. Their hobby is writing, and a little book of their stories has just come out. Their friend Yang Lei has added pictures and the book looks very nice. They were selling a lot of them and looked very happy.

Outside a the back, Li Hua was showing his unusual hobby: glass-blowing. You can watch him blow air into hot glass and make lovely shapes with many different colors. On Saturday he was making glasses and people were buying them as fast as he made them.

Oh, what a big surprise the students have given us!

1.The Hobby Market was held at Harbin Junior High School last Saturday, wasn’t it?

  _______, _________________________________.

2.Who could have the chance to control Li Ming’s cars?


3.How many kinds of food did Liu Jiaxin sell?


4.How can Ma Hua help find his friend’s lost keys?


5. What is Chen Yuan good at?


6. What do you think of the Hobby Market at Harbin Junior High School?

  I think__________________________________________.

X. Writing

A. Make up sentences with the words and phrases given.

1. will, when, a typhoon, what, happen, there ,is


2. passagers, buy, from, had to, in the past, all, a bus conductor, tickets


3. a running tap, we ,save, wate, not, under, can, by, brushing our teeth.


4. forest, they, shelter and food, for, because, are, animals and insects, provide, very important.


B. Write at least 60 words about the topic “my favorite season”

Use the following points as a reference.

1. Which season is your favorite season?

2. What do you usually do in that season?

3. Why do you like it best?

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