

DINZ德网 | YaoDesign耀设计 · 于街头岬角,演绎戏剧永恒


The Gilded Age


From Ancient Rome to the Renaissance, drama has transformed from an abstract art form into a concrete stage performance. The theatre, which carries its interpretive mission, is unique and steadfast, just like the narrative approach. The Doooo Craft Beer Museum is themed around the theatre. It explores the breath of humanism through the space, from external shell to internal essence, unveiling the theatre step by step and starting a marvellous adventure about the world of drama.



The Doooo is a world

each step inside is a different world


The curtain of the theatre is drawn with folds horizontally through the curiously shaped doorway, it becomes a visual focus predominantly. The emotional power brought by the theatre is contained without revealing but heralds the order of life through neatly arranged combinations. The product of society domestication is standby as the silent power surged through the space. Amid reality and the unknown, the story's direction is always full of dramatic tension.


More than 1,000 world craft beers are collected here from all around the world. These collected brews are the interaction between the guests in this single space and the world. The variety of beers lined up has both aesthetic and commercial value. Under the illumination of the LED strip lights, the jagged skeleton of the space rises from the ground, symbolizing the construction and breakthrough of spirituality.


Modern Returns


Continuously exploring inside, throwing off the robust external shell, the space begins to show an industrial vibe. The circularly extended wall compresses the doorway into a narrow, long passage. When industry merges into the track of art, the interactive attributes between the space and people are elongated while the theatre atmosphere grows intensified.


The installation of bare beer barrels is displayed on one side, with the light illuminating, the metallic lustre reflecting the revolutionary science-fiction impression. Within the city, amidst the uncertainty of reality and illusion, space encompasses all the people's imaginations with its essential stability.


Phantom of the Opera


"The absolute charm of the theatre lies in its site-specific nature, and its romance is that, the epitome of the fleeting impermanence of life." The space design is based on the art form of drama, embarking on a marvellous adventure about the world. The vast external space introduces the theatre setting through a narrow passage. It simulates the enclosure and silence of the theatre through the contrast between light and dark. It creates a sense of drama both inside and outside through its strong conflicting attributes.


Playwright Brecht elaborates on the concept of defamiliarization in On Experimental Theatre, that is, the process of artificially disassociating oneself from what is familiar, lets audiences watch the play but not be integrated into the plot.


The space seems to be illuminated by art, with neon nights, bass, and rhythm. Still, it implies a border between passion and discipline invisibly. The high-rise stage creates a tremendous illusionary experience, with gorgeous romantic elements filling all corners. In this space, sound supplements form, and the structure of the building collapses into an accessory of light and sound. As audiences, emotions begin to heat among the dissociation.

The Masquerade


Coherent booths of the upper and lower floors form a smooth and dynamic flow. The visual and artistic accumulation creates an abstract atmosphere for this space. In this seemingly repressive space, they are releasing the transcendent parallelly. In the selection of colours, the inner architectural tones are deliberately blurred, with light rendering emotions as best as possible. When the historicity of the museum coincides with the modernity of the bar, the experience of the new and the old will bring profound spatial memories naturally.


The hospitality areas on the second and first floors are divided rationally, which can meet the different personal needs of young people. When the music hits, the giant turbine becomes a radiator for the stage but also an engine for spatial energy. The strip light on the top seems like blood vessels coiled on it. At this moment, the blood is pumping and heating, enough to tumble up the tide of people's fearless hearts.


Curtain Falls& Self Reinvention


Cold and heat represent two different natural states. When the touch extends to the sight, after the wild ride, we have to confront the world in front of us. The cold colours freeze the space, and the waves of the pleated walls are like falling curtains. It starts with fiery emotions and finally releases a silent emotional factor at the end. It is a transient spiritual salvation.


Through the glass curtain wall, the domed shape inside the building is faintly discernible. The external slice shape and internal domed curve are unified into the space. The contrast effect of the difference between internal and external gives the building more memorable ornamental attributes in the noisy street. Moreover, the “orangutan” sculpture standing at the entrance gives the building a romantic element, the bright splash of red gives the space a surging power.

项目名称 | DOOOO度世界 · 精酿啤酒博物馆
设计公司 | YaoDesign耀设计
项目地点 | 江苏·南京
项目面积 | 1360㎡
主案设计 | 朱寿耀
协作设计 | 路威、薛凯
项目摄影 | 徐义稳
内容策划 | 橙设传媒
设计时间 | 2022.03
完工时间 | 2022.11
主要材料 | 定制木纹夯土板、仿水泥瓷砖、黑色柔光瓷砖、黑色亮面瓷砖、葡萄牙灰大理石、加州黑大理石、定制软膜、拉丝不锈钢


YaoDesign focuses on the design of boutique commercial spaces, hotels, offices and residence spaces. It aims to explore the deeper logic behind commerce and design and to create values since innovations can provide consumers with new experiences.


YaoDesign tries to make their design thoughtful, generous and considerate with the artisan spirit.

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