

DINZ德网 | 紫香舸 · 赤境 Chic Maison

 一 场 科 罗 拉 多 大 峡 谷 的 旅 行

A trip  to  the  Grand  Canyon  of  Colorado

项 目 背 景

Project  background

Life is the content of space, and space is the container of life. In Foshan, where Lingnan culture and modern prosperity are co-prosperous, it creates a living room where culture and people interact and experience. Satisfy the identity status recognition of high-end customer groups when they consume high-end real estate, and a new living experience.sense of identity and brand-new living experience.

赤 之 境

The Red State


A touch of gentle red blends into the space. The texture of this majestic reddish hue and the layering of peaks and forests are presented in the space, giving it a natural tone that is natural to the space.

江 之 景

River view


"The high and refreshing Xuan Pillar, the window of the virtual neighbor, the ocean of a thousand hectares, and the rottenness of the four seasons."

物质围合之处方为室,而室内空无之所方为“空”“间”。以空间容器作为理念基础,以壁、以门、 以棚为隔,打造人居容器。重新探索人居空间 “ 空间容器 ”。奉承“生活是空间的内容、空间是生活的容器 ”的理念规划空间。

A room is the place where material objects are enclosed, and an empty space is the "space". Taking the space container as the conceptual basis, we use walls, doors and scaffolding as partitions to create a container for human habitation. Re-explore the "space container" of human space. The concept of "life is the content of space, space is the container of life" is adopted for planning space.

和 之 室

The Peace Room


Physical manifesto and spiritual identity, fit, reference, intermingle, develop ......The open space is set up in accordance with the psychological feeling of "sense of place", so that communication occurs naturally in a luxurious and comfortable space.


The pursuit of "elegant storage in the heart, from the shape" attitude of life, from the "sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch" five senses, to achieve from the material enjoyment to the spiritual enjoyment of the sublimation; presenting the essence of "luxury" - elegant lifestyle, the pursuit of noble life.


项目名称 | 佛山保利秀台天珺商墅
Project Name | Foshan Poly 
设计面积 | 475㎡
Design Area | 475 square meters
硬装设计 | 紫香舸 硬装团队
Hardcover Design | Hardwear team
软装设计 | 紫香舸 包明月团队 左亚蒙 陈萌
Soft furnishing design | Bao M.Yue'team
完工时间 | 2023年7月
Completion | July 2023
项目摄影 | 江南建筑空间摄影
Project Photography | Gangnam Architecture
项目拍摄 | 花生视频
Project Filming | Peanut Video


Consistent with the position as a leading brand, Purple’s Design has advanced through 3 stages of interior design – boutique hotels, high-end residential, commercial design and consulting.Started from initiating the unique decoration service and operating model in China in the 90’s, Purple’s Design has developed into the international company with 150 design specialists domestic and abroad, and has always been committing to provide customers with exclusive service and product.

推 荐 案 例



一野设计 | 融悦湾
AVAD范可萨 | 杭州天目山英迪格酒店
万相无形 | 中海长沙 · 寰宇天下

未野设计 | 厦门中海泥窟石地块学仕里售楼处

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