



最初的目的是创造一个宁静的私人避难所,远离城市的喧嚣。酒店位于葡萄牙南部的山丘上,距离中世纪小镇Estremoz仅几公里,拥有绵延起伏的橄榄果林和几个小村庄, 夜间闪烁的灯光,远离城市。 在寻找度假胜地时,Victor Borges和Franck Laigneau立刻爱上了这个地方。 决定分享他们对艺术的共同热情。

The first thing you need to know about Dá Licença, a boutique hotel in the Portuguese countryside, is that it was initially intended to be a tranquil, private refuge from the hustle and bustle of the city.  Perched on the hills of Alentejo in southern Portugal, a few kilometres away from the medieval town of Estremoz, the location enjoys expansive vistas of rolling olive groves, the forest of Serra d’Ossa and several small whitewashed villages, which form an earthly constellation of flickering lights during the night. No wonder then that in their search for a holiday retreat, Paris-based Victor Borges and Franck Laigneau instantly fell in love with the place. But rather than keeping it to themselves, they decided to share this euphoric setting, as well as their common passion for the arts, with a wider audience.

历时五年,Da Licenca(在葡萄牙语中意为“经你允许”)接管了一组19世纪的农舍,包括橄榄树、无花果树和软木橡树的庄园。在estremoz建筑事务所Procal的帮助下,现有的结构被改造成一个现代的简洁休憩场所,不影响乡村庄园的传统特色。Borges和Laigneau通过将当代设计与民间工艺融合在一起,精心策划了专属酒店内部的极简主义美学,以经典的几何造型为开端,纯白外观的朴素感在酒店内部得到了体现。

Five years in the making, Dá Licença, which in Portuguese means “with your permission”—a traditional courtesy of horse-riders entering the arena  that conveys the hotel’s hospitality—has taken over a cluster of 19th-century farmhouses along with the surrounding 120-hectare estate that abounds in olive, fig and cork trees. With the help of Estremoz-based architects Procal, the existing structures were transformed into a modern retreat of clean lines and discrete volumes without effacing the traditional character of the rural estate. Punctuated by geometric openings, the austere sensibility of the all-white exteriors is mirrored in the minimalist aesthetic of the hotel’s interiors which Borges and Laigneau have themselves masterminded by harmoniously fusing contemporary design with folkloric craftsmanship and a stunning art collection.

这家精品酒店由三栋建筑组成,一个较大的体量,包括公共区域,一间套房和两间客房,以及两栋较小的建筑内含四间套房和一间客房。 一系列的庭院,花园和露台营造出室内外之间的空间流动性,同时为客人提供社交和沉思空间。 在这样一个地中海区域,水都是必不可少的,户外圆形游泳池,背景是连绵起伏的丘陵,配以T形无边泳池,可欣赏辽阔的景色。

The boutique hotel consists of three buildings, a larger structure housing the common areas, a suite and two guestrooms, and two smaller buildings where four additional suites and one more guestroom are located. A series of larger and smaller courtyards, private gardens and intimate terraces create a spatial fluidity between interiors and exteriors, while offering guests a series of spaces both for socializing and contemplation. And then there are the pools—the refreshing presence of water is indispensable in any retreat in such a Mediterranean location—namely a perfectly round pool set against a stunning backdrop of rolling hills, accompanied by a T-shaped infinity pool with views of unfolding olives groves and several private pools.

室内设计以艺术与手工哲学为基础,渴望与自然之间建立对话。 深色花岗岩地板,石灰水洗墙面和大理石家具均采用当地采石场,由匠人手工雕刻而成。挂毯和陶瓷的增添了整个酒店的民俗风味。

The interior design is based on an Arts & Crafts philosophy and a desire to create a dialogue between art and nature. Dark granite floors, lime washed walls, and marble furnishings that have been hand-carved from white and pink marble from the local quarries, create the perfect backdrop for an eclectic selection of handcrafted furniture, tapestries and ceramics, as well as allow the hotel to do away with air conditioning due to the building fabric’s thermal mass.

Borges和Laigneau的收集了来自欧洲各地的艺术作品和家具。事实上,Borges和Laigneau并没有把家具和艺术品做出严格的区分,艺术品占据室内外空间,这就是为什么Dá Licença不像人们日常印象中的酒店,更像是一个博物馆或画廊,它有着大量的艺术家和工匠的作品。

Borges and Laigneau’s idiosyncratic furniture collection and the accompanying art collection is a lifetime project with pieces from all over Europe. In fact, Borges and Laigneau see no distinction between furniture and art pieces, low and high art, mixing them up throughout interior and exterior, public and private spaces, which is why the hotel does not feel like a museum or gallery despite its abundance of works by artists and artisans.

只有在酒店的画廊里,收藏家们对艺术的深厚热情才得以体现。该空间设置在地面以下,允许客人了解探险,旁边有一个露天餐厅。同时,客人在Da Licenca可以享受一个不断变化的菜单,食材来自当地和季节性的产物。

It is only in the hotel’s dedicated gallery space, housed in the farm’s old oil press, where the collectors’ deep passion for the arts is made explicit. Set below ground level, the space allows guests to get to know Jugendstil and Anthroposophical Design at their own pace, and will also soon also host an intimate restaurant along with an adjoining terrace for al fresco dining in the summer. Meanwhile, guests at Dá Licença can enjoy an ever-changing menu based local and seasonal products which they can savor at one of the three private dining rooms, completing a refined, thoughtful and authentic kind of hospitality that can only be described as sublime.

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