

JOHN PAWSON | 当极简遇上华丽中东风


英国著名建筑师约翰·鲍森(John Pawson)出人意料地将中东传统的华丽与纯粹的极简主义结合在一起,他对一家法国老医院进行了惊人的改造,将其改造成位于以色列港口城市的一家全新酒店。

In an unlikely pairing of the ornate nature of Middle Eastern heritage and hardcore minimalism, famed British architect John Pawson has given an old French hospital a stunning makeover, transforming the building into a brand new hotel in Israeli port city. 

Jaffa是同类中的第一家豪华酒店,位于一座19世纪的建筑群内,前身是医院。The Jaffa酒店距离海滩仅有几分钟的路程,周围环绕着该市最时尚的街区,提供完美的服务、设计和最先进的豪华设施。

The first luxury hotel of its kind, The Jaffa is located within the walls of a 19th-century complex that once housed Jaffa’s French Hospital. Just minutes from the beach and surrounded by the city’s most fashionable neighbourhood, The Jaffa provides a perfect blend of design, service and state-of-the-art luxury. 

Pawson与当地建筑师Ramy Gill合作,将其改造成现代化的建筑,同时保留了原有建筑的传统。

Pawson teamed up with a local architect Ramy Gill to transform the original structure into a blend of modern-meets-historic while remaining true to the original building’s heritage.

酒吧和休息室是酒店的焦点,因其位于修道院的祈祷空间而恰如其分地称为The Chapel。精心修复的19世纪楼宇拥有高高的天花板和拱形窗户,也拥有更现代的特性。 建筑提供120间客房的,32间套房,一系列设施和两间招牌餐厅 ,这些都是酒店豪华精选的一部分, 享有该地区和地中海的壮丽景色。

Just like its namesake, The Jaffa is a mix of old and new. The exquisitely restored 19th-century wing boasts lofty ceilings and arched windows, while the contemporary building embraces a more modern architectural style. The two buildings deliver a 120-room luxury hotel, 32 residences, a series of amenities and two signature restaurants – all part of the Luxury Collection by Marriott – with stunning views of the district’s old centre and the Mediterranean, and the enchanting landscape designed by Rees Roberts and Partners. 

纽约房地产开发商和艺术品收藏家罗森(Aby Rosen)煞费苦心地修复了这座19世纪标志性的罗马建筑,与Pawson标志性的极简主义美学和谐地融合在一起,为奢华主义提供了新的诠释。

New York-based real estate developer and art collector Aby Rosen‘s adaptive-reuse project has been underway for over a decade. The painstakingly restored Roman architectural details of the 19th-century landmark harmoniously blend with Pawson’s signature minimalist aesthetic, delivering a new interpretation of luxury. 

这也是雅法教堂中最独特的地方,它从服务于Sisterhood of St. Joseph.学校的那一天起,就被精心修复。这个宏伟的空间以凹进的彩色玻璃窗、拱形天花板和华丽的石膏板为特色。随着太阳的下山,这座小教堂逐渐升温,成为特拉维夫最时尚、最高档的夜生活场所之一。

Arguably the most unique spot at The Jaffa is the Chapel, diligently restored from its days serving the School of the Sisterhood of St. Joseph. This magnificent space features recessed stained-glass windows, arched ceilings, and ornate plasterwork details. As the sun sets, the Chapel heats up as one of Tel Aviv‘s most stylish and exclusive night spots.

John Pawson

The Jaffa Hotel 


建筑师 John Pawson & 收藏家 Aby Rose

愈简约,愈能看出事物本身的本相。-John Pawson

The more simple, the more you can see the truth of the thing itself. -John Pawson

所额通过眼睛看到的或者手所触及的东西,与空间哲学的本质相联系的感觉是John Pawson设计的一个重要理念。他的方法是在“一切都是建筑”的基础上,以完全相同的方式来处理建筑和设计。

 The amount of what is seen or touched by the eye, coupled with the nature of the philosophy of space, is an important philosophy designed by John Pawson. His approach is to deal with architecture and design in exactly the same fashion, building on everything.


John also has a very high quest for an architectural atmosphere, whether it be a monastery, a house, a pan or a ballet. Everything goes back to the same quality, space, material, proportions, forms, geometry, repetition, light and ritual Series of concerns. The process of achieving minimalism is extremely difficult and complicated, and John gives it a rich connotation while giving minimalist form to the building, which is where his architectural secrets lie.

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