

Fearon Hay Architects | 高原景观避难所


Alpine Terrace House

Alpine Terrace House是位于新西兰瓦卡提普盆地的极简主义住宅,由Fearon Hay设计。阿尔卑斯露台住宅是一组简单的黑色建筑,围绕着一个庭院。虽然景色壮观,但建造环境是严酷的——为周边提供了一个体验高山景观的避难所。建筑外观是由木材、钢、金属和石头组成,以黑色为主导,形成一个均匀的相互作用的轮廓。

Alpine Terrace House is a minimalist home located in Wakatipu Basin, New Zealand, designed by Fearon Hay. Alpine Terrace House is a cluster of simple blackened buildings set around a courtyard. While the outlook is spectacular, the elements can be harsh – the perimeter of the cluster provides a sanctuary from which to experience the alpine landscape. The enclosure is formed in a palette of timber, steel, metal and stone, all darkened to a form a homogeneous silhouette. Single pitched roof planes interact with one another to provide a sculptural terrain.

建筑主体分为四个部分:一个客房和一个专为社交场合设计的厨房; 一个用餐区,两侧是两个休息区; 主人套房,浴室和书房; 还有一间寄存室,车库。 

The programme uses four adjoining buildings to accommodate the various components of the house: a pair of guest rooms and a kitchen designed for social occasions; a dining space flanked by two sitting areas; the master suite, bathroom and library; and a reading room with mudroom, coats and garaging. 

建筑为单层结构,地基从充满砾石的地面开始,不受倾斜地形的影响。 通过两座建筑物之间的玻璃门进入住宅。这座房子是一个低调的休息场所,坐落在开阔的景观中。 内部和外部之间相互作用造就了空间的多样化,简单的矩形创造了满足所有需求的空间。

The single level structures are set on a plinth that begins at ground level next to a gravelled arrival court and transitions to a floating ledge above the sloping terrain. Entry is gained through a glazed volume set between two of the buildings. The house is a low profiled retreat perched in the open landscape. The architecture provides a diverse interplay of internal and exterior spaces all wrapped within a simple rectangular presence.

Faraday Street Studio

Georges Bay街道上的一处老建筑在20世纪40年代是一个仓库,经过改造成为Fearon Hay的根据地。

Creation of Fearon Hay’s studio was undertaken as part of the reoccupation of 1940s warehouses amongst the wool stores of St Georges Bay Road.


This is an open plan workspace with workstations and a communal pin-up surface. The space is a gabled loft strongly defined by the original timber frames.


Materials are drawn from, or selected to emphasise, the palette of the original building. A powder floated, poured concrete floor is a pale underlay for the darkened rough sawn timbers of the original frames and the stained rough-sawn sarking added as part of this project.


The intention for this project can be summarised as the creation of a workplace that has the sense of a loft apartment – one that can feel social, allowing interaction between all members of the practice, and its clients, while providing a highly functional vessel for the development and delivery of the work.

内部建筑面积约为450平方米,建筑工程于2016年初完工.由Fearon Hay团队的Matt Roberts和Piers Kay领导。Tim Hay和Jeff Fearon设计。

The internal floor area is approximately 450m2 and construction was completed at the beginning of 2016. Fearon Hay’s project team was led by Matt Roberts & Piers Kay. Tim Hay and Jeff Fearon are the Design Architects.

Fearon Hay Architects

Alpine Terrace House & Faraday Street Studio 


Fearon Hay Architects是一家以设计为主导的工作室,负责处理各种环境中的各种项目。

Fearon Hay Architects is a design-led studio undertaking a broad range ofprojects located in diverse environments.

由Tim Hay和Jeff Fearon于1998年创立,旨在使他们共同参与每个项目的设计和执行。

The practice was founded by Tim Hay and Jeff Fearon in 1998 and wasestablished to enable their combined involvement in the design and executionof each project.


Working nationally and internationally, the studio enjoys responding to range of briefs: Commercial proiects for office and workplace: complexheritage environments; public work within the urban realm or widerandscape, private dwellings, and detailed bespoke work for hospitality andInterior projects.

DINZ 重 点 案 例 推 荐


CCD / 深圳中洲湾体验馆


Williams Burton Leopardi Studio

DINZ 品 牌 设 计 案 例


DINZ德国室内设计网 品牌设计

安德厨电 ARDA GROUP 品牌设计


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