

【改造】Zarch Collaboratives | 新加坡 Warehouse 酒店 • 被遗忘的旧仓库,无缝变身时髦酒店


The Warehouse酒店前身是一座十九世纪末货仓,临近罗伯逊码头。三个货仓如今合并之后摇身一变成为拥有37间客房的精品酒店,酒店坐落于新加坡河沿岸,除了对称的外观和抬高的屋顶之外,格栅门、窗和入口处的汉字等一些原有的设计元素都被很好的保留下来。

From the architect. Sited in a conserved building off Robert son Quay, the Warehouse Hotel’s roots extend far back to Singapore’s trading history as early as the late 19th century. Three warehouses have been combined and outfitted, starting a new lease of life as a 37-room boutique hotel. The Hotel fronts the Singapore River with a distinctive, symmetrical facade and jacked roofs while original design elements like louvre windows, doors,cornices, mouldings and the Chinese characters on the leftmost gable aresensitively retained and restored.


The white facade stands apart from the high glass and steel constructs of the urban context, maintaining its presence and historic importance along the Singapore River. A double-volume space greets visitors atthe Hotel lobby, with the original warehouse trusses, now re-finished in black spanning the lobby. Natural light filters in through the jack roofs in the daytime, while new portal frames serving as discreet structural interventions fringe the lobby space, providing a clear access and line of sight to thewaterfront.

酒店大堂空间依旧延续对称的设计,挑高的楼梯通往第二层客房,房间内洒满了自然光。黑色桁架沿用到了 37 间客房的设计中。造型刺穿墙面,有着很强的视觉冲击。大理石墙面和深棕色木地板,打造出了一种典雅的氛围。

The spatial configuration of the Hotel sets the entryway in the middle of the volumes, while the rooms are split into two wings, with high-ceilinged corridors leading to the double-volume rooms on the second storey. The rooms are suffused with natural light through a combination of the existing fenestration, sky lights and the use of glass blocks; the trusses and portal frames are kept in sight throughout the circulation spaces as well asthe rooms, puncturing walls and lines of sight, creating a curious spatial dialogue while accentuating the character of the warehouse’s former life.


A new extension complements the strong silhouette of the main wing,housing an elevated infinity pool as if hovering just above the SingaporeRiver, provoking visual interest at the corner of the street. Extending thevisual (and tactile) connection to the waterfront, consideration was also givento the selection of finishes surrounding the development including the paversat street level – selected to match those along the promenade of the SingaporeRiver, and the salmon pink tiles used in the pool – serving as a visualmetaphor for the relationship between the pavement and the River.

Zarch Collaboratives | 新加坡 Warehouse 酒店



设计公司 | Zarch Collaboratives

项目地点 | 新加坡Location | Singapore

占地面积 | 2102

设计时间 | 2016年

制  造 商 | Lysaght, Rice Fields

Architects | Zarch Collaboratives

Area | 2102.0

Project Year | 2016

Photographs | Darren Soh

Manufacturers | Lysaght, Rice Fields

版权 / Zarch Collaboratives

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The Warehouse Hotel-Singapore
翻修后的工业风格酒店新加坡Warehouse Hotel
初初级课文精精听 2010-05-02
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