

【酒店】Actescollectifs Architectes SA | 阿尔卑斯山Chetzeron酒店 • 缆车站改造的酒店


►从建筑师那得知,Manshausen位于斯泰根群岛在挪威北部海岸。海岛的地理位置在山脉和Barents海之间从建筑师那得知, Chetzeron酒店海拔高度到达2112米可以俯瞰罗纳河谷高原,是阿尔卑斯山最美丽的山峰。酒店的设计将整个架构都融入到周围的环境,这是建筑师们对自然环境的崇高敬意。

►From the architect. Located at 2112m Altitude on a plateau overlooking the Rhone Valley, the Chetzeron design hotel is as spectacular as the most beautiful peaks in the Alps. Through its carefully thought-out architecture and its unique integration into its surroundings, this hotel pays homage to its extraordinary environment.


►A former cable-car station, Chetzeron now houses a restaurant and 16 rooms, all with breath-taking views on the high mountain peaks.


►The conversion has made it possible to create unusual volumes for a high-mountain hotel, as the large concrete structures typical of industrial buildings have been kept to provide a new visual atmosphere full of light.


►The landscape becomes an integral part of the decor of the various spaces due to the large picture windows, and subtle dimming of the lights shows the grandeur of the circus of the Valais Alps to the south.


►The atmosphere of the interiors is plush and cosy, while the restaurant and its cascade of terraces abound in bright sunshine. Noble, classic, warm materials – stone and oak – are used inside the hotel, from the central lobby to the bedrooms, for a feeling of safety and warmth in the rugged high mountain environment. The facades are covered with local stone contrasting with the industrial architecture and big horizontal window frames, and lead the eyes toward the outdoors.

►乘坐雪地车或缆车来辅助完成惊险的滑雪运动。在下夕阳中享受 Chetzeron design酒店安详宁静的时刻,无障碍的通道给滑雪者返回度假村提供了方便。夏天,只有铃铛的响声能够打破山的沉寂。 Chetzeron的自然环境堪称完美。

►Accessible on foot, by snowmobile or on skis from the top of the Cry d’Err cable car, the Chetzeron design hotel offers unique moments of serene tranquillity in the sunset whilst the last skiers go back down to the resort. In summer, only cowbells disturb the silence of the mountains. Chetzeron, with a high mountain setting.

Actescollectifs Architectes SA | Chetzeron Hotel



建 筑 公 司 |

位 置 | Crans-Montana, 3963 Montana, Switzerland

完 成 年 份 | 2015年

摄 像 |

结构工程师 | Bonvin Louis & Fils

暖通工程师 |

电力工程师 | Domotech Systems Sàrl

施 工 单 位 | SD Construction

合 作 伙 伴 | Ambroise Bonvin, Claudia Bétrisey, Cédric Bonvin, Thomas Friberg, Pierre-Antoine Masserey

设 计 团 队 | Stefan Hare, Amélie Grichting, Camille Mauchant, Tiago Coelho

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沙托纳西恩小学/Savioz Fabrizzi建筑事务所
阿尔卑斯山缆车故障 45名乘客困3800米高空一夜
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