

【专题】意大利 泰国 迈阿密|度假酒店•拒绝平庸的生活方式

阿根塔瑞欧高尔夫度假酒店(Argentario Resort Golf & Spa)



►Howmany times have you heard “X is the new Tuscany”? Too many, that’s forsure. And why? What’s wrong with the old Tuscany?“Too many Brits/Americans/Germans (delete whereappropriate)”, “been there,done that”, “too touristy” they say. Well, you’re not looking hard enough people. Maremma isthe old Tuscany,and it’s not in need of being replaced by a newer model anytime soon. Nestledin the south-western corner of Tuscany,Maremma is the charming, unspoilt beauty that they’re looking for; and they saythat the hardest thing to see is that which is right under your nose.


►Locateda hop, skip and a jump away from idyllic little towns like Orbetello, PortoErcole and Porto Santo Stefano, ArgentarioResort Golf & Spa is an all-encompassing luxury retreat with design atits heart. Old world glamour is given a contemporary makeover, asstate-of-the-art facilities meet the seductive charm of a movie star’s decadentTuscan retreat – not least in the hotel’s most recent addition; the LockerPrivate Cottage, a private 3-room villa that offers an elegant juxtaposition tosome of the main resort’s more hi-tech offerings.

不断为Argentario度假村添加乐趣:当代摄影经典的意大利家具并排摆设;现代浴缸摆放在房间内,俨然形成庄严的气氛。所有者-Augusto Orsini先生想要“呈现出该区域最先进的一面”而且这也是室内设计师AndreaFogli所要实现的东西。质朴的托斯卡纳的魅力没有被无情的现代主义所践踏,而是把它的体验提升到头等舱的感受体验。

►Andit’s juxtapositions that continue to add interest to the Argentario Resort;contemporary photography sits side-by-side with classic Italian furnishings,decidedly modern free-standing bathtubs are dotted around rooms that carry theair of a stately home, and film-set props bring life to rooms defined by clean,modern lines. Owner Augusto Orsini wanted to “show the region’s most progressiveside” and, with the help of interior designer AndreaFogli, that’s exactly what he’s achieved; rustic Tuscan charm has not beentrampled by unsympathetic modernism, merely upgraded to first class.

在当代,我们也可以看到经典的托斯卡纳DamaDama餐厅,行政总厨Emiliano Lombardelli提供了当地的经典菜肴,也有很多意想不到的东西。就如Knaip疗养纤体中心和健身中心,其中配有心血管和等渗压的仪器。同时还配备了私人按摩师为你提供优质的服务。你也可以看到很多乡间小路在周边,我相信你很容易在这么美的地方沦陷。

►Thecontemporary side of classic Tuscany can also be seen at the Dama DamaRestaurant, with executive chef Emiliano Lombardelli offering a creativeinterpretation of local classics – expect wild boar and ribollita, but plentyof the unexpected too. As for the spa and wellness centre, there’s little inthe way of rustic to be seen here; facilities and treatments are of the highestorder – we won’t blind you with science (mainly as it’s all a little over ourheads), but suffice to say you could easily lose days in here.


►There’stennis courts, jogging paths and even a football pitch, and we haven’t even gotstarted on outdoor pools, terraces and panoramic views – and yes, for thosethat way inclined, there’s an 18-hole championship golf course to boot. Butlet’s leave the walking to someone else, we’ll be inside lusting over all ofthat delightful design.

泰国苏梅岛W度假酒店(W Retreat Koh Samui)



►We’reon the descent into Koh Samui, taking in the mountains, twinkling sea andcoconut palms; it’s easy to forget the fast pace of our last four days spent ina franticBangkokand begin to unwind. We’ve high expectations for the island –Thailand’sthird largest – and touching down at Bangkok Airways’ privately owned airport,all natural wood, intimate and picturesque (honestly, you’ve never seen anairport quite as cute as this), we allow ourselves to believe that theseexpectations may just be met.

接下来的三晚,我们将在这个热带泳池别墅里度过,这是一片茂盛的绿地。它完美地体现“回归自然”的概念。宽敞的,巨大的双人床占据别墅的140平方米卧室——质朴的作品与现代家电家具作鲜明对比;Nespresso咖啡机和Bose iPod在当中体现。浴室是一种享受,从水磨石浴缸可以望到私人露台,在室内,也犹如和自然亲密接触,天上的星星好像是为你私人定制。

►Thenext three nights will be spent at the SilavadeePool Spa Resortin our very own Tropical Pool Villa, set amidst lushgreenery. It perfectly epitomises their ‘back to nature’ concept. Spacious, thecolossal double bed dominates the villa’s expansive 140 square metre bedroom –whilst rustic pieces of furniture contrast with modern appliances; a Nespressomachine and Bose iPod dock amongst others. The bathroom is a treat, itsterrazzo bathtub looking out onto the private terrace, and the shower? Chooseinside, or if you’re at one with nature, a personal rain shower under thestars.


►Thevilla’s crowning glory however, is its outdoor space: step onto the terrace,into your infinity pool and enjoy a swim in the Samui sunshine. Or moonlight.The built in aqua jet massage bed is just the tick for easing the tension thata taxing day’s sunbathing brings and, facing out towards the expansive Gulf ofThailand, it’s near impossible to tear oneself away from; we even manage to getourselves up and out to watch the spectacular sunrise early one morning, beforecatching a few more zzzs.


►Indeedthe Silavadee – Thai for beautiful rock – have nurtured such a congenialenvironment that it’s pretty easy to forget there’s a whole island outsidewaiting to be explored. During our visit, the resort boasted 44 private poolvillas and 36 deluxe rooms, however the 25 new Pool Ocean Front villas –including 3 duplex and 18 with a panoramic ocean view – were receivingfinishing touches, and are now almost all open. We were lucky enough to have asneak preview, and future guests really should expect the wow factor if splashingout on these; the addition (in some villas) of a dressing room and wine cellaronly served to heighten my giddy awe.


►It’snot just the natural beauty of this place that makes it special – and bynatural, you should be forewarned that it’s built into quite a hill – but thestaff, who embody the spirit of the resort and will endeavour to assist withany request with a genuine smile. From needing a buggy to take you to theresort’s private beach after breakfast at The Height restaurant, over to theWellness Spa to indulge in an authentic treatment, or back to your villa aftera few cocktails at the Wine & Cigar Lounge, to driving you into nearbyLamai or Chaweng Beach – everything is carried out with sincerity andenthusiasm.


►Allin all, we probably holed ourselves away at the Silavadee Pool Spa for 60 ofour 72 hours at the resort, and although the majority of those were spentpassing time in our private pool or sunbathing on our terrace, we enjoyedbreakfast in the comfort of The Height’s air conditioned dining room whilstdinner – an array of International cuisine, fresh seafood and traditional Thai– was taken on the open air terrace overlooking the Gulf. And boy was it good,indeed some of the very best we enjoyed inThailand. Despite good intentionsof working it all off by kayaking from the ‘secret’ Laem Nan Beach beach, weonly actually made it down once… for more food.


►Beforewe packed up and continued our journey, there was one more element toexperience: the serenity of the Silavadee Wellness Spa. Comprising 5 treatmentvillas, and in keeping with the ‘natural’ theme, you have the option ofenjoying the lush surroundings during your treatment, or if you prefer to‘escape’, a more private setting. On arrival, a brief consultation takes placeto discuss pressure preferences and which oils should be used, before you’reled into your haven of calm. We chose the two hour Sila Wellness package whichthrough the use of deep tissue, sports massage, stretching and hot stonesmassage left us feeling as though we never wanted to leave this Thai hideawaythat we’d started fondly referring to as ‘home’.

迈阿密海滩项目(The Miami Beach Edition)


Ian Schrager(精品酒店之父)重新定义迈阿密。在上世纪90年代早期,美国的酒店和企业家觉察到城市正在准备满血复活,并且着手打造Delano豪华酒店。这是40年来迈阿密海滩区域第一个新的建设,并且与它时期的风格,现代设施和奢侈混合,正确可以说,这是一个游戏规则的改变。Schrager还发明了你今日所知道的南部海滩。记住,当大佬们谈论他们新的复杂的—迈阿密海滩项目时,那就是要在世界舞台上给迈阿密一个新的地位,推进城市走到一个全新的区域。

Ian Schrager has got form in Miami.In the early 1990s, the American hotelier and entrepreneur behind Studio 54sensed the city was ready for a revival and set about building the luxury ArtDeco hotel the Delano.It was the first new build in the Miami Beach area for 40 years, and with its blend of periodstyling, modern amenities and lavish luxury, it can rightly boast of being agame-changer. Yeah, Schrager kinda invented the South Beachyou know today. Bearing that in mind, when the big guy and the Marriot grouptalk about their new complex — the MiamiBeach EDITION — asgiving Miami “a new status on the worldstage…propelling the city to a whole new place” — I’m inclined to silence the PR bullshit klaxon and hear them out.

这个概念是围绕着办公日益增长的趋势,从太平洋西北地区的科技趋势尚未达到大西洋海岸。移动计算和通信行业的高管不再想局限在办公楼办公桌,而是找个舒适的地方替代,这可以使他们的工作生活更加顺畅。迈阿密海滩项目就是被认为革命性的改造,也可以说是非常迷人的地方。3.5英亩的建筑师塞维利亚酒店的一个改造,1955年Melvin Grossman设计的“塔”,将成为迈阿密现代建筑风格的一个标志。

The concept revolves around a growing trend towards out-of-officeworking, which is gathering pace in the tech heartlands of the Pacific Northwest but has yet to reach the Atlanticcoast. Mobile computing and communications means execs are no longer chained tothe desk of crummy office blocks, and are instead heading out in search ofcomfort, and even luxury, as they integrate their work lives with their leisuretime more fluidly. Time and Tripadvisor will tell if the Miami Beach EDITION isas revolutionary as it’s being billed, but we can certainly say that the placeis tremendously glamorous. The central building on the 3.5 acre complex is arenovation of the Seville Hotel, designed in 1955 by Melvin Grossman as a “tower on a pedestal” that would become ahallmark of the Miami Modern architectural style.

海洋前方的情节,在微风中有一种放松的感觉,精品酒店凉爽,清新宜人,还有一个叫Cuba resort Tropicana的度假胜地。我不能决定哪一个地方我更喜欢,但如果我中奖了的话,我将花几个月时间去寻找。

The plot is ocean-front, and the sense of relaxation carried in on thebreeze means the suits worn in the lobby are as likely to be of the bathingvariety as they are tailored linen. The boutique rooms are cool, crisp andinviting, and EDITION has plenty going on outside as well as in, with alandscaped outdoor resort called the Tropicale in homage to the legendary ’50sCubaresortTropicana. I can’t decide which bit of this place I like more, but if I win thelottery I’m going to spend a couple of months there finding out.

编辑 /Kelly(北京) 版权 / Argentario Resort Golf & Spa、W Retreat Koh Samui、The Miami Beach Edition

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