

人教版英语八上 unit 6 I’m going to study computer science B单词详解

人教版英语八上 unit 6 I’m going to study computer science  B单词详解

1.      resolution            n.决心;决定

  1. team                      n.队;组

  2. make the soccer team  成为足球队的一员

  3. foreign                  adj.外国的

Many peoplewould like to go to foreign countries for vacation.

foreigner             n.外国人

  1. able                      adj.能够

  2. be able to             能够做某事


can  无人称和数的变化,表示自身所具备的能力

I’ll be able tosee you next week.

He can speakEnglish well.

  1. promise             n.承诺;诺言  v.许诺;承诺

promise to dosth.     许诺去做某事

My motherpromised to buy a piano for me.

promise sb.sth.         许诺某人某事

My aunt promisedme a bike.

promise + that从句   答应

Tom promisesthat he can return on time.

make apromise   许诺

Tom often makespromises to his parents.

8.      beginning         n.开头;开端

9.      atthe beginning of  开始

At the beginningof this term , I found it difficult to study math.

first oall    首先;第一

atfirst   起初;起先

begin            v.开始

begin to do /begin doing

10.  improve             v.改进;改善

The weather isbeginning to improve.

improvement n.提高

self-improvement  n.自我改进;自我提高

  1. write down             写下;记录下

You should writedown the important language points.


  1. physical                   adj.身体的

I agree that weshould have physical training.

mental    心理上的

The illnesscaused the physical and mental problems.

  1. themselves            prop.他(她、它)们自己

  2. have to do with    关于;与有关系

Most of hisquestions had to do with his lessons.

have nothing todo with  无关

I have nothingto do with you.

15.  self-improvement n.自我改进;自我提高

  1. take up        (尤指为消遣)学着做;开始做

My father tookup the study of  English at the age of forty.

占用   The table takes up too much room.

  1. hobby       n.业余爱好

My hobby iskeeping animals.

habit       指个人习惯

We shouldn’tfall into bad habits.

custom    多指风俗人情

It’s a custom toget together on Christmas

18.  paint                 v.用颜料画;在上刷油漆

19.  weekly              adj. adv.每周的(地)

a weeklynewspaper      一份周报

The groups meetweekly.

monthly  每月的(地)

yearly    每年的(地)

  1. schoolwork       n.学校作业;功课(不可数)


My mother wouldhelp me with my schoolwork.

  1. question   v.表示疑问;怀疑;提问;质询


The teacher willquestion us on verbs.

question  需解答的问题

He gave me nochance to answer his question.

problem  需解决的问题

If there is aproblem, we need to solve it.

  1. meaning            n.意义;意思

At last, I knowthe meaning of life.

mean  v.意味着;意思是……

mean to dosth.  打算做某事

mean doingsth.  意味着做某事

  1. discuss               v.讨论;商量

We will discusswhat to teach next term.

discuss sth.with sb.   与某人讨论某事

I don’t havetime to discuss the problem with you now.

  1. own                adj. pron.自己的;本人的

I decided tohave my own shop.

v. 拥有

He owns a car.

  1. personal           adj.个人的;私人的

That’s mypersonal opinion.

Person              n.

  1. relationship      n.关系;联系

relationship with… 的关系

You should deal(处理) with yourrelationship with your friends very well.

relationshipbetween…  and…


We should talk aboutthe relationship between study and entertainment.(娱乐)

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