


    孩子在一两岁的时候,心理成熟度还没达到与人分享的程度。这时要重在建立孩子的安全感,让孩子充分享受拥有东西的感觉,不要强迫孩子与人分享。可以告诉孩子:“This is YOUR teddy bear. If other kids want to play with it, they should ask you for your permission first.”这样既是肯定孩子对自己物品的拥有感,也为未来教孩子如果向别的孩子借东西玩埋下伏笔。

    如果要用孩子的某件东西,一定要礼貌地向孩子借:“Can I use your marker?”用完后,正正规规地还给孩子,并说一声:“Thank you for sharing your marker with me!”这样既是让孩子充分享受拥有的感觉,也是给孩子做榜样。

    在这个阶段,如果别的孩子未经自己孩子的同意,抢了他的东西,而他又不乐意,这时不要碍于面子硬要孩子分享,应该与自己的孩子一起有礼貌地把东西要回来:“That's Tommy's drum. He is not ready to share it with you yet. Can you give it back to him?”

    适当时候,可以向孩子指出他并不拥有身边所有的东西。例如吃饭的时候,可以告诉孩子:“This is your bowl, and this is my bowl. I won't use yours, and you don't use mine.”先让孩子在家庭这个温暖的环境里明白自己和亲爱的爸爸妈妈分别拥有不同的东西,有助于逐步让孩子建立起物各有主的概念。

    当孩子在家里建立起物各有主的概念后,就可以进一步扩大范围,认识到公共场所里的物品,例如滑梯、秋千、跷跷板等,属于每一个人,谁都可以使用,但要轮流使用:“You don't own everything around you. Some things belong to everyone. Anyone can use them, but they should take turns to use them.”

    玩滑梯前,说一句:“Kids must take turns on the slide.”

    荡秋千前,说一句:“You must wait your turn for an empty swing.”


    还可以帮孩子初步建立“借”的概念:“When you play with the swings at the playground, you don't take them home. You are just "borrowing" them for a while.”

    孩子了解到公共物品属于所有人后,再进一步推广,让孩子了解其他孩子、其他人也象他自己及爸爸妈妈一样拥有各自的东西:“Some things belong to other people. If you want to use them or play with them, you should ask for their permission.”

    对别人的物品也可以象公共物品那样帮孩子初步建立“借”的概念:“When you play with Jeff's building blocks, you don't take them home.You are just "borrowing" them for a while.”

    如果你的孩子抢了别人的东西,要温和地对他说:“You can't grab Tina's tricycle when she's riding it.”如果孩子仍然不放,甚至哭闹,这时语言已经不太起作用,要直接把孩子抱离现场,让他冷静下来。离开前,不妨对被抢的孩子说一声:“Sorry, Tina.”这可以让孩子感受到你不认可他的做法。

    大约孩子三岁左右时,开始比较容易接受分享的概念了,这时可以从家里做起,包括树立榜样、玩 Sharing Games 等。

    家长在孩子面前可以示范一下大人是怎样分享的:“Thanks Daddy for sharing your peanuts with me. I love it when we can share a snack together.”

    如果某个大孩子借了一件东西给你的孩子,可以当着自己孩子的面表扬那个孩子:“That was nice of Bob to lend you his tricycle.”

    家长可以跟孩子玩 Sharing Games,例如:

    This is my pen, but I like sharing it with you.

    You let me play with your doll and I'll let you play with my deck of cards.

    还可以试着引导孩子们一起玩 Sharing Games,例如:“First, Johnny has a turn pulling the cart and you ride in it. Then you pull the cart and Johnny has a turn to ride in it.”当孩子们玩得高兴时,提示一下:“Sharing is fun!”


    可以跟孩子说明有借有还的道理:“When you lend something, you get it back; when you borrow, you have to give it back.”这个可以结合借东西的游戏让孩子感受:

    先向孩子借一件东西:Can I borrow a teddy bear from you for a few minutes? 过了一会儿,正儿八经地还给孩子:Now I give it back to you.

    先借一件东西给孩子:You can borrow my sunglasses. 过了一会儿,正儿八经地要回来:Now it's time for you to give it back to me.


    You lent a truck to Ken. That helps to make the race more exciting.

    If you hadn't let Jim use one of your shovels, it would be impossible to build such a fantastic sand castle.


    We have two pieces of cake, so let's give one to Robert. That way he'll have one, too. If Robert had two pieces of cake, would you like it if he gave you one? You see, sharing is part of being a good friend.

    在遇到可能需要分享的场合时,要加强对孩子的引导。例如,你们要请其它一些孩子到家里来玩,就要预见到孩子可能会不愿意跟别人分享他的东西的情形。应该先跟孩子谈一谈:“We are hosting a play group. Some kids will come to visit us soon. If there is some special toy that you don't want to share with others, you can put them away first. Leave something here in the living room that you are willing to share.”

    当孩子一起玩时,如果出现两人争一件玩具的情况,大人不要急于介入,应该先观察孩子们能不能自己解决问题。大人可以说:“Okay, we've got a problem. Both of you want to play with the same toy, and that's not possible. How can we solve this problem?”说完后,就退到一边,看孩子们自己解决问题。

    如果孩子之间解决不了问题,大人才逐步介入。先温和地问:“Can you let Lisa play with your car?”如果孩子不愿意,甚至哭起来,可以先说一些安抚的话:“I know it's hard to share your car. It's very special to you.”然后提议另一个方案:“If you don't want to share the car with Lisa, can you share the truck instead?”如果这个方案仍不接受,可以让孩子体谅一下另一个孩子的心情:“Lisa feels sad when you won't let her play with any of your toy.”这个方案也行不通的话,可以建议他们互换玩具:“Maybe you two can swap. Lisa, do you want to swap your teddy bear for that car/truck?”或者建议他们轮流玩,设一个计时器,计时器响起来就轮到另一个人玩:“You can play with the car some more. When the timer goes off, it's time to let Lisa have a turn.”总之,这是考验大人的耐心和智慧的时候。

    如果你的孩子乐于分享,但另一个玩伴却不愿意分享她的东西,这时你的孩子可能会不再乐意分享了:“Lisa doesn't like to share with me. Why should I share with her?”

    这个问题的确有点难于回答,也许可以试着这样安抚:“I really like the way you share with your friends. Your friends will learn to share as they get older. They will probably learn sooner if you continue to set a good example by sharing.”

    别的孩子不愿意跟你的孩子分享时,可以建议自己的孩子玩点别的:“I think that toy is really special to Lisa. Why don't you find something else to play with?”



    这本书的标题成了我表扬骏骏的常用语:“That's great, Tommy. Sharing is caring.”



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