

 1.go over sth. = review           复习……;检查……;(从头至尾)看一遍
2.again and again = over and over      再三地;反复地
3.get wet in the rain                 被雨淋湿
4.keep sb. off the rain               不被雨淋湿
5.make a mistake                   犯错误
6.begin as follows                   以下面的(句子)开头
7.break into one's house              闯入某人的房子
8.That's too bad.                    那太糟糕了。
1.put sth. in the right order             把……按正确的顺序排好
2.put / list sth in order of( age/time/year )按……的顺序排……
3.drop sth. off                       卸下某物;放下物品
4.sound reasonable                   听起来合理
5.Tian'anmen Square                 天安门
6.close to s.p.                       靠近……
7.the Great Hall of the People          人民大会堂
8.the Palace Museum                 故宫博物院
9.Beihai Park                       北海公园
10.the Summer Palace                颐和园
1.win the match                     比赛赢了
2.beat sb. ( 5-3 )                     以5比3赢/打败某人
3.lose the basketball match to sb.       某人在这场篮球赛中输给了某人
4.think of                          想到…/想一想/想起/打算做/
5.think about ……                   想到……/ 考虑……
6.by the time that-clause              到……为止
7.* congratulations to sb.              祝贺某人
8.congratulations on ( doing ) sth.       祝贺……
9.congratulate  sb. on sth.              祝贺某人……
10.win ( the ) first place in the league     在联赛中取得第一名
1.make a good player                造就一名优秀的运动员
2.in a surprising result                以令人吃惊的结果
3.used to do sth.                    ( 过去 )经常做……
( didn't use to do sth. / usedn't to do sth.)
( Did sb. use to do sth. ? / Used sb. to do sth. ?)
( be used to sth.     be used to doing sth. )
( get / become / grow / seem  used to sth./doing sth.)
( be used to do sth. )
4.help sb. with sth.                  帮助某人做某事
5.in an exciting match               在一场激动人心比赛中
6.deserve to do sth. = be worthy of doing sth.  理应/应该/应受/该/值得 做某事
deserve to be done = deserve doing   
7. start / begin  well for the boys       男队开局打/踢得好
8. score a goal = kick a goal            踢进一球
score the first goal                 踢进第一个球
make the score 5-3                 把比分改写为5比3
make the final score 5-3             最终把比分定格在5比3
make the score 5-3 with a beautiful shot   用一记漂亮的抽射,球从男队球门
into the top right-hand corner of the boy's goal  的右上角飞入,使比分改写为2比1
score a game                      胜一局
score a goal                       进一球
score a point                      得一分
win sth. by a score of 5-3            以5比3的比分赢了……
What's the score of the match ?        这场比赛的结果怎样?
The score is 5-3.                    比分是5比3。
9. at first                            起初
10.just before half time               就在上半场结束之前
11.in the first half ( time )             在上半场
12.in the second half ( time )           在下半场
13. * lose three goals                  被踢进了三个球
14.think ( of ) sth. as sth.              认为……是……
15.The excellent shot went into the middle of the doal.
16.Another great shot went low to the left of the girl's goal.
17.A beautiful shot went over Jiang mei's head to the top right-hand corner of the
1. be pleased with sb. / sth.            对某人/某事感到满意
be pleased at ( doing ) sth.          因(做)…… 而高兴
be pleased about sth.       高兴/乐于做某事   
be pleased to do sth.              高兴/乐于做某事  
2. be good at ( doing ) sth.             擅长/善于(做)某事
be good for sth.                  对……有利;适宜做某事
be good to sb.                    待……好
3. be sure of ( doing ) sth.             相信/确信/自信(做)某事
be / feel sure about sth.       对……有把握
be sure to do sth.                 一定做某事
4. be strict with sb.                   严格要求某人
be strict in sth.          对某事要求严格
5. be tired of ( doing ) sth.       因(做)某事而厌烦
be tired with / from ( doing ) sth.   因(做)某事而疲倦
6. be angry with sb.          对某人生气
be angry about sth.         因某事而恼怒
be angry at one's words       因某人的言语而生气
be angry with/at sb. for doing sth.      因某人做了某事而生气
7. That's a pity.           太可惜了!/真可惜!
8. That's amazing.          太不可思议了!
9. That's a big score.                  那可是个大比分。
10.Never mind.                      不要紧!/ 没关系 !
1. keep a diary                       记日记
2. as a result                         结果是;因此
3. as a result of = because of            由于;作为……的结果
4. expect sth./sb.                      期待某人的到来
expect to do sth.     expect sb. to do sth.     expect + that-clause
e.g. Li Lei got to school earlier than we had expected.
   Li Lei got to school earlier than expected.
5. have a chance to do sth.              有机会做某事
6. at half time                        在中场休息时
7. from now on                       从现在开始
8. from then on                       从那时开始
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