



动词不定式的基本形式是“to 动词原形”,本身没有人称和数的变化,在句中不能作谓语,其否定形式为在不定式符号to前加not。可是,我们有时候会见到动词不定式前边的to何时被省略的情况,这是怎么回事呢?先请看以下两个例句:

We often hear the boy read English here.  我们经常听到男孩儿在这儿读英语。

      You'd better not go there alone.   你最好不要一个人去那儿。

在以上两个例句中,动词不定式前的to就被省略了。一般来说,省略不定式符号to 常见于以下情况:

1. 作宾补,一感二听三让四看半帮助


如:Dad wishes me to pass the exam.  爸爸希望我考试过关。

但以下这些动词后常接省略了to的动词不定式作宾补:即一感feel;二听listen to/ hear 三让make/ let/ have 四看see/ watch/ look at/ notice;半帮助help sb (not ) do sth.

如:I felt someone come in just now. 我刚才感到有人进来了。

<特别注意>here/ see/ make sb do sth. 用在被动语态中,常把to还原。

如:We made him do it.= He was made to do it by us.

我们让他做这件事。/ 他被我们要求做这件事。

2. 记句型,牢记心中定成功

    省略了不定式符号to 的句型有以下几个:

You'd better ( not ) do sth. 你最好(不要)做某事

如:You'd better not leave me alone.你最好别把我一个人单独留下。

Will/ would you please ( not ) do sth? 请(不要)…,好吗?

   如:Will/ would you please not close the door? 请不要关门,好吗?

prefer to do A rather than do B 与做B相比,更喜欢做A(宁愿做A,也不愿做B

   如:She preferred to stay at home rather than go out when she was young.





1. Would you like ______ ( write ) a poem?

2. ______ ( swim ) is good for our health.

3. His job is ______ ( teach ) English.

4. They advise me ______ ( stop ) smoking.

5. Do you often see him ______ ( play ) basketball?

6. The little boy is too scared ______ ( move )

7. You’d better ______ ( do ) some washing at home.

8. Tom was made ______ ( copy ) the text after class.

9. It’s difficult for Ken ______ ( learn ) chemistry.

10. He came back early ______ ( watch ) TV



11. Jack is very funny. He always makes us _____.

  A. laugh    B. laughing   C. to laugh    D. laughs

12. Will you please show me ______QQ to talk with others?

  A. what to use   B. how to use   C. to use what   D. to use how

13. ---We can go there by bus as usual.

   ---Why not ______ there for a change?

 A. try walking   B. try to walk   C. to try and walk   D. to try walking

14. Mum is sleeping. You’d better ______.

  A. not to wake her up  B. not wake her up  C. not to wake up her  D. not wake up her

15. It’s raining outside. Tell him ______ the window.

  A. not open   B. not to open   C. to not open   D. don’t open

16. ----Mum, I’m happy.

   ----What about going to KFC ______fried Chicken?

   A. eat   B. eating   C. to eat   D. to eating

17. The teacher asked us ______ work on time.

  A. finish   B. to finish    C. finished   D. finishes

18. The young lady watched her daughter______ a yo – yo yesterday morning.

  A. to play with   B. to play   C. playing   D. playing with

19. --- There’s a ruler on the floor. Is it yours?

   --- Oh, yes, it’s mine.

   ---Let me ______for you.

   A. pick it up   B. pick up it   C. to pick it up   D. to pick up it

20. ---Did you hear her _____- this song?

   --- Sometimes.

   A. sing   B. sang   C. singing   D. to sing

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